A-2 _ l«n.is-News. Twm Faili. kJuhO WtieH*.:Aiy. ApM :0. 1«9
• Continucd from Pnge Al
known fur Mendy church attendaner
Many hkinhrndc lirtcn (o the radu tyric* of Skn*wdrivcr. an in-durtrial-grade Britidl rock band.
Butler uifthrsi they wnuM lintcn to Bcrthovcn.
We want them to be obie to think. he said. Tou cant thir.k if joun* lirtcning to thehord-rock juncie heal “
Dopite the Reneration gap. Butler fitb he oflrn :«omcthing the^r nlien-nted yoiithH can umlerstand: n cali to power in the ranne of ranni pnde.
“The wbite małe. through nflirm* tivc nctinn. ha# hem madę a non-citi-icn/ be »uid. This is why you have skinhead*. They'rc U-ginning to wakc up to tln* fact that th«\v ve bcvn eonqui*rcd and that the land their fu-ther* łi!cd nnd dani fur has bet*n tak-en awuy." ,
His littlc church in the pines has a gunrd tower that# higher than the stccplc. ln>kJi. suniight filier* thnnigh -rt nmnl-glii^ -onlo- n - hug*
No/i flag. A poster showing a young man wilh an assault riflc cxhorts,
.Join U*. Aryan Frcedocu Fighters.*
K:ds likc that kind of sluflf — il Rive* the idcn that theyro in battlc."
Butler said. ąuickly adding that talk of battlc wns onh* talk.
Butler movcd to Idaho in 1973 and »ver the ycars built up a (bllowing bascd on his drcam of a Tcrnional
imperntitff* for whittra, lir con.-:d-cred the Northwest an ideał Home* land; rurnl. conscrvativcjmd lackini! many black\ Jrws and other minon-tics.
His dream was tduękcd net only by rrsi.stanee from local authoritics but also by the violcr.ce nf his uwn follow-orv
Soroe farmer mcmhcrs. impatient wilh wnitmg for rcttilutian. fonned n group known as The Order Tła* wrnupa fcjrAr, Hubert Mathcw*. łdied in u fiery >h«**uiut will: FBI ugents in 1984 on an isłaral in Washington^ Puget Sound. Trn Order member* havc l<cn1 cumictcd of rnckcteering. m>d 12 Vmirr plćadcd puilty "to n.idoun cnmcs in a -chcnic thot incłudcd murder.. arowrcd-car robberies and plots tu owrlhrow the U.S. guvcrnmcnt.
Butler said weckly church ntten-dance. which once pcakitl nt 60, now hovern oround -10. Out-idc obscirm put the numlxr cvcti Iciwcr. An
the Street* of nearby Coeur d'Alcnt\
In the face uf fierce npposilmn frurr. locals. Butler backcd o(T. He said hi- didn t want hit supDorters ciułung AJDS from cuunter-acnwm-rtmtor#*. And now he $nvs hes cx-pecting ju>t 75 to 100 .skinhead*.
Het plnnning u weekend uf lec-turę*. karate workshnj* and camp-fire "feUuwidiip.’* Ile cud Uwyem will offer the skinhead* t:ps on bow to build power Ic^ally.
' I hopo to keop them from p>in^ to pn*on or Kettini: killed. They can do a Int mnre for the cmisc un the "Irrett,' Butler said. I want them to U*come a political forte That can orne w hen they havc knowlcdire. When you h:»vc knowled^c. you have power”
The idea of a white homrłtind in the Northwest' is liltle raofe than rhctonc bandied nltHil b> iditJopjcs doomed by their own extremi>m and \iolence. cud Norman Cistcl. presi-dent of the Kootenai (*oonty Task Fon:e i>n Humań Kelations. Tlie tfroup it amonitse\eral planmnccni!
-Arynn-Natton- cnmptitrr-l«m«h»r(|.-nKhU activi(ic«_ihis^vk to cu.:t. r
,ue skinhead iralhenni:
'Thctc* pcuplc are their nwn wurst
once touted nt a hi^h-terh Communications nctwork far white supremneists. was discuntir.uisi after the Computer wu.s M<den. Butler said.
