• • ••

•j_____A AJtfPesNowa. Twin Fnlla. kJaho_.Thursday. JuVJL1992____f.



— Nation

- J. -

Judge OKs disclosure of Halcion data

Stiuttle pair enjoys Sacation’ in space

PLATTE CITY. Mo. — A judec ordercd thc disdfcnire.of confi-tkruial evldcAĆe on Hakion uvcd m thc mai of a woman wfio killcd li£T UYO younr chddrctmhilclahing thc rrcscrirttpn ^ccping pilU llalcion'* makcr. The Upjohn Co., said i! planncd to appcal Tucs-day’s mling by Circuit Judge Ronald M. Bell. who dis%olvcd hb own order that had kepi thc cvidcncc vccrct during thc irial of Nila Wacas-er in thc spring.    y—^

rjected argument* by Wacascr. 43. that her usc of thc Jrug provokcd her tu slab to dcath ber sons. Erie. 8. and Jercmy. 11. in

1987 uficr Icaming she had lost custody of tbem to her cx-lxfshand The judge saki thc trial documents on lljtciófi. mośily mcmos and icsling data. would be madc public July 21.

•Missin^robber sentenced in absentia ‘

BRIDCEPORT. Conn. — The leader of a miliunt Puerto Rican in-dcpcndcncc group who hclpcd masicrmind thc $7.1 million robbery of a Wells Fargo dcpot.was sentenced in absentia Wednesday. to 5$ ycars in pnson.

— Filibcno Ojeda Riosrwturjumpcdbond in 1990 and r be hkling in FucrtoRko. aKo was fmed $600.000 for his May 5 eon-viction on 14 counis including bank robbery and compiracy.

Ojeda. $9. faced a maximum scntcncc of 255 ycar*. •

Ojedj is thc self-proćlaimcd leader of Los Machctero*. which fed-cral prosccuton. said planncd thc Sepf. 12. 1983. robbery in Wc>t Hartford to flrunct iis activiiiev

• U.S. Dłsirict Judge T.F. Gilroy Dały on Wednesday also issued a suspended .sentencc to an accomplicc-

Judge who paid suspeefs bali resigns

INDIANAPOLIS — A judge who pul up $1 out of her own pockcl to povi a burglary suspcct\ bail removcd bersclf front thc casc ufter her objcCtivity wjs qucstioncd. \

Manon Superior Court Judge Paul* E. Lopo*va on Tucsday up-pointed a panel of judge* from which a ncw judge will be sclectcd by defcnśe and pcosccution attomeys to hcar il*c ca*c agamu Robert B. Corycll. 21. Lopossa set a $10 bond for Corycll and Joancd him SI for thc 10 percent duc so a deputy could cscort him to a work-rclcasc center pending irial.

LopoNsa wid Monday she bclicvcd Corycll shoutdn'1 be jailed be-“cau'*cof hiś‘lack'of'a’alminalTCCord'and'ovcrcrowding‘at thc-jailr But she wanted him superviscd If no bond wcrc ser. Lopossa said. no deputy could cscort thc prisoner.    *

Man kills 2 elderly patients in hospital

CORPUS CHRIS I I. TcVas“— A‘knlfc-wkJding man cmcrcd aha*-— pital and fatally stabbed two elderly patients thi* monting beforc bcing apprchcodcd. pohcc said.

The women. who wcrc both m their 80*. wcrc killcd in their roóm at Riserside Hospital shoctly afrer 10; 15 a.m.. said policc Capi. J.D. Brewer. The victims wcrc not bcing identified pending notiflcution of rclativcs. hc said. The naroc of thc 37-ycar-old suspcct was not rc-(cascd. Hć was bcing hcld but no charge* wcrc immcdiatcly filed. Brewer said.

Brewer dcclined to givc details of the siabbing. "We arc ai thc vcry preliminary siagcs (of an invcstigation) ragrht now." he soid.

Woman wields French pili in protest •

NEW YORK — A prcgnanl American woman relumed from England on Wednesday with a French abortion pili to challenge thc United States* ban of thc pili as an invauon of her right to privacy.

Customs ofticiab at Kennedy International Airpon conflscutcd che woman's do/cn RU-486 pili*

_ _The_wofnan thcnbcldcmotiocul pews conference to criticizc thc

‘ Food and Dmg'Admtnisirarion** han on RU 486.———-—

*T fccl vcry strongly that all women haVcTlic nght to fóllow their own medical advicc.*‘ said thc woman. who identified hcrsclf as Leona. *'Thb

tknics myjghts—iLdcnic^mcihcrighi tacoairoljity.ombody.l!_

RU-486 has been uscd Icgally by 100.000 women in Britain. Franco and Chi na. - -    ---- ------ ------‘—

—CAP6 -CANA VER>0.-Flar-YAP) — Two astrooauts who *Jiavc been toiling inside the shuttlc Columbia‘s laboraiory for ncorly a wcck cnjoyed somc time off Wednesday. a First fór thc shuttle program.

