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The mechanics behind cell division
Marion Louveaux1,2 and Olivier Hamant1,2
It is now well established that the orientation of the plane of cell compressive tensor in 3 out of 4 cells, the remaining
division highly depends on cell geometry in plants. However, quarter dividing perpendicularly to the compressive force
the related molecular mechanism remains largely unknown. [11]. Note that these experiments were performed with
Recent data in animal systems highlight the role of the different stress levels: experiments on tissues and
cytoskeleton response to mechanical stress in this process. explants [8 10] were performed with higher compression
Interestingly, these results are consistent with some data
force, corresponding to 2 10 times that of turgor pressure,
obtained in parallel in plants. Here we review and confront
while experiments on isolated cells embedded in agarose
these studies, across kingdoms, and we explore the possibility
were carried out with mechanical stress in the range of
that the intrinsic mechanical properties of the cytoskeleton play
turgor pressure [11].
a key role in the nexus between cell division and mechanical
stress. This opens many avenues for future research that are
In animal systems, new micromechanical and modeling
also discussed in this review.
approaches have been used recently to revisit this ques-
tion and have provided more clear-cut results. Alteration
Laboratoire de Reproduction et Developpement des Plantes, INRA, of shapes of non-adherent single cells, either through
CNRS, ENS, UCB Lyon 1, 46 Allee d Italie, Lyon Cedex 07 69364, France
shear deformation [12] or by placing them in wells with
Laboratoire Joliot Curie, CNRS, ENS Lyon, Universite de Lyon, 46 Allee
defined geometries [13 ] can constrain the orientation of
d Italie, Lyon Cedex 07 69364, France
the new cell division plane. A difference of less than 15%
in aspect ratio is sufficient to provoke relocation of the
Corresponding authors: Hamant, Olivier (olivier.hamant@ens-lyon.fr)
nucleus [13 ] or the spindle [12]. In vivo, the extracellular
matrix is thought to transduce mechanical stress from the
Current Opinion in Plant Biology 2013, 16:774 779
environment to the cytoskeleton during interphase. This
This review comes from a themed issue on Cell biology
also occurs during cell division: adherent cells round up
Edited by David W Ehrhardt and Magdalena Bezanilla before mitosis but keep few points of anchorage to the
matrix, through actin-rich retracting fibres. Interestingly,
For a complete overview see the Issue and the Editorial
the transient round shape of mitotic cells has recently
Available online 6th November 2013
been shown to control spindle assembly, and this has
1369-5266/$  see front matter, # 2013 Elsevier Ltd. All rights
been related to microtubule length [14]. Mechanistically,
it has been proposed that actin associated proteins that
accumulate at the end of the retracting fibres, also interact
with astral microtubules. In fact, when fibroblasts are
grown on asymmetric fibronectin patterns, the distri-
Evidence for a role of mechanical stress in bution of these proteins becomes heterogeneous. This
controlling the cell division plane across also alters the distribution of forces at the cell cortex and
kingdoms stabilizes the spindle in a position where all forces are
All living organisms experience mechanical stress, as balanced [15 17]. Mechanical stress can also change the
revealed, for instance by performing local cuts in tissues cell division plane orientation dynamically: when a fibro-
[1,2]. Conversely, the external application of mechanical nectin micropattern is stretched, a rotation of the spindle
deformation on tissues has been shown to affect growth is observed within a few minutes and cell division occurs
and morphogenesis, suggesting an instructing role of perpendicular to the stretch axis [17]. Could these find-
mechanical forces [3 7]. While these results imply that ings apply to plant cells?
cell division is a downstream target of mechanical stress,
this may be largely indirect. A contribution of mechanical stress behind
Errera s rule?
In plants, mechanical perturbations have various and Attempts to predict the position of division planes for
sometimes contradictory effects on the orientation of cell symmetric cell divisions were pioneered by plant biol-
division planes. Bending Helianthus tuberosus explants ogists in the 19th century and they emphasized the role of
randomizes the orientation of division planes [8]. Com- cell geometry in this process [11,20]. Sachs observed that
pressing Coleus internodes or Nicotiana tabacum new cell walls form an angle of 908 with existing walls in
explants induce a preferential orientation of cell division symmetric divisions. Hofmeiser proposed that cells
planes perpendicular to the axis of compression [9,10]. divide perpendicular to the cell s main growth axis. Errera
Compressing protoplasts or single cells from tobacco roots proposed that a new cell wall minimizes its surface area
orient the new cell division plane parallel to the applied and behaves like a soap film [11,20]. While these rules
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Mechanical stress and cell division Louveaux and Hamant 775
Figure 1
PPB formation Spindle Phragmoplast
CLASP, TON complex TON complex
MAP65, Katanin TAN, RanGAP
Global pattern Center of mass: Segregation:
of stress Balance of forces Pulling forces
Current Opinion in Plant Biology
Integrating mechanical stress in the kinetics of cell division. In addition to the spindle, cell division in plants involves the formation of the preprophase
band (PPB), which predicts the future cell division plane orientation, before cell division and the formation of the phragmoplast, after cell division
(snapshots of an epidermal cell from a shoot apical meristem expressing the GFP-MBD microtubule marker have been taken every 20 min). The
presence of the nucleus at the center of mass of the cell (via a balance of forces that depend on cell geometry) could promote microtubule nucleation,
and arguably PPB formation, at the equator of the cell, while the global pattern of stress would prescribe a direction to the microtubules at interphase,
and thus to the PPB. Several microtubule regulators are involved in these different processes, and the ones potentially involved in the response to
mechanical stress have been highlighted in blue here. The contribution of mechanical stress in cell division plane orientation is multiscale and can be
revealed at supracellular level (e.g. global pattern of stress controlling microtubule and PPB orientation across several cell files), at cell level (e.g. cell
geometry constraining the balance of forces inside the cell and positioning the nucleus at the center of mass) and at molecular level (e.g. pulling forces
controlling chromosome segregation).
