7. I thlnk ths jpeę$e of Malaysia and Indoncsla are s.....5imlliar in thelr my of life.
а. The UN s not. ft oompulsary, but a v....., assoćalion of r.atlons
Task 11 : Matrh the Statements with thelr meanings I
1. An arf® far from a city
2. Tne conditioo of betog poor
3. Chdnce
4. The condlfon of being a$c to reao and write
5. A firm or shop owned and controlied by people who work on it
б. Children withoul parents
7. An area wlth too many peopte IssaW to be..... populated
8. A boilding where gcods are madę in large quantitJes
9. Answer to a problem
10. Used for pfants to grow better
Task 12 : FimshthistaMeasfastaspossibJe. Seehow wellyou know famlty terms
1. grandfather (grardpa) - grand mother (grandma}
i? . mfeż*
& Ji. - daughter
7. ..... ■ sster
9. fatherlnlaw
a. soliilon
b. Stenacy ę. rural
d. orphan
e. denseły
f. factory
g. cooperative
h. poverty i fertfter
j. opportunity
step mother
Task 13 : Enjoy this joke, Whafsfunny ?
p *We8 my f.
a. a musł
b. can be compared
c. (tecide
d. finish 5Chool sSm
gr»veyard happen h, our farher and mother l Hres infant
carrtread and write jobor profeslon
m. notworking
n. ertonnous
o. expresslon ofsarrow
Task 14: Match these words wlfch their synonyms!
1. baby
2. cemetsry
3. ccmparaWe
4. compulsary 5 mouming
6. dećermine
7. deease
8. graduate
9. gi3ni
10. occupation
11. off duty
■ 3 .Tterate
1' panjnts li Tske place