For four liours. LuwreiKc DcLu-cas and Bonnic Dunbar could do whoicvcx Ihcy wanted. NASA seheduled thc brcuks. halfway through the longcst scheduled shut-tle Hight. long beforc thc 13-day flight. hegan to.avoui oserworking thc Spacelab laboraiory crcw. -

DcLucas spent his •‘y^ention’* go-ing ovcr notes, listcning^to musie tapcs and gazing oul thc Windows.

'•| hadnT donc that so far pretty much on thc whoftc flight." DcLucaw sjid in a radio intcrs*icw. **| fccl vcry rclaxcd and l*m rtady to get back to work."

mb.ir.-the -payload comnurukr, look ber break oncc DcLucas was back at his Spacelab post.

TU be around." Dunbar said beforc Hosting off.

Commander Richard N. Kichards said cvcrybody was in good shapc and thc mood in thc sbuttlc was up-beat.

“When things arc going right. it*s casy (o have a good rimc and that's what we*re having right now.** Richards told radio inrcrvjcwcrs.

The scvcn astronauts aboard Columbia arc aliemating 12-hour

A bubb!c-llkc wator drop rololes around a lorgor bubblo-llko walor drop dOrlng a fluids oxperlmont conductod by spacb shulllo astronauta Wednesday/

\liip .don*t get any time off because tlicir pace is moce rc!axcd.

NASA constdcrs thc flight, which ciuls July 8. a irial run for Sjpacc sta-rinn Freedom. Astronauts will spend innnths ltviitg aboard rhe sfarion oncc it*s huili laicr this decade.

“Tliis Itas been calkd a long shut-tle llight. hut thc vord *long* is stnctly rclatisc,** Richards said.

diifts so cxpcrimctttv can hc Ciut-ductcd non-stop.

'Pic h*igcM prcvkius diunie flight was lOtktys and 21 hiHifs.

Tlić two iKhcrs working in>klc tik* 23-foot Spacdah itHulufc — Carl Mewie and Eugenc Trinh — get their brcaks Tluirsday night and |:h-day moming. Riehanls and thc’ two other crcw nKmhcrs temling to the

-Ttom U^Liiandpomr.ota-R; flight. this « an extrrmely shol flight."

Two cosmonauts spent 366 da; aboard the space‘station Mir ; 1987-88.    • r-

—ako—short—r/tfnparrrl—u NASA*s longćst space flight. an day Skylab mission in 1973-74.

• three Skylob astronauts h»d.* muc lighter workload thon shuttlc crcw


-Rcally. it*x a matter of incrcasi thc complexity of missions." physi ologist Charks Sawin soid c NASA*s extcnded duration XKbik prójcet Shuttlc missions arc * detailed. People arc vcry busy. I anyiljing goes wroflgt ihcy fali be hiod and tlicy fccl rcsponsiblc,* adding to thc stress. .

_    Ipdeed. DcLucas admitted

^.Wednesday. hcwas.a linie, worried tlić beginning of tbc flight "because tł>cfc was so much to do.**

Tm fmally eatching up with my workload io terms of growing protein crysials and ot het types of erys-tak.*’ he said.

Drops of water also wcrc rotated. shaken. broken apart. merged back together and cven madc to circlc cne anotter intidc an air chamber through the usc of sound waves. Dunbar set a liny drop in an elllpti-cal orbit around a much bigger drop of water rmxcd with detergent.

Customs Seryice probes 1985 laser sale

WASHINGTON.(AP) — Tl»c Cuv-toim Servicc i\ invcsiigating whether ćxpon laws Wćrc*'vlblaled in a 19X5 vak of lascrs to lrxj by a gianl French cketronks firm• diat u now. irymg to buy thc defense business of un American company, an agcncy offleial said * Wednesday

A spokcwrnan forTN)nKon:CSF.'or which the French govcmmcnt own* 58 percent. denied that the wic wa* illc-gal and called any *uch feoMpą “falsc and suspect."