But jurt when hi* apponrnts fij:-ured he wns w;^hed up. Butler an-nounci*d plan* fiir thn weekend'* skinhead confen-nce At firnt. offi-cinls exp\-cted up to 2M) skinheads, and Hutk*r pmmised a march down
cncmies, Cisscl said. "Naw they re down to a church that has .ibnit 10 membent nnd a har.dful of kids.’
Bul Butler wams ajrainst wntinR off the racist cause.
' The old men like myself nre itoinn to dk ofT vcry <oon. he >aid. But this is the firśt limę that l\t wtn a spirit of receneratiiin
Today’s weather-
Showers may develop late this afternoon
Twrtn Fallf. Burloy. Ruport, J«romo end Gooding:
Ti»dny «nJ Thurmlny.
<U»udy wStSi n «tig)ą chnocr ni nfter-noen nnd eveiui>g •Krn-rn nr ihun-d» r*liourr> Wind* wiulh fito
IS mph .ind gurty m-nr »uiy »bmrr* Ihghł bmh dnye tn thr msd 70^ la iw-nr HO. liOWH Inwrr u» mid 4i>« Carnot Prairio and Wood Rlver Vallty;
Tadny and TliurMlny, pnnly cluudy Hilh n cbiincr of aOrriMii nnd rv»»cung •hu^i-rii »»r thuodcr* djUJtfr. Wind« m»u?Mo rtn 5 la JS mph nnd n«Mr*nn>;'«lv>\Jrfk
Highii Uah diiyt U|ifM*r liO* to isim) 7d«. Luwp nnd atB Co Iow 40'. Ktrlhom Uuh and Nov*(U:
Utah — Today, nwottly *unn> nnd un«ra»oiu»h)y wurm t^rnl m»utłt wind% ia*ja mph Uii:h*% in litr łon |i» mid fOn Tomala nml Thur-du). Corning |i,irity ęloud) nml hrrrry hut on.lmu. d \mM*HM«njil>ly vw»nn wilh no»r nrcord hrni Thur»d.iy Uiw-n in Ihc mid .rO«. Ihgli* in tłw mid and •Wr NW.
Nevudit — N^rioMf high clawdi* nr» Cnday and~ TKurTJ.i ~r»cupl pjftl) cbłudy n»rth«i-hl Tłiur-d.»> Not »o wami w Uh )ugh«* tod.iy TO In HO nml Thumday »ipp«-r lilK to tipprr 70t Uiu# in Chr luwrr .‘Sh lo tmddlr 40* SoulhwrM winds IS |u .XI mph Ihit aflrmunn Sum mary;
Thr NutiMtMl Wr.utirr S-rvicr mtyn It wruk Wpnihrr di'lurh.inc«-pn«M*d ihnmgh Idaho i-.irly Tm-day and Tmi\ i-d rmd.
High pn-*Nure d*imin:Ui-d lh»-lirr (Srm Si«t«- TiK«»«l»t>* tltrmmn wilh %uimy .nki«-H nnd utrm It-mpi-r* imirr^ Tłir high prrMun- will l«r ir-plncrd pnor lu tb- hwM by .t major wi-nlhrr >y%t«-rit nlf thr %*r-4 Coa-i ufW.t diingto:> and Oregtm.
Tt nip-rnlim i rangri! fmm K» wilh MmuuCaiii ICmne Air Faro-lina* Ihc MjiIi’’* 1/4 Np<*l ul 77 dc* grrcN Nd rutnfail n-palt ot
Th** pallcn i'»unl in Twm Kall* Turrday w.»« Uf7 |mitK-b*% per cuhK* nirlcmf mr
I Thr rxii*ndrd Ci*rrea**l fur Stuli-rni Idahu — A c>A*!ing tund uilh ucatlrn d du)*i*n nr ihtiiulrrMrmw Fr>dny Ihmugti Sural.iy Wuul) Kri-dny łiiul SatunUy High* iii Clw i^k la nri.uia] Tli Frnl.it, tlu* U|.|rr *4b.
