astral projection,oobe Astral Signposts Stages of OOBE

Astral Signposts: The Stages Of Out-of-Body Experiences

Astral Signposts: The Stages
Out-of-Body Experiences

by Charles C. Goodin (

The following article is part of
materials being prepared for a book on the subject of
astral projection. It is a work-in-progress and may be
periodically updated. The author hosts the Astral
Projection Home Page.

This article focuses
on the "experience" part of out-of-body experiences
("OOBEs"). It describes the feelings, sights and
sounds common to the process by which the astral body
separates either partially or completely from the physical
body. It also lists some of the attitudes held by successful
OOBErs. Many people new to the process are quite surprised
and often relieved to learn that their "strange"
experiences are in fact perfectly natural and fairly common.
Depending on your experience level, you
might be able to relate to some, many or perhaps even all of
the items listed below. Your experiences may well exceed
those presented here. This article is cumulative -- it lists
as many experiences as I could bring to mind. A typical OOBE
will probably not include everything contained in the list.
After 50 or 100 OOBEs, however, you will probably recognize
many of the items with a knowing smile.
A little bit about this approach -- there
are literally dozens of techniques which may be used to leave
the body. For newcomers, it might seem that many of them are
confusing, inconsistent and complicated. Why is this so?
Someone trying to teach an OOBE technique must naturally do
so based on his or her particular understanding of the
phenomenon -- his or her world view will "color"
the presentation. Consider for a moment the staggering number
of religions, philosophies, movements and beliefs in the
world. Now imagine someone from each trying to tell you about
OOBEs. They may all be describing the same mountain but they
each advocate a different path to the top!
Have you ever been in trance (mind
awake/body asleep)? Whether you entered it by dancing around
a fire, sitting zazen or progressive relaxation, the results
were probably remarkably similar. The same is true of OOBEs.
The OOBE process itself is fairly straightforward and
refreshingly untainted by "background belief".
There is an exceptionally important reason
why you should thoroughly familiarize yourself with the
details of the OOBE process. Do you know what it is? When you
"proceed directly to jail" card (where the jail is
your physical body). And don't kid yourself, an intellectual
understanding alone won't do -- your body and especially your
Unconscious Mind must become comfortable with the process.
Otherwise your fears will run rampant.
To summarize, this article should help to
make you realize that your own experiences are natural and
fairly common. Relax, you are not alone. In addition, basing
the approach on the experience itself rather than technique
helps to minimize the taint of "world view."
Finally, knowing the scenery so to speak will help you to
remain relaxed, focused and composed, which are all essential
to OOBE success.
The next time you have an OOBE, try to
write down your experience (after your return to your body,
naturally) and identify what you felt, saw, heard and thought
at each stage. You might be surprised at the results.
Remember -- the answer is in there!

Astral Signposts:

OOBEs Are Something You
"Do" -- And Can Get Better At. While
OOBEs just seem to happen (spontaneously or
miraculously) to some people, most sucessful
projectors have the attitude that OOBEs are something
we "do." Results are produced by the right
knowledge and attitude, diligent practice, and long
term effort. Can everyone have a
"conscious" OOBE? Probably not. Can you?
Perhaps. It may sound like a cliche but the mere fact
that you're reading this article means that you are
interested in this subject and that suggests that you
have at some degree of astral ability. Let your
interest take root and grow. Are you willing to work
at it with no guarantees? Good!
Projectors Are Drawn To It.
Like moths to flame, many of us are drawn to OOBEs.
We can't really help it. It's not that OOBEs are
cool, neat, fantastic, or the "in" thing to
do -- at a deep level something tugs at us. Remember
that time, long ago when you were a child and found
yourself "out"? You can't forget it, can
you? The memory and feeling is always right there...
tugging at you.
Successful Long-Term Projectors Are
Physically Grounded. There is an unfortunate
tendency for some people to become physically weak
and mentally disoriented as a result of OOBE
training. Some say that it is easier to project when
the body is physically weak. This may be true but it
is at best, a short-term, narrow-sighted strategy.
Successful projection requires an abundance of
internal energy, much of which can only be derived
from a healthy physical body (think of it as your
generator). A relaxed, balanced, healthy physical
body is far superior to a weak, sickly one. In
addition, a weak body negatively affects the mind.
You should engage in regular exercise to ensure that
you will remain properly grounded. Why do you think
the yoga masters and zen priests also practice a
physical discipline -- not just meditation? If you
feel yourself becoming "flighty" or
disoriented, take a break from your OOBE training and
go for a walk at the park or beach, play with your
children, participate in a sport, etc. Give yourself
time to recharge your battery.
Physical Limitations Do Not Result
In Astral Limitations. Having said that it is
important to take the steps necessary to maintain a
healthy body, I should add that physical limitations
do not necessarily affect your ability to have OOBEs.
I wear glasses and am pretty nearsighted.
Nevertheless, my OOBE vision is perfect. What about
people with missing limbs? Many will find that they
are whole when they are "out." I believe
that you can learn to project despite disease,
physical limitation, injury, etc. Also, you can
project despite the fact that you have metal pins or
other foreign objects in your body.Keep in mind that shape is a very flexible
thing in the astral. Sometimes people project as a
mere point of consciousness, a geometric form or as
nothing at all discernible. Therefore, you should not
feel too attached to your physical form -- that
attachment will make it more difficult for your to
project. I believe that the pure astral form is
always in its prime, so to speak. It is neither young
nor old, and at higher levels it is neither male nor
female. The astral body feels the same as the soul
between lives.

