7. I thlnk ths jpeę$e of Malaysia and Indoncsla are s.....5imlliar in thelr my of life.

а.    The UN s not. ft oompulsary, but a v....., assoćalion of r.atlons

Task 11 : Matrh the Statements with thelr meanings I

1.    An arf® far from a city

2.    Tne conditioo of betog poor

3.    Chdnce

4.    The condlfon of being a$c to reao and write

5.    A firm or shop owned and controlied by people who work on it

б.    Children withoul parents

7.    An area wlth too many peopte IssaW to be..... populated

8.    A boilding where gcods are madę in large quantitJes

9.    Answer to a problem

10.    Used for pfants to grow better

Task 12 : FimshthistaMeasfastaspossibJe. Seehow wellyou know famlty terms

1.    grandfather (grardpa) -    grand mother (grandma}

2.    fether    *    iiji

3.    uftde    -

4.    cousln    5

i? . mfeż*

&    Ji.    -    daughter

7.    .....    ■    sster

8.    grandsoh    -    ^

9.    fatherlnlaw


a.    soliilon

b.    Stenacy ę. rural

d.    orphan

e.    denseły

f.    factory

g.    cooperative

h.    poverty i fertfter

j. opportunity

step mother

Task 13 : Enjoy this joke, Whafsfunny ?

p *We8 my f.

a.    a musł

b.    can be compared

c.    (tecide

d.    finish 5Chool sSm

gr»veyard happen h, our farher and mother l Hres infant

carrtread and write jobor profeslon

m.    notworking

n.    ertonnous

o.    expresslon ofsarrow

Task 14: Match these words wlfch their synonyms!

1.    baby

2.    cemetsry

3.    ccmparaWe

4.    compulsary 5 mouming

6.    dećermine

7.    deease

8.    graduate

9.    gi3ni

10.    occupation

11.    off duty

12.    sloncłer *

■ 3 .Tterate

1' panjnts li Tske place





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