O Google implementation of DFS (cf. The Google File System - whitepaper)
O Distributed FS
3 For distributed data intensive applications O Storage for Google data O Installation
■ hundreds of TBs of storage, thousands of disks, over a thousand cheep commodity machines
O The architecture is failure sensitive 0
■ fault tolerance
■ error detection
■ automatic recovery
■ constant monitoring is reguired
R.Wrembel- Politechnika Poznańska, Instytut Informatyki
O Typical file size: multiple GB O Operations on files
■ mostly appending new data multiple large sequential writes
■ no updates of already appended data
■ mostly large sequential reads
■ smali random reads occur rarely
■ file size at least 100MB
■ millionsof files
R.Wrembel - Politechnika Poznańska, Instytut Informatyki