support@propstoyou com Points GU Mentor Points: [ 500 Awards fl3|
i spent years using one productivity app after tne next And atter trying tnem ali. I realized I had nothing to show for rt No record of all my work Nothing I couki point to and say "1 did that" That's why l madę PropsToYou My team has a bali witn tne badges and we love giving each other props lt's like Chrtstmas every week lt*s going to take me awnile to build a decent profile here. but at least NI finalty get credit for what I do
Edit My Profile My profile is private.
My Current Projects
Profect |
▼ |
Due Datę |
▼ I Hrs/Week |
▼ Awards |
C1's project |
9/8/2012 |
4 |
(D | |
H « 1 ► H |
Dispłaying items 1 - 1 of 1 |
My Skills
Skill |
l Support |
| l Depend On |
Electncal |
Jp| Sasha Jones |
Cornelius Weatherspoon |
Finish Carpentry |
9. Cornelius Weatherspoon |
A Sasha Jones |
Pamting |
P| Don Segai |
^ Don Segai |
Framing |
9^ Cornelius Weatherspoon |
8/29/2012 8/29/2012
My Completed Projects
Project ▼ |
Completion Datę v |
Kensington Pi |
9/1/2012 |
Hrs/Week ▼ Awards
^ M « 1 ► ►
Displaying items 1 -1 of 1
Accuracy |
Montn Rs |
1 00 |
4 |
1.00 |
35 |
1 04 |
29 |
Year Rs |
Ali Time Rs |
15 |
97 J> |
142 ^ |
197 A |
155 / |
217 / |
X |
V |