1 989-1990 Goldies consisted of sixteen members. There were only three returning Semors: Karen Conway. Sofie Kioussis and Karin Lasfi.
For fhe most part. the members were newcomers.
The Goldies attended N.C.A. camp at Valpariso Urn-versity this past summer. They eamed a Spmt stick two perforrnances m a row for bemq one of the most spirit ed squads at the camp. They also received an excel lent nbbon for their home routme and their squad routine. They madę tremendous improvement from the previous year.
As a member of the squad their |ob was to perform at all home games and pep assemblies. Senior Sofie Koussis looked back at the season and said The sea-son was "different. It would have been betłer if we hadn t lost our sponsor during football season. I had a chance to make sonie triendships that I wouldn t have been able to otherwise.'
Pdrticipating m tho HomecomitKi lestmtios. Iho Goldies per lorin lo their routine ' Shake Shake. Shake' led by senior* Kann Louh. Sohe Kioussis and iuni>r A tor Dawł
Ddwn Constanline qivec dn enthusiastK pertam>an'-e to pn> mole spmt.
F rożen Goldies Alor Ddvid and Robin B«iumdii wdit to pertorm .it stale
Members ot the Goldies dli sh.w a clnse bitni dunmj their
ł|'h*-Goldies tiide their n**rv«.u. n-- willi i nule belor*• hdlltime
Goldenaires. Front Row hanie Futa<m Fum Gr*»-r. El. • Kitar Kann l-ash; Middle Row: Brandt K« •• Inni Karett' '■ nway. Dt*L>bi«* Kv-hri'i Tm y Mantu Back Row: Elizabeth łlandy Yudnd.i Rułtin Sohe Kiousua Dawn Constdntine. Alor David. Mary Murpliy and Carla Chalmers