8. Thls home work makes mc al' nght.
9. We had Wiwln and Nina.....to our farcwe:i party test night\
jlO. Her brkjht eyes madę me.....love.
Taskl5: Make groupsoffour and complete the following sentences with tagical phrases
1. Sometlmes the teacher make łhe sUidcnts.....
2. When we are in a restaurart we usuall/ have tne waiter.....
3. ParentS always make their ch Hdren.....
4. Walking in heavy rain makes mc.—
5. Gettlng fat makes her.....
6. Knowing a bad news about ter husoand madę Mrs. Maria .....
7. Driving in a traffic Jam madę me.....
8. Listenir.g to the teacher's expanadan carefutly makes thc students.....
9. Mrs. Nunuk makes her husband.....
10. The boy madę hlsgtrifriend.....
Task 6: Translate into English! Do it in group of two
1. Guru BP ddak membiarkan murid-murld datany terfembat
2. Semua guru menyuruh saya untuk beiajar dengan sungguh-sunggu
3. Orang tuaku selalu menyuruhku berdoa sebelum berangkat ke sekol
Answer ...................................................................................
4. Kepala desa menyuruh warganya menjaga ketersiten llhgkungan
5. Film )to membuatku tertawa Answer
6. Pak Agus menyuruh pembantunya mencud mobil barunya Answer
7. Perjalanan jauh ftu membuat mercka merasa lelab ■ Answer
8. Anak bandei łtu membuat orang tuanya sakit Ansy/er
9. Kata-kata Pak Kyal membuat keluarga kami merasa bahagia Answer
10. Pak Hasim tidak membiarkan anak iaki-tekinya minum-mlnuman keras Answer • łiHmiimuniwmuim
Task 1: Pay attetitlon to the following dialogue I
Rudl and Tono are the main comittee members of the fourth conlng annlversary of the Red Cross in thelr school. Tbey are talking about the members of the committec. Hera is a part-of their convcrsałion. Readit and answer the questfons thatfoffow:
Mim... M.a.i ••mu
• • ••••a i
Have you finished typlng the letter af invltatlon Yes, surę. I asked Dodl for help.
Good. What about the members of the commtttcc ? Any problem with them V Not really. But there are somethings that need to be olven further conskferation Can you mentlon an ekampte ?
Why dld you choose Ridwan instead of Monang for the documentation sectlon ? Why do you prefer monang to Ridwan ?
Weil, based on our previous expcrience Monang Is morecapable than Ridwan OK. Lete choose Monang, tner. Anythlng dse ?
Er.....yes, about the person who should responsibSe tor providing food
Edi. Any suggestlor.
Weil, I'd rather choose a girl than o boy for that sectlon Whate the matter with a boy ?
rrpAHftSA INGGRIS Untuk SMA/MA fetas X!yGasal/A-07