Astral Diet. There is no magic
diet which assures OOBE success. Rather, the proper
diet during OOBE training is one which makes you feel
healthy, energetic and comfortable. Heavy (especially
meats), oily or spicy foods might make it difficult
to train. I was in a class learning to sit zazen many
years ago and the teacher mentioned that we should
not eat pizza before training. There is nothing wrong
with pizza -- he simply did not want us to burp
(because it would disrupt the sitting and our
composure)! In addition, eating or drinking too much
will make you have to use the restroom more often,
which could disrupt your OOBE training session. It is
better to feel a little hungry while engaged in OOBE
training rather than feeling too full.Several people have mentioned to me that
being a little thirsty is useful. Place a glass of
water down the hall or in another room and will
yourself to leave your body and go get a drink.
I do not think it is necessary to
be vegetarian but I can appreciate the value of it.
Also, I do not personally recommend fasting but
recognize that it is a part of many traditions. Use
common sense and take good care of your body.

Reading About OOBEs Only Helps So
Much. I never met anyone who simply read books
about guitars and magically developed the ability to
play! OOBEs are like playing a musical instrument,
practicing a martial art, meditating, etc. You should
read books and articles to familiarize yourself with
the subject but success requires practice (and often
years of trial and error). Also keep in mind that as
described below, you will need to learn to function
with non-verbal awareness and this is the antithesis
of conventional forms of study such as reading or
attending lectures.I went to
a writer's conference once and talked to one of the
speakers. He mentioned that many of the same people
turned out year after year but never wrote anything
at all! Don't become a "fan" of OOBEs. They
are something to do. I also know a Zen priest who
likes to say that reading an entire library of books
on the subject of Zen adds up to less than a pimple
on your butt! The same could be said about OOBEs.

An Encompassing Belief System.
Successful astral projectors have a belief system in
which OOBEs are accepted. Suppose you define life as
spirit animating the flesh. Well, having the spirit
leave the body seems to violate this definition.
Unless OOBEs fit within your belief system, your
conscious mind -- and more importantly your
Unconscious Mind -- will create all kinds of
roadblocks to your success.
Keep It In Perspective. Take at
look at the tip of the fingernail on the little
finger of your right hand. That's how important OOBEs
are in the grand scheme of things. OOBEs don't make
you enlightened, give you a free pass to heaven, etc.
Some people read about saints or holy people who
could leave their bodies and foolishly think that
developing the same ability will make them saintly or
holy. Hey, they did a lot more than that! You have to
work on your life!
A Fearless, Daring Attitude.
Who You? Yes you! You might have heard or read about
all sorts of dangers associated with OOBEs. I have
written an article entitled Understanding Out-of-Body
Fears, which lists many of the fears people report
based on the number of times they have left their
bodies. As you would expect, people who have had many
experiences tend to be less fearful. But fear is
something which must be managed, especially for
beginners.I believe that
there is a "fear barrier" which is designed
to keep out curiosity seekers and the timid. OOBE
success comes to those who fully understand the risks
but are willing to train despite it all. Hey, most of
us can't help it anyway -- we are drawn to it. In
addition, many seemingly irrational fears are created
by the Unconscious Mind because it is uncomfortable
with the astral process. Have you asked for its
permission and cooperation?
Many OOBE fears are based on the
wrongful assumption that the astral world is a direct
(but less dense) counterpart of the physical world.
If you went on a journey to a strange place in
"this" world, you might rightfully worry
about getting lost. Not suprisingly, the most
commonly reported OOBE fear is that of getting lost.
Falling is another very common fear. Don't let your
3D assumptions get in the way of your OOBE training.