"We arc mvc*tigating that compa-

Bush' Myazawa prep for summit

WASHINGTON (AP) — Freudem Bu*h wekomed Japan*s primc minister to thc Wbite llouic on Wednesday. callmg him **a gixxl friend of our country** as thc two opened tulks on*nexl wcek*s cconomic summit in Mnnich and irs goal of Ntimubting worid cconomic growth.    ^    ____ i

—Despite thc many wn^c-iisucs— cL. peeially on trndc — betwecn their two nation*. Bush and Kiichi Miya/awa wcrc all *rnik\ a\ they cschangćtl

ny*’ for powibk cxpt>n vH»latnms. \.ml a Customs Servkc ofllciil m Washington. The, official commetHal «»nly <«n conditiisn of anon)imty and de-tlined tu jsivc fiinhcr dera il TIk lascrs mvolved in lite sale. en-closcd in spcci.il pud*, were .m.iclk*d tu lraqi Mirage jcts utul could lic uscd to trark tnrgetrnmhc gmbtid: sntirces inskk and oul*k!c iIk goscmascitf told The Associated Press. Tbc l.iscfs wcrc dcvclopcd by U.S. defense coniraclor Martin M.iriclta Cnrp for Tluensąin-CSF. said thc sourcc*. who also sp»»kc

on condition they not be identified.

A spokesman for th? French company said; “Thomson bas not been in-fotmed of any invtstigalion. But Tbismson is confidennhat if therc was an nivcstigatKKi. that iTwould elear up •his maucr**

Ik said tbc bscr cquipment sold to ~ln¥|*was-'*purcly French** and was ex-ported with thc rcquired opprosab fmtn tlić Frcikh govcmmcnt.

1 k. too. commcnied only on condi-tion isf anonymity.

Tlić Customs investigation could

casf a new shadow ovcr thc French company's attempt to buy the defense business of LTV Cocp.. a major American firm.

In April. a fcdcral bankrtiptey judge approved a S400 million bid for LTV's aireraft and miisiie divi*ions by a team headed by Thomson-CSF. -joined by Huglies Airemfi Co. and the Carlyk Group., a Washington invest* ment firm.

The group outbid a rival offer fronf U.S. defeme contractors Martin Martena and Lockheed Corp. - -


Blast kills 1, levels apartment building

ROCKFORD. Jll. — An cxplosion lesclcd an apanment building in a public housing compkx Wednesday. killing one person and ipjuring scvcral others. authonties said.

The exptosiop occurrcd at 12:05 p.m. at thc Blackhawk Court hous- “ ing complcx. policc and firc deponment ofTicials sald.

Gary Vcmi-Laui. cxecutivc dircctor of thc Rockford Housing Au-thority, said thc dcad person was a paiming conlrncior who was # chccking lead levcls in thć paint in the building*s apartments. The 'Wlalm^smame was nor immcdiatcly rclcased.    —- - -*-:----

CBHBST fmtf WtfFKpńti

pteasanines betoa* inccting wSh thcir odviscry in theOval Office.

**You'ie.a good friend of our country. and I think rhc American pcopk know that." Bush told Miya/awj.

The JapancNC leader, in tum. offered his grćctings’*‘fo thc American pcopk whom I greatly admirc/’


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Elderly heart ~ ^iatientsaided by special drug

BOSTON (AP) — Elderly heart at-taek victims shoukl be givcn ctoł-dis--50lvipg.dn)gs, just as younger patients arc, because thc treatment sases lis^cs despite a higher risk of compltcaiiom. a study concludcs.

Injections of these drugs have bc-come standard therapy for people un- , der age 75 wbo havc heart oitack*. But doctors arc often rcluctant to give them to older victims because therc it o grcaier cbance the treatment will trigger \trokcs.

The sludy. an analysir of data gath-"cred-froni twb laigr Łcropcajr-siudieTr— concludcs that this approach — what doctors cali ihrombolysis makes senseTor all ages.

"When you look at riskt versus beneflts. ihrombolysis eppean to ben-efit most elderly folki in most situa-tions.** said Dr. Richard C. Pasternak of Massachusetts General Hospital. ‘That kads directly awąy from the "that thrombolylic


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consensus vicw

therapy sl elderly. It

greisivety applied to older people.'

If rounheiy given the dm^. 2 i per-cent of elderly heart nrtack victims die in the hospital. Without the treatment. 24 percent die. Whilc thc difTerence is relatively smali, • the impact of the therapy could be great sińce heart at-tacks arr such a common cause of death. killing 500.000 Amcricam an-nually.. .

The elderly account for morę than 60 percent of ail liean cttack deadu.

Last yeirraa eśtimaced 14 L000 American* received cloi-dissolving • drugs for heart aruekj.

should not be appl^d to the actuaily should be morę ag-

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