Chris Klmvak, Marne Yex hm Ajyito. Doutj Kohler, Chris Perham. Dttn Cooti. Coordtnałor Mm Kathy Budzik. Cheryl H *k Back Row !,. .1 in hornki Shem Rimjbern. Bndqe1 0‘Kwfe, Kelly Fredndc N..ha Boyle. Chanty Doyle and Kris Głowa, ki

Work Programs

A return to Ihe work programs was m storę for Ms. VanLeuwen when she returned to Richards after a years leave ol abserice.

The work program is still a popular op-tion with sonie HLRstudents. They have Ihe opportumty to work part limę and attend school, usually in ihe moming. at the same limę.

The work programs that the students have to t hangę froin are tlie Coopera-tive Work Trainmg. Diversified Occu-pations, Dłstributive Education. Office Education and theSóphomore program called WECEP.

Distributiv« Education, Front Row. Tri ia .'h< holcf. Kim Svitanek, Ioanne Voytyahyn h-nml«T Re«s. Ri na* l Adami Sacond Row: Allison M< • ‘-trfhy Hiwn Poatulka Sandy Stupay Carok* Henmmer EB<*»» Easl man. Shen Wh-■ ler ! ••r.a .1 viim i t r Third Row:

Co*oporative Working Training. Front Row:

łammy Smith. Pavita Brtdc|ewa1ef Be.'ky f'row*v p.-n- Br, k. Second Row Danieli*l*-i    >n Fri 1

Caldwell Cu idy R-* h- Su-- Ijndlsh. Third Row:



Tina Tlmlmann, loe Gillen. Bob Neboti letry Hol tr J i HI M Ni h- I M You}.-?l Back Row: Km- Bam"*. Milce Fuller Mana Wcod and l.ynn De velt*n

WECEP. Front Row: r r.yi !' ?h hnm!*i Gavmk. Kharyn 1 >hn n; Standing: 1 "fdinat- r Mr- Kathy

Budg^k fon. A”- lwiro«*ni At<* >i Shaiyn Mh r •• 4 r ?u: K.j;.:::.

100 ) Work Programs


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