Culture. audio-visual and liter ury conoerns were what the NlYAclub. Paps Club and Rei lec tions, the literary magazine were about.
Mrs. lackie Parker sponaored the NIYA Club. NIYA sponsored sev-eral iund raismg activities throuqhout the year. The club holdsan annual Family Appreciu tion Dinner.
Mi Art Zacharski advises the members ot tlie Paps Club. These students run the audio*visual equipment toi assembhes an«l special functions at Richards. These students get paid tor their work .liter an Inllial traimng period.
The hterary magazine was ad vised by Mis. ArleneKnowski. It is fi compilation ot various works by student artists. It comes out in the Spring.
Literary Magazine Staff, Front Row: C»i »Galv.*z Tm yCimj U-II.SubioOu.
Second Row: Van<jteGalv«E. Natasha Bnnqt*r. Jemufar Johnson. Sam Kliairai lah ThirdRow: Vera ZUdar Joy< Buaayomj Sahar Khairallah. Donna Krska Back Row: Lm-rno imilh
NIYA Club. Front Row: Da ui Franke Catnna Shumferl. ^harWte Chap Socond Row: Adreia Bumam Lilri-•• >11 Mnketta Hou >?r Carla
(‘harti-n- FJtzaLeth Hardy Third Row: Donna Frank Anita Hayrt* .. Car mon H.irv**y l.-• J.-y Jenkm Fourth Row: Robią lohnr-nn. Mallory Hayej Donna Hayntr. Artk. yta M>^r> Back Row: T-m-nan F'«rarJ* n. WUlli- Wtl liarnu Erm*si Jackaon