Task 1: Firki the Indonesiarr words oftłie folio wlng words.
3. Urwtmfi&t = .......
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2. Cestroyetf 3 Cnsted - Decoed
5 Apołogized
6 -rapped 7. Huged
6 Summoned
9. Herd
10. Set frae
Pcndidikan karakter
Pemlllhan preslden secara langsung oleh rakyat merupakan saloh satu wujud demokrasi. Demokrasi identik dengan pemerintahan yang didukung oleh mayodtas rakyat. Indonesia merupakan saiah satu negara yang mcnganut konsep demokrasi. Demokrasi di Indonesia adałah khas bangsa Indonesia, yaitu Demokrasi Pancasila. Bagaimana perkembangan demokrasi dl Indonesia ?. Bagaimana pula penerapan Demokrasi Pancasila dałam kehidupan berbongsa dan bernegara di Indonesia ? Serta sudahkah kamu menerapkan budaya Demokrasi Pancasila dałam kehidupan sehari-hari ?.
Task 2: Read ttjlstocttben answerthe ąuestions.
Onde^Jp ‘on a tlme]m'ere llve a group of mice under a tree In peace. However, a group of el-ścrsrts Crossing the jungle unknowingly destroyed the homes of all the rats. Many of them were e.*sr —jsre<i to death. to&wrfrs
^Se *rc o1 rats deóded to approach the eiephants’ chief and request him to guide his herd r -z-jz- z~crrer route. On hearing the sad story, the elephants' king apołogized and agreed to take =r<xrer -occe Ar-c sc thę.livę of the rats were saved.
:-■= 3?. eecr^-rs hur^came to the jungle and trapped a group of elephants In a huge ~e aecr i -:. • -g suddenly remembered the king of the rats. He summoned on of the eesr<y-s y is -e-r .v- ó fcad not been trapped, to go seeklng help from the king and told him aooareraępeceerac. ^
■fhe racs cnę s^oder > roo - s f^.tire group of rats and they cut the net, whlch had trapped the ^echsnts. The ©ephant herc tc-air. setireę. They danced with joy and thanked the rats.
ocv«-' swjr 1 What type of text is the above te*:’ a. Recount
vb. Nan3tive . 4.
c. Descripttve
d. Procedurę
e. Exposition
2. What destroyed the home of the rats? a. Hunter
v/t>. One of the dephant
c. A group of rats 5
d. The elephants king
e. The raFs king
3 Who helped the elephants herd free'
a. The elephant's king
b. Oneoftheelephant
vc. A group of rat
6cr>tgrii'us. "&r -
d. The hunter
e. A rat
The elephant herd was ::zz . sec The underlined words
a. Released *•
b. Danced c ęuced •i Tha-ked 5. 5*.—enes
.v~r. esser 3- «ea_ fr-r- mesary’ z -ec re powerfUl pecę>e or \
peopte a*e ałweys «ea§c . peoole nave no weataess v d ^-resr p can sdwe the “ :-sm e Thsn«ang is a gooc Dena.-cr 3 eyejyone.
[ | BAHASA INGGRIS Untuk SMA/MA Ketes XV6a«l/A-07