Sullivan presides over Student Council

One of the most active groups of HLR is the Student Council. They work hard to fulfill their pur-pose ol helping the school and en couraging student participation in the thmgs that concem Richards.

There are 35 members of the club under thesponsorshipof Fred Monk. At mid-year Tasia Maras was the member who had earned the most points. Also mentioned were Marlin Khouri, Vangje Galvez. Liz Mc-Mahoń and Connie Poljak.

The main activities of the Council is Homecorning. the Chnstmas Ban-quet which raises money for local charities. MORP in the Spring.

They raise money for sehoiarships opened to all Senior and have v<jr-ious other fund raisers.

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Mumbors ol lh»- Student Council cjift Iht- pn»M togełher lor the bonquet

Lavome Smith team# w hol oxecu Uv»* poattons ow <v> h»* washes Windows horm* ominq

Ono wny lhol Student Council de-vetopod .m identity was by us inq bulle!in boards whic h Solić. Amy and Manclta work on

Siudom Council members rawe tnoney lo aupport communily chaniies

tudent Council


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