November election places new board

District 2 1 8 Board Members. Front Row: James Craig. Constance Dougherty. Patrick Murray. Mary Alhson. Joseph Rathnau; Standing: Joseph Murphy. Supenntendent Dr. Jerry Petersen and James Tatę.

An election canvass at Community High School District 218 s Board of Education meeting on Monday. Novem-ber 13 contirmed the unotlicial results ol the November 7 election. The first election by voting district (rather than at large, as a result ot a special referendum last Novem-ber) yielded victories for three incum-bents. two former Board members and two łirst time J3oard members.

Dougherty of Robbins defeated incum bent Ruth "Toni" Bymesof Blue Island; in District 2, incumbent James Tatę of Blue Island defeated Alan J. Stevo and Domen ico Bilotto. both ol Blue Island; and in Dis-tnct 3 Joseph Murphy ol Blue Island de feated Aaron Aregood of AIsip.

Patnct Murray ol AIsip ran unopposed in District 4; former Board Member Joseph Rathnau ot Palos Heights defeated Daniel Kacynski and Robert Miller, both ol Worth. in Distnct 5; incumbent Mary Alli son of Oak Lawn defeated Helen Daviesof Chicago Ridge and Ralph Provenzano ol Oak Lawn in District 6; and former Board member James Craig of Oak Lawn deieat ed Anthony Ling of Oak Lawn in District 7.

After the canvas. the Board participated in a lottery to deterrnine who will serve two-and-łour year terms. Drawing four year terms were lames Craig, Patrick Murray. Josepfi Murphy and James Tatę; drawing two-year terms were Mary Alhson, Constance Dougherty and Joseph Rathnau.

The Board then selected its ołficers who will serve two year in their positions. Mary Alhson was elected president. Patrick Murray was elected vice president and James Craig was elected secretary.


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