U» iP H. AptM 10
OimACteWiiiw K
Accu-Weatnef^fo/ecasi for Wodoesday Oaytime Coodilions and H^h TemporatcNes1
ural S.ilurday .iral Snid.iv. n» Chr KV. Fnd iy. litr .11* c<* uroum! łfł S.iCurd.iy and .Smid.iy Tin* v»Arifir«c Crmperatiiffi- ni ilu* hCiltr Tu*--d*iy n.m H7 it*'gn*r% ;il ll.igrriN.itt l>i\ir lr|iMVlol lin- o-M*
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lh** highr^c irntpernliMr t*a- hlMi-gr»i-> nt |liifkr>r, An.- . arx) laiugh-Im. Ni*v Th- |.rai*d h.i. !!• dv,f*r* nt Mnf»|m*tlr. Mich
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Business........... |
.........Dl-3 |
Classificd.......... |
.........D3-8 |
Comics............. |
.............A8 |
Dear Abby......... |
..........;..C3 |
Food/home....... |
.......Cl-10 |
Magie Valley..................BI
Mutual funds.................D2
Nation....................A5. A7
Circulution M>W1««vf i<Nw'a <•
(*i roi Iii lu.ci phim*-* ••rr ittittntrd In1nttn 7 .Mol KI a m *.nl) ll you da nut rtcótr ynur p.ip* r by 7 .» m . ntl ch»* titim)«-r fac i<«r łifra; •
Jrnun»**WcndrIMH**diiig-!|i»g**rmah |lurl.-> Itupwrf•Pflut-Oiikley
Ilu lii •( *ai*llr ford • .Mil li. jn
Filrf-Kii.yrnin-Il.illnli.r • 7r^ivfi37f»
TVui F«IU and all oiln-r urrn< 753*CM44
News >U| »m *»!•»-•
Circiilnlian Ifyinj li.nc a lip ar lu t«ill Im Minumu* hi tlw-1 ditim.il d**p4rln»rni. cali 7:i3-W* tl t».-cv*,i*n ?• :ui a m amt 5.:M1 p ni wi^-kdit)^ TO rr|H»rt latc nov%. *mi| n -.ulcs atlrr
5:3U nnd on wrekrnd*. mil 7.1H-09.1I
Adveriising im. id.Hł.HlljJ.lHfc* 6
If c»iu uidt c«» place an adt irti-M-rmnl. cali 711 in:il rijnufnil nd^. r.tll 733 0*>7G Moralny ihnHJgh Fndny fr*»nt a.» m unii! fi p m. ,icvl Srtiiud.iv* Ir**m H » in umil nnuti mii «h ..
pl*»> •'*!' »n kilrt\» wnly.
Subarl|.il».(i mir*
HiiHirtW.rO il.ll!) .wd Sial.lu. V’. ^ r •• • k tiul* |tt*lU|cr «mI, SohIi*. $1 nApr »**k M*tl .it—r»|. |W*%* im*^1 to |u!4 Ul .Humr ■*• -! *tr i**iU4r tH*U *Cfvrrv mrrrr Hr1ivrr> n n«*t mnMMwii. dvi* »n*l -mh iUr. S‘* 7% prmNMk S.% f.*r -t fm.nlh-.. 7»« l. r ii nintth*. $!I* 0*1 i«*r *«*.*r. «fv ./iK, }h :i'» p r nu*tiih I;1'!!.'f.*i ImmuIi*. $.'iU lUlr rtiM)(i.4, Him •>i> pr tctr.SumftA) muI> lr. Ul p-eaiwtli. 51Ct JO f .i .1 ivnl»it $TJ IHtif.ir^Alh*. lMHtl)«r>.ir Stwlrftl nml s«f iM-nufl ritr l*y piali *.oI> }7.Vi ptr f.u <1 m|*
.nul S*Uul4V
Mail lnfonn*lli.n
Thr TMnr^SrHolTS 1*11 o^l. i.pul>li«h*d<l.ii:> t.V: Tlrard Sl W‘. Um Kalit. I«lakv. MMI. Mngic VnJI*» Ni **|u(vn Iw ^KunJ<lft*i pujl nl 'Nm FalU
t*> tl.r ■Jirar-a-Srw* < HIUihI Cil> ft(xj Cvunt> KC» *jO(* r
liUfitftM l»S«tM'n l4' IIWifthr Idalui T «|r Tliaf-d^t
• • lirrrliy dr tigłialrd a a lh»* i.f lh/ «nk uli *ł»*h V-
^a| Klim Mlii U* f oM.ałw .1
|V.Mir,iJfr, plra- m ikI **f ailJfca# Um l.» 1*0
11. t SP. T«*o Kalla. I laU.M^il
Suspccts sought in storę bombing
łNP!ANAl’OUS i Al* J — T\vo tncn scen lca\inR u K mart matc after u pipę bumb hiddcn in a toothpartc Container ex|dtdid in the hand of a 5-ycar-oy ińri were sought Tbcsday for quc^tinning.
Hrin Bow er lost lirr Icft hand ar.d rr.ay recou r cmly p.trtial sif-ht in her left cyc as n rcsull of the błasi Monday mght. physicians nt Mcihodisl 11 os pi tal said.
ller mother. Maurine, 31. was slighily woundcd by ftvir.g bumb fragment* IhjI nę ethers were hurt.
Were vcry lucky.“ smd Knn s father. Kevio Bower.
We luvc a daughter. Many pi-oplc have pono throuijh much \viir>e than this.’
The men wanted for que*lioning. Iwth belic\xd to łx-al»out 20 ycars old. drew puJice attdnlion wilh their nonchnlant attitudc following the ciplosion.
Oil sweeps onto sheres near Seward
\7\LDKZ. Alaska tAP) — TalTylike tar mixed wilh M*.»weed vcu* *courcd off a bcach T^c.-iday nt the end of spt-clacuhtr Kcsurrection Buy near Seward. the firs: town ixitside Prince Wltlinm Sound to suffer uil or. its shores. • w •
High tidc> and southerly wind ofT the Gulf of Alaska pudu-d the cnale od up ihc Ijordlikc chaitncl. whrrc iwo Ciast Ciuard oil-*kimmmg <hips were out of ac-Jbin_bi*c.iusę_the gummed upjlhcir pump*. Dcputy Seward City Manager Harry! Samefenneycr wudl
Wu put pmtrctivc booming up around the chtical tsnlmon* spowning streams in the bny four wceks ago. Schaefermeyec siid. “But os far as the rest of the bay tlu re was m» efTectivc way of boomtng u nil ofT.-
The Ofctst C.uard repurted fresh sightings of oil on n-mote brachcs on the Kenai Peninsula A Valdcz center for deaning oihfuuled lurd^ said ul Imst l.8f>0
bird> had dii*d fr»n; the spili, alung with 328 sca ot-ter*. The center lw> deaned and relea^cd 22 hirds.
Police disperse Pcking prołesters .
BKIJING IAP» — Mon- than 500 pdicc dislodged hur.drcd* of deir.onstrating >tudcnts fnim in front of the CommumM Party he.ldquartcr* carfy Widnc*day and movcd them lack townrd their uniursitics.
Pcltro.'ed no furce arid no arrests were repurted as the dcłnur.strator> Irfi peacefully.
The pohcc action at lea>t tem|x»rarilv endrd moce than two day> of rr.arrhc; and-demonstrntions by thousiinds of ctbdcnts in B^ ijing nnd Shannhai di-rr.andir.g moro d< mtjcmcy.
About 1.500 demitostrutors were milhni; oulside the cntalc gale of Zhoniptatthai, the hi-.idquartcrs of th<* Communirt Party. wlven police armi d ia ji*«-pf at 4:20 u.m'.
Stanford fusion test yields energy
STANFORD, Catif. <Al’> - The firsi ar.irollcd łcsl of a Univcr>ity of Utah cłiemists claiin to havc ifechicvcd nurlcar fii<mn tn a jar uf water pn>ved the energy pruduccd dtd not come frtim a chemicul reac-lion. scicntists <t:d T\iesday
KoU-rt A. Huggint*. Stanford lłniver>itv prufensor uf matmnl-wcncrsrsmd nn exprfłmrtit u^ng palladium clcctrodcs in lubes of heavv wat*-r and plain wjter in a pienie hasket producetl energy that may hiivc result-ed from fuMon.
Iluggins said hc can t U- >uri* the 30 percent gain in cnerg>* cenerated in the heavy water is from fusion, but hes ccrtain it i< nul from a Chemical reaction, as same other rnenli-t* ha\e -|>n-uliited
Heart surgery Wright fails to ease gloom for Lucille Bali
his Angeles T*.m»A
LOS ANGKLKS — Comeiiian Lucille Bali npparently >ufTercd a heart attack Tue^iiiy ar.d underwent cmer-gency aurgery
I llnnk her c»ndilinn hai to U* rc-g.irded a> very 'erHTJ>,“ spokesman Kem Win* T«>1(J reporters moce than lwu huur> after the uperation began at <’edar*-S«nai Medical Center here.
