9.    Effects of correlations and disorder in superconductors / Mariusz Krawiec, Tadeusz Domański, Grzegorz Litak, Karol I. Wysokiński . - Mo/ecu/ar Physics Reports, 2001, vol. 34/1, s. 22-27

10.    Interlayer cupling an p-wave pairing in strontium ruthenate : [ Dokument elektroniczny] / James F. Annett, G. Litak, B. L. Gyórffy, K. I. Wysokiński . - New York, Cornell University, 2000, http: // arxiv.org./abs/cond-mat/0109023

11.    Prediction of nonlinear cutting process behaviour using neural-network / J. Lipski , K. Zaleski, K. Szabelski, J. Warmiński, R. Rusinek, G. Litak . - W: Dynamics and contro1 of mechanical processing : 2"d Workshop, Budapest, Hungary, Budapest, Publishing Company of Technical University of Budapest, 2001, s. 19-23

12.    P-wave pairing superconductivity in strontium ruthenate / G. Litak. - W: New trends in superconductivity : NATO advanced Research Workshop, Yalta, Ukrainę [referat wygłoszony]

13.    Spatial fluctuations of the pairing potential in disordered superconductors: [ Dokument elektroniczny] / G. Litak. - New York, Cornell University, 2000, http: // arxiv.org./abs/cond-mat/0108330

14.    Superconducting alloys with weak and strong scattering : Anderson's theorem and a superconductor-insulator transition / R. Moradian, J. F. Annett, B. L. Gyórffy, G. Litak . -Physical Review B, 2001, vol. 63, 2, s. 024501/1-10 [czasopismo z IF]

15.    Superconducting alloys with weak and strong scattering : Anderson's theorem and a superconductor-insulator transition : [ Dokument elektroniczny] / R. Moradian, J. F. Annett, B. L. Gyórffy, G. Litak. - New York, Cornell University, 2000, http: // arxiv.org./abs/cond-mat/0008031

16.    Superconductivity in disordered S^RuCL / G. Litak, J. F. Annet, B.L. Gyórffy . - W: Open problems in strongly correlated electron systems / red. Janez Bonća, Peter Prelovśek, Anton Ramśak, Sarben Sarkar, Dordrecht, Kluwer Academic Publishers, 2001, s. 425-427

17.    Superconductivity in disordered S^RuO-t / Grzegorz Litak. - W: Nadprzewodnictwo wysokotemperaturowe : XI Szkoła, Krynica, Czarny Potok, Kraków, Akademia Górniczo-Hutnicza, 2001, s. W8

18.    Superconductivity in disordered Sr2Ru04 : [ Dokument elektroniczny] / G. Litak, J. F. Annett, B. L. Gyórffy. - New York, Cornell University, 2000, http: // arxiv.org./abs/cond-mat/00120099

19. Three band model for superconductivity in Sr2Ru04 : [ Dokument elektroniczny] / G. Litak, J. F. Annett, B. L. Gyórffy, K. I. Wysokiński. - New York, Cornell University, 2000, http: // arxiv.org./abs/cond-mat/0105376

20.    Van Hove singularity and superconductivity in disordered Hubbard model : [ Dokument elektroniczny] / Grzegorz Litak. - New York, Cornell University, 2001, http: // arxiv.org./abs/cond-mat/0112470


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