provide realistic outcomes in computer simulations of it was proposed that PPB formation relies on remodeling
growing tissues [18] and can even recapitulate the whole of the microtubule network by motor proteins, changes
development of simple organisms like Coleochaete [19], in microtubules dynamics, and/or new events of micro-
cells with similar shape can divide along several possible tubule nucleation from the nuclear envelope or the cell
planes [20 ]. A thorough analysis of cell division planes in cortex [21,22]. The recent functional characterization of
leaves and meristems revealed that the different division the TONNEAU complex, which is absolutely required
planes are associated with several surface area minima for PPB formation, is certainly an essential step to
that are prescribed by cell shape before division, thus further explore this question [23 25,26 ]. Strikingly
generalizing Errera s rule to a probabilistic rule [20 ]. the PPB predicts the position of the next division plane
What is the molecular basis behind these geometrical orientation. As the PPB highly depends on the orien-
relations? tation of cortical microtubules before division, this
suggests that the impact of mechanical stress on cell
Geometry sensing, that is, the selection of the shortest division plane orientation in plants could be a con-
path within the plant cell, has been proposed to depend sequence of the response of microtubules to mechanical
on the behavior of microtubules and cytoplasmic strands signals.
[20 ,21]. Laser ablation experiments [21] show that
cytoplasmic strands, which contain microtubules, are The behavior of the cytoskeleton is affected
under tension; they position the nucleus at the center by mechanical stress
of mass of the cell before division. This is somewhat The cytoskeleton can be viewed as an integrator of the
similar to what is observed in animal cells [13 ]. The different cues that impact cell division. Note that while
strands then coalesce into a plane named the phragmo- the emphasis is often put on microtubules in plant cell
some, and cortical microtubules form a ring at the equator division, actin is also present in the PPB and the phrag-
of the cell, also called the preprophase band (PPB, moplast. The position of the future division plane is
Figure 1). This process remains ill understood although actually marked by transient absence of actin [27 ] and
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776 Cell biology
disruption of the actin network leads to spindle misor- associated with F-actin buckling, demonstrating the
ientation and oblique cell plates [28,29]. There is now existence of a coupling between compression and actin
accumulating evidence that mechanical stress affects the turnover [42]. Finally, the rate of actin polymerization by
behavior of the cytoskeleton both in plants and animals. the formin Bni1p in yeast was shown to be regulated by
the antagonistic actions of physical forces and profilin
In animal cells, the actomyosin cytoskeleton is comple- [43]. Beyond actin buckling, severing and polymerization,
tely reorganized in presence of a directional mechanical the low intrinsic stiffness of actin (1000-fold less rigid
stress, whether it is induced by an hydrodynamic flow than microtubules) has been proposed to be a key factor
[30], adhesion to fibronectin micropatterns [16], or for the dynamic reorganization of the actin network in
morphogenetic movements [31]. Microtubules also cells under myosin-generated compressive forces [44].
respond to mechanical stress; they notably buckle follow-
ing compression with a glass needle applied on plasma Despite the high intrinsic stiffness of microtubules, which
membrane or when compressed by the inner contraction compares to plexiglas [45], microtubules should buckle
of the actomyosin network in cardiac cells [32]. In plant under loads of the order of 1 pN [32], which is of the same
cells, mechanical stress affects the cortical microtubule order of magnitude as the force generated by molecular
network, whether mechanical perturbations are induced motors (ca. 5 pN, as measured in vitro for kinesins and
by stretching or compressing tissues [33 35], centrifu- dyneins [32,46 48]. However, in animal cells microtu-
gation [36], or wounding [35]. More specifically, there is bules were found to bear higher compressive loads, and
evidence that microtubules align along the maximal buckle at smaller wavelength than in vitro, thus revealing
tensile stress direction [33,35]. Note that actin also reori- the role of the cytoskeletal network topology and associ-
ents after wounding in plants [37]. While actin and ated proteins in the modulation of the intrinsic mechan-
microtubules seem to display consistent and dynamic ical properties of microtubules [32]. A very elegant study
interactions in plant cells [38], their final organization recently confirmed this prediction: when grown in vitro
in the presence of mechanical stress may rely on different under an hydrodynamical flow, microtubules bend; add-
responses to mechanical forces: local deformation with a ing the bundling protein MAP65/Ase1 to the mix
microindenter actually showed that microtubules depo- increases bending by reducing the flexural stiffness of
lymerize under compression, while actin bundles in microtubules [49 ]. Tension was also shown to promote
similar conditions [39]. In fact, microtubules may have microtubule polymerization [67].