Ball> hemband. (Jary Morton. w ho drów ller to the btopjlal, to!d n*-porter- that his wifr rxpirir:Ki*d terrible p;un~ at tłicir Hcverly Kills huflle Siw-y licen łeeling jusl great until tlu- moriiing. he sald.
Morimi >aid he wa> told that Bali was undergmr.g a bypas-i operatiun
nH' 77-year-old BaB. wlw willi ihea*hu-lMiid IM Arna?, gauied uTirldwide fanie dunng tłu* llHrłh as the /.my. red-haired wife uf a Cuhan kmdle.Mler iii Irlceisiuns ! Ixivc laccy. amved at thr hi^piiul abuut nwn
•‘Contimić(l fgoTn”PiigFAl”
NrgflMtiiins hit seecral glitdtes aluag the w.iy llawkiiu said an at-turiu-y at Darł Icidu.-triis. 1\ipper* wares cuc|Kirate |Mrent. held up prugr« So did a di-ptitc nver sewn ;uri - lince used fur dun-.ping water omlauiing hydmulic Sil and organrc suKents
*ll was a cumplicated tmnsaction wilh a nuntlier of altorneyi ir\\uivcd and !nng di-tances to span." Huggles said “It t^ik a k»t lunger than we ex-pert i-d "
TJie .-.ile fir-illy went thmugh minus the tuinted acnw Kuggie- said Spears h.id nu imntediale płans to ac-quire the List sr\*rti aerrs once T\ip-perware b:is fint-hed thedcanup.
#We are not e\ rn going to w urn almul tltnse sewn acres." he said. “\VeVe m.-t re,i! i-.appy to finał!) have th*‘ buildmg."
Hiu*gU> s;iid Spears. as a prieatcly nw tu*d ci«nk|r.tthKi. preferred m>c tu discluu- the purrh.i-e pnee. T\spper-ware unginally ullered the building and Mirroundmg land for sale for jusl underSb smlliun.
The Wushingtun Post
WASHINGTON - llouse Speaker Jim Wright. D-Tbx.. d«*fended him-elf in u elo5ed mceiing uł his Democralic cołleagues T\>csd.iy but he failcd tn stem a n»-ing sense of gloom among llouse Denmrrats as they a<M'.-sed the impact uf the charge- of financiaJ iir.prupnety f.icing their leader
Emcrging from a mnrnmg mrettng uf the IX*mxTatic Caucus Wnght said hc "told them I inlcnd to fight and I intrrai to win an upcuming batllc ovcr charge.- by ihe llouse ethics omimittce that he bruki-Houh* niles nn tół occasion^ by ar-cepting SH3.009 ir. gifts from a Furt
Worth lm<iness a>'Or.ate with un in-terest in lejrislatiun and by a scherne tu cvadc cut.-:dc incomc limits thruugl; the Imlk salcs of his bock
During hi> defm<e. according to a Uemocnit whu Httendcd tbe mceting. Wright told hi' cnlluigues hc did not war.t to ceniain speaker ‘if I cnnnot bc an efficient speaker.-ince I don t co\Tl the trappingsofoffice.-
But fvrn as many «f his Dcmocrat-ir odleagues gnie Wright guod rr-vu*ws fur u 'pir.tcd and cuhescvc de-fen>e again>t the chargi*s, same pre* d^t« d that a steady drumbcul of crit-ic.il news actuunb would crode the chances that the speaker will 5urvivr an rxpected ll*w>r fight Q\cr the charge-
A^ieśsitl r
Tho Swonsor. s aMoMIsamont that appoarod In lho Tuasdn, April 18tb T1cto*-Hoi« eanlalnod lho lollowlnn oitcr: Tho Wosiom Family Suoai (lo Ib.] was adyoitlbd at $1.29. Tbs conoct copy ai piosldsd by lho advortIsor should hava raad Westorn Family Sugar (10 ib.) $3.29. Wo are sorry (or any lnconvonlonca this may hata causod SwoRson's and thair va!uod cusloroors.
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