C:\Program Files\MCS Electron»cs\BASCOM-AVR\SAMPLES\basmon.bas =iSlx)




’--------------------------- MCS Electronics---------------


'regli ile must match the chip you use in your target system $regfile = "m8def.dat"

'crystal must match too $crystal = 8000000

'baudrate must match the baudrate of the terminal emulator $baud = 19200


Di» Krk As Byte

Di* Address As ¥ord

Di* Adrl As Byte , Adrh As Byte

Di* VI As Byte

'[main program]

Print "BASMON Version 1.01"


Krk = ¥aitkey()

Krk = "T" Then Print Chr(13);

Elseif Krk = "W" Then Address = ¥aitkey()

VI = ¥aitkey()

Out Address , VI Print Chr(13);

Elseif Krk = "R" Then Address = ¥aitkey()

VI = Inp(address)

Print Chr(vl);

Elseif Krk = "0" Then Adrl = ¥aitkey()

Adrh = ¥aitkey()

VI = ¥aitkey()

Address = Adrh * 256 Address = Address + Adrl Out Address , VI Print Chr(13);

Elseif Krk = "?" Then Print

End If Loop

'command 1address 1 for new 1 va.lue

OUT comma

'check if it is 1 i t is working



1wait for address 'wa.it for va.lue 'write value 'conf irm

'wait for address 'get value 'write back value

'wait for ISB of 'wait for MSB 'wait for data



'just echo for test

'for ever




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