Task3 : Findthemeanlngofthesc words, open your dictionary łfnecessary.
1. banned | |
2. creates | |
3. emphysema | |
4. breast cancer |
W*'ł*r \k |
5. hazard |
Jfefcia............ |
6. toxlc |
facun • |
7. constituent |
OrSc/r- |
8. inhaled | |
9 breathe |
•OIMItłlMIlMI *♦»••• • •••■ |
10 CCfKSJSor |
fce$iaipvkr*. |
Pendidikan karakter
Bela Negara
WIJayah NKRJ tertentang sangat luas dan terdin atas benbu-ribu pulsu. Keberadaan pulau-puteu terluar Indonesia ya.ng berhadapan fangsung dengan nogara tetangga seringkali menimbulkan konffik perbatasan yang mengganggu dan mengancam kautuhan wflayah negara kita. Sepertl lepasnya Sipadon dan bgitan dan wilayah NKRI, Juga terjadlnya konflik perta tasan antara negara kita dengan Małaysia di Blok Ambeiat Kaiimantan Tlmur. Berdosarkan kasus-kasus dan pcsisi wilayah negara kita sepertl diatas, setlap warga negara mempunyai kewajiban untuk menjaga keutuhan wliayah negara sesuai dengan posisi dan kemampuannya mnslrcg-maslng. 8agaimana lialnya dengan kekayaan budaya banosa kita yong jugo bisa di Matm sebegal budaya ofełi asing. Apa yang harus kto lakukan untuk mekndunglnya’ Mćsalnya kuliner khas negara kita
We8« krcv. thai sfffofcrg sfcoutt be banned in public area. It creates połłutton ano ca_ses - a -. mtcs o’ zseatas. The diseases which can be caused by itamong cthersare canoet ~eart disgąse, strokę,chronię bronchitis, emphysęma ano oreast cg~ y for sonę womeh.
There are many side fiffects of smę^ng ogaretie. Rrstly, smoking presents a hazard to heałth.Smoke from the ayerage dgaretea contalns, around 4,000 Chemicals, same af which are Wghly toxlc and at least 43 causecdncer. (#^0.0
Secondly, nłcotine, a major constituent of tofcacco smoke, Is both pofsonous and highly additive. It contains toxlous Chemical substances, which can damage our health.
Thirdly, smoking makes the enyironment dirty, especially lis ash. If inhaled, we will suffer from coughs, difficult tobreath, orashmątic disease becauseofits smoke. . f«vn>vr ::
In conluslon, smoking should be banned in pubłlcarea.
Task4 : Answer the questions!
1. Why should smoking be banned in public area? . - ^ _____ t-. c< r ^
2. Write down |^th<^i|eases which are caused by smoking.
Answer. •••••••......................................................................................
3. How many Chemicals does smoke from the average dgarette contaln 7
AflSI ..............................................................• " *•........
4. Why Is nicotine dangerous to our health ?
5. In which paragraphs does the wnter State his opinion ?
6. What Is the social fundśon of this text ? .
Answef... ..........................................................
7. Mentlon the rhetorical stages of this text ?
8. Do you know the type of text used in this passage ?
i | BAHASA IWGGRIS Untuk SMA/MA Kclas M/Gasal/A-07 17