OOBE Affirmations. Some people
find it useful to write and repeat OOBE affirmations
-- positive statements about what you will do (can
already do). Merely repeating things does nothing but
stating meaningful words and phrases with 100%
conviction should produce some results. To some
extent, you are giving instructions to your
Unconscious Mind. Be very careful about what you ask
for -- you just might get it!
Training Place. It should be
clean, quiet, secure, uncluttered and to the extent
possible, reserved for OOBE training. You will pick
up on the vibrations of the area when you get
"out" -- you might even see them -- so plan
ahead. Also, clutter tends to make novices
disoriented. I would avoid heavy duty electrical
appliances in the immediate area. Turn off the
television and radio, switch off the alarm, unplug
the telephone -- prevent disruptions. Also, make sure
the door is locked so that you won't have to worry
about "phantom" intruders later.When you have a "special" place
for OOBE training, your Unconscious Mind will learn
that it is time to go "out" when you are
there. Simply entering the space with the objective
of leaving your body will trigger your Unconscious
Mind's OOBE autoexec file. If you practice a martial
art, think of your training place as your OOBE dojo.
You could also think of it as your OOBE temple. It is
a special, holy place where you come face to face
with your True Self. You should treat it with

Spouse. If you share a bed with
a spouse or lover, you might consider moving to
another room for a few hours for OOBE training.
Restless movements or noises can be very disturbing.
In addition, a sleeping person might tend to make you
sleepy as well -- sleep is infectious. Naturally, if
your spouse or lover also projects, OOBE training in
the same bed/location might be ideal.
Position. You are lying flat on
your back. Perhaps you are seated in a comfortable
chair or in a lotus/half-lotus position on the floor.
In any case, you are resting comfortably in a stable
position. Plan ahead so that the jerking motion of
"nodding off" will not terminate your OOBE.
For the most part, OOBEs while walking or otherwise
in movement are an exception.
Magnetic Orientation. Don't
worry about it. Some swear by aligning the head
towards magnetic North. I think it is just a mental
crutch. You are about to step out of conventional
time/space so you might as well start thinking in an
unlimited way. Don't create unnecessary barriers to
Some Form Of Invocation Of
Protection. Most skilled projectors protect their
physical space and various bodies (physical and
astral) by prayer, energy formations, etc. One of my
teachers warned me to ensure that I always, always do
this (and I do!).
Clear Purpose -- Definite Target.
Have a very clear idea about what you are going to
do. Don't just think, "I am going to leave my
body." That's too general for now. Plan a
specific course -- where you will go, who you will
visit (with permission), what you will discuss, when
you will return, etc. Have a DEFINITE TARGET! Go
there in the physical ahead of time and set an energy
marker (a homing beacon so to speak). Then desire to
go to it with all your being. Half-hearted efforts
get no results. Most people fail at OOBEs because
they lack the discipline and patience to train
correctly. It's not something to do because it's cool
or to be able to say, "been there, done
that." It is a very serious undertaking. Astral
keys can open a Pandora's Box or the Hall of Records!
Noble Aim Or Goal. There is a
saying in Japanese: "bachi ga ataru." In
English we say, "What goes around comes
around." Bad deeds come back multiplied and in
the astral, the return is very quick. Act at all
times in a noble manner and with a good intent.
Some Form Of Progressive
Relaxation. You will probably find that a
systematic method of progressively relaxing the body
produces far better results than just lying there. It
will also help you to avoid falling asleep
involuntarily. Many people visualize the various
parts of their body switching off from toes to head.
Feel your body (the inside as well as the outside)
and watch it as it slows down and goes to sleep (into
Some Form Of Deep Or Rhythmic
Breathing. Breathing exercises are an important
part of progressive relaxation. The breaths are
gradually lengthened so that the number of inhales
and exhales per minute is reduced. Sometimes it might
even feel like you are not breathing at all or that
the air is coming in through your skin. Your internal
energy is largely generated by your breath so proper
breathing is extremely important. By the time you've
finished your routine of progressive relaxation
combined with deