SHSpec 49 6412C15 Communication A Gradient on Duplication

6412C15 SHSpec-49 Communication: A Gradient on Duplication

Level 0 and Level I are laid out, and the materials exist for Levels II,
III, IV, and VI. [See HCOPL 11Dec64 "Full Table of Courses and
Classifications".] The PE course is back down below Level 0, and the HAS
course is in the academy, with a strict curriculum. It includes axioms and
other bits and pieces. HQS is what old HCA/HPA was.

When you go all the way to the top, it is then very easy to see what lies
between you and the bottom. That is what has happened. Mow we can see what
an auditor has to go through and achieve to get all the way up. Unnecessary
parts of training have been eliminated without leaving gaps that people could
fall into.

You can tend to discount how much auditing you have had, when you get up
near the top. That would be one reason why you would think you could take a
new PC and run him at once on R6, thinking that he is where you are, as a
case, when he isn't.

A person who is "perfect" and has no problems:

1. Is very delicate.

2. Commits overts.

The case who never finds anything to audit because he is "perfect" must be
audited very delicately. A person may get a full complement of motivators
from something, yet still assert that is was right. If such a person were to
admit to or confront a single little fault, i.e. give up a service fac, it
would be, to him, the final degradation. He is very overty, but he is at a
point where, if he admitted that he had ever done anything wrong, he would
slip over the edge of degradation that he has been clinging to and start
asserting his rightness by being even wronger, like a kid breaking windows who
keeps on doing it, trying to assert the rightness of what he is doing.
Manifest insanity is a confirmation of an error. You have to increase the
case's responsibility by a series of steps. The only trouble you have had
with PCs has come from not going up through the steps necessary to keep the PC
winning, getting gains that are real to the PC. The Book of Case Remedies is
the totality of Level II (overts and PTP's), but the PC has to be gotten up to
the point where he can be run on the processes in The Book of Case Remedies.

There are certain things senior to the bank, on which a thetan would be
able to be aberrated, whether he had a bank or not, though without a bank, the
thetan could get unaberrated again without auditing. The design of the bank
is what gives the thetan the dwindling spiral. But if a thetan weren't
aberrated and had no designed reactive mind, he could determine to spin in on
a spiral, now that he has that skill, because he has done it. But he couldn't
have realized how much trouble he would get into. He is capable of
miscalculating, which is a fascinating ability to have. The thetan is
natively capable of getting into more trouble than he can see. A thetan is
capable of having these things happen or making things happen to himself. He is capable of setting up masses to suspend in time. The masses -- GPM's -- create time.

But it is difficult for a thetan to aberrate himself to such a degree
that he can't recover. The only way he could recover is to block out
duplication. (Cf. the Axioms: that which you don't as-is will endure
forever.) If a thetan is unwilling to duplicate something, it will endure.
The only way a thetan can erase something is to be willing to duplicate it.
E.g., if you are unwilling to be like a person, you will get madder and madder
at the person, to the point where he will disappear, not by being as-ised, but
because you can't see him anymore. He is still there.

Thus you have a universe. A thetan is nothing, and he is unwilling to be
something, so you get masses, and they endure because the thetan won't as-is
them. So he makes a bank, which tells him what he should and shouldn't be
willing to duplicate. This bank had two halves:

1. The cowboys in the white hats, which he was willing to duplicate (so
they disappeared).

2. The cowboys in the black hats, which he wasn't willing to duplicate
(so they became more real and solid).

This leads to the dwindling spiral.

Communication can be a lower gradient on duplication that leads to more
willingness to duplicate, as well as the other way around. The rough part of
the bank is duplication. You could take some other part of the comm formula,
drill it, and start to knock out the duplication hang-up. With communication,
you might get over the obsession not to duplicate, without getting an
obsession to duplicate. You knock out the ferocity of, "Don't ever be that!",
as when you say to yourself, "I must never never never be a bum on skid row,"
[and then you must obsessively duplicate the bum by becoming one.] You get out
of compulsive and inhibited actions by communication. If a person can't stand
the thought of an auto accident, he won't be able to duplicate a car,
communicate with it, or control it, and he will crash. The remedy would be to
have him touch a car.

This shows why touch assists and processes of communication with
aberrated body parts, or whatever, are so effective. "You become what you
resist." In other words, "That which you are unwilling to duplicate will
persist and eventually overwhelm." This is not to say that you have to
obsessively duplicate either. Mere experiencing of something is
non-therapeutic. Communication with something is therapeutic. If you are
afraid of being an alcoholic, don't try it out. Communicate with alcoholics
or with something relating to this subject. Then the refusal to duplicate
clicks out. Give the alcoholic a bottle or a glass to communicate with. But
don't let him experience it. Run reach and withdraw on it, or on photos of
skid-row bums.

Wilson, a newly-appeared political figure, has a 48 hour comm lag between
his saying, "I will never ... " and his doing it. He is nearly nuts, and
never notices that he is doing this. If he's "agin" it, he is going to be
doing it to be it. "Why was I so angry about it yesterday? I'm it!" "The
bank says that 50% of existence must be shunned ... and the other 50% is,
'Love it! Gotta be it! Cherish it!' So, of course, the universe will
eventually become the 50% you mustn't have anything to do with." You do not
have to experience something in order to duplicate it. The things that bug
you are the things you mustn't be or have anything to do with. And if you
can't comm with something, you can't hold it off. How do you keep one boat
from smashing another if you mustn't have anything to do with a boat hook?

