6. (9) DlFFUSION
The phenomenon of diffusion. The Fick law. Semi-permeable membranes and selectively permeable membranes. Membranę permeability con-stant. Concentration gradient. Diffusion coefficient. The Einstein-Smoluchowski equation. Determination of the coefficient of the diffusion and the membranę permeability.
7. (10) Electromotive force of a concentration cell
Chemical and electrochemical potential. Electrode potential. The concentration cell and its electromotive force. The Nernst equation. The diffusion potential and the Henderson equation. The ion mobility.
The structure of a neuron. Resting potential, mechanisms of transport of ions across a membranę. The Nernst equation. The Goldman equation. Action potential. Depolarization and repolarisation. Threshold of stimulation. Absolute and relative refractory period. Strength-duration curve, chronaxie and rheobase. Summation of synaptic inputs. "Ali or nonę" response.
9. (7) Surface Tension and (8)Monomolecular Layer
Forces between molecules at a surface and in the bulk. Surface tension: definition and units. Methods of determination of the surface tension: the stalagmometer (drop count) method, and the capillary method. The Laplace law and basis of the bubble pressure method.
Amphiphiiic naturę of molecules. Structures formed by amphiphilic molecules in Solutions. Surface pressure and surface pressure-area iso-therms. Estimation of molecular dimensions by analysis of thin films parameters; molecular length and diameter.
10. (15) Measurements of metabolic ratę
The first and second law of thermodynamics. The Hess law. Internal energy, enthalpy. Metabolic ratę. Direct and indirect methods of measurements of the metabolic ratę for human and smali animals: determination of the metabolic ratę by the respiratory and differential calorimetry method. Respiratory quotient, the energy equivalent of oxygen. Types of heat interchange between organisms and the environment. The par-tial pressure of oxygen vs. physiological State of an organism.
Tension and load. Isometric and isotonic contraction. The stress relaxation process. The elongation retardation process (creep). The Hook law. The Young modulus. Rheological models of non-stimulated muscles: the Maxwell, Kelvin-Voigt and St. Venant model. Viscoelastic properties of muscles. The passive component of a muscle force. Experimental determination of the stress relaxation time, the retardation time and the ve-locity of creep.
12. (18) Equal loudness curves
Acoustic waves. Acoustic pressure amplitudę. Physical attributes: frequency, intensity, wave form. Physiological attributes: loudness, pitch, and timbre. Sound intensity level, decibel scalę. Isophonic curves - Fletcher-Munson diagram. Loudness level - phone. Audiogram. Estimation of the threshold of hearing and equal-loudness curve.
13. (22) Mechanical properties of solids
Stress and strain. Hooke's law of elasticity. Types of stress: normal (tensile), shear, three dimensional (bulk). Moduli: Young's, shear and bulk modulus. The stress-strain diagram. Creep of materials. Deformation of beams.
Specific heat and thermal capacity. The mechanisms of cheat exchange: conduction, evaporation, radiation and convection. Process of thermal expansion. Thermal conductivity and thermal diffusivity. Determination of the coefficient of thermal expansion and comparative determination of the thermal diffusivity coefficient.
The scotopic and photopic vision - the luminous efficiency function V(A). Photometric quantities and their units: luminous intensity, luminous flux, illuminance, luminance. The inverse square law. Photometry: determination of the luminous intensity of a light source.