opposite responses to compression and tension: micro-
tubules have the appearance of being more bundled in Altogether, this suggests a novel biological role for cytos-
cells under greater tension [35]. The mechanical asym- keleton regulators: the modulation of the response of the
metry of microtubules could partly explain why micro- cytoskeletal network to mechanical stress. In the follow-
tubules orient along maximal tensile stress in plant tissues ing, we select a number of candidates, which have an
[40]. established regulatory role for the cytoskeleton, and may
also have a role in regulating the response to mechanical
While these data support a role for the cytoskeleton in stress, and thus cell division.
translating a pattern of mechanical stress into a pattern of
subcellular organization that could be used to set up Integrating the cytoskeleton regulators in the
division plane orientation, it still remains unclear how response to mechanical stress
exactly mechanical stress is transduced to the cytoskele- In the wild type, the application of mechanical pertur-
ton, to modify its behavior. Here we propose to explore bations on Arabidopsis shoot apical meristems promotes
the possibility that the cytoskeleton itself acts as a apparent microtubule bundling, and the cells with the
mechanosensor. In this framework, the intrinsic geometry most unstable microtubule orientations are the most
and mechanics of the cytoskeleton should play a key role. competent to reorient their microtubules along maximal
A few pioneering studies have opened the way. stress orientation in this tissue [35]. This suggests that
high microtubule dynamics is promoting the microtubule
How the mechanics of the cytoskeleton may response to stress. Interestingly, mutants impaired in the
guide the response to mechanical stress microtubule severing protein Katanin exhibit reduced
In an elegant in vitro approach, actin was found to branch microtubule dynamics leading to isotropic microtubule
preferentially on the convex side of curved actin and organizations and arguably reduced bundling [50]. Con-
relevant computer models demonstrated that such a bias versely, when katanin is overexpressed, microtubules
would reinforce the actin network against compressive exhibit a transient hyperbundling attributed to increased
forces [41 ]. Furthermore, on the basis of in vitro recon- rate of collisions and increased microtubule dynamics
stituted actin cortex on a lipid bilayer, the contraction of [51]. When mechanical perturbations were performed on
the actomyosin network was shown to depend almost katanin mutant meristems, the microtubule response to
entirely on F-actin buckling induced by myosin-gener- stress was reduced suggesting that microtubule severing
ated stresses. Interestingly, increased severing was also provides a competence to the microtubules to respond to
Current Opinion in Plant Biology 2013, 16:774 779 www.sciencedirect.com
Mechanical stress and cell division Louveaux and Hamant 777
mechanical stress. Intriguingly, the katanin mutant also include cell cycle regulators, as compression was shown to
exhibits altered cell division plane orientations in the decrease cell division rate in animal cells [62,63].
shoot meristem, which may be consistent with a relation
between stress, microtubule dynamics and cell division To conclude, as we gain better understanding of the
planes [52 ]. mechanics of the cytoskeleton, we can begin to investi-
gate the role of mechanical stress in cell division with
Because of its essential role in the formation of the more compelling findings. Beyond the mechanistic
preprophase band, the TONNEAU complex, which insight, this research may have far reaching implications
bears similarity to centrosomal proteins, is a likely candi- on development. For instance, because dividing cells
date in the nexus between physical forces and cell transiently modify their mechanical properties, cell
division plane orientation [23,26 ]. Interestingly, the division itself may generate mechanical stress and this
function of TONNEAU seems conserved in the green may contribute to the coordination of cell divisions be-
lineage [25]. Furthermore, the different partners (TON1- tween neighboring cells [64]. In the Drosophila imaginal
TRM-PP2A) of the complex have now been identified disk, a higher rate of division was associated with
and found to exhibit synergistic functions [24,26 ]. The increased compression of the tissue, and compression
analysis of the corresponding mutants in the presence of in turn inhibited proliferation, placing division rate and
mechanical stress may help us understand whether these compression in a feedback loop [65]. The choice of the
proteins play a role in integrating mechanical forces as division plane orientation may also have a regulatory role
part of their biological function. in development with recent modeling work proposing
that division plane orientation may impact local growth
Other potential candidates, whose role in cell division is heterogeneity [66 ]. Many other exciting questions are
well established include AURORA kinase [53], POK emerging in this rejuvenated field and we hope that this
kinesins [54] and EB1 [55]. Last, cell geometry sensing review will contribute to further stimulating discussions.
may involve microtubule regulators, like AIR9, which
marks the preprophase band position before the for- Acknowledgement
This work was supported by a PhD grant from ARC3 Environnement,
mation of the phragmoplast [56] and CLASP which pre-
Région Rhône-Alpes.
ferentially localizes to cell edges in the PPB and was
proposed to promote microtubule bending in cell corners,
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