There are gradients in the field of duplication. Making drawings is a
duplication and telling about them is communication, so that would help out a
kid who was having trouble. You could get him up to drawing what he didn't
like about school, drawing school in 3D, etc. [Cf. Play Therapy, in which the
kid is encouraged to "demonstrate", with toys, the various aberrative parts of
his life.] Just don't make it too steep a gradient. Having to experience is
an out-gradient. You collapse terminals with the thing that you are
experiencing. How can you hold anything off if you can't communicate with
it? [Also, if you can't duplicate something, you can't handle it.] Putting it
all on a communication activity would be less likely to go too steep. 8C is a
steep process, because it asks the PC to communicate with MEST, which is the
one thing he doesn't want to duplicate. Also, this process is run

Therefore, communication -- like, with the cowboys in the black hats --
is the key that unlocks duplication. It is what you monitor a case by and
what you try to solve first, not only with regard to levels, but also at the
beginning of every session. You could use a gradient of duplication, instead
of a gradient of communication, though it is hard to assess the gradient
properly, using duplication, and the PC will hit too steep a gradient and
blow. If you approach the whole thing on a communication gradient, you will
give the PC a very gentle gradient. "Communication" as a word, happens to be
part of the reactive bank: an end-word. But this doesn't matter.

However, just because you have gotten the PC past Level 0, it doesn't
mean that you have got rid of his reactive mind or his peculiarities as a
thetan. You will never get rid of the latter. A cleared thetan, without a
bank, will still have slump spots, centered around communication, duplication,
making things, unmaking things, persistence, any value that time might be, and
value there is to experience, etc. He will make and unmake pictures of
things. He will have an aberratable pattern that isn't planned. Then he
could just look at this small aberration, and it would as-is. He as-ises
things very easily because he doesn't have it all hanging on earlier similars
in a bank. There are certain factors in a person, regardless of his
experiential track, for instance the fact that "communication knocks out
refusals to duplicate." This comes up in a lot of cognitions. A
non-duplication decision goes along with non-communication actions. 8C is
hard because "you're asking him to communicate with MEST, and that is the one
thing he will not be.... It makes quite a process." 8C also handles
unwillingness to duplicate. A clever auditor always reestablishes the PC's
communication where it ought to be, before going on to do anything else.

So if a PC is not in comm, you must find out why. We know the key
points: withholds, PTP's, and overts. They all have out-of-comm to them. An
overt is a regretted communication. A PTP is a started but not completed, and
thereafter refused communication. A withhold is an unwillingness to
communicate. If you partially communicate, with an unwillingness to
communicate, you've got a missed withhold. This is a particular kind of

A broader look at this area is given by the fact that the PC has a PTP
because he is unwilling to duplicate something or someone. You've got to be
careful not to throw the PC into the bank with no gradient. If the PC gets
misemotional, you are on an out-gradient, because the person is experiencing
something, rather than communicating. Push a person into a situation where
there is a no-duplication decision and no communication with that, and:
Powie! He interiorizes into that very point. This can also throw the PC into
GPM's and end-words of duplication and communication and their negatives.
Communication is the solvent that handles non-duplication. As you audit the
PC normally, you've got a destimulative factor: you are putting the PC more
thoroughly in comm with his bank, without throwing him into it, i.e., without
experiencing it. If you skip the communication, you will get the obsessive
duplication, the experiencing, the dramatization. You could develop a process
that would do this to the PC. One such process would be, "What wouldn't you
mind going out of ARC with?" A more direct one would be, "What don't you
like? Duplicate it," though the latter would be therapeutic on some PC's.
Or, by making a guy wrong, you can prove to him that he is duplicating
something that he has said he would never duplicate. This is the psychiatric
approach: "You hate your father, so you are being him, aren't you?"

The reason why you can't just process a PC all the way North with
communication is that you have to pay attention to the complexity of the bank,
e.g. service facsimiles. The bank is complex enough, so that the PC will have
to confront and undo it. You have to pay attention to the PC's physical
peculiarities. The PC is going to run into some corner of the bank, and you
have to pay attention to it. You must find areas that the PC can as-is and
walk him into them. But you are not just auditing the PC vs. the bank.
There is the environment, full of other people's banks, etc. So you have to
make a fast gain. You have to have enough of a gradient so that the PC knows
that he has made a gain, and enough gain so that he won't get squashed before
the next session.

You can get rid of bad habits in the PC, not by a direct attack on them,
but by a general comm process, washing out all unwillingness to duplicate.
[If a thetan could duplicate, he wouldn't need a habit to handle it. Cf.
earlier data on a circuit as a substitute for confront. See p. 47, above.] A
person getting extricated from his own bank is also mixed up with other
banks. Also, he is still eating.

Don't advise people to experience life. If you find some guy that is
awfully slow to bring up the line, why, don't bring him up yourself. He has
had plenty of time to do himself in, and some people have simply done a better
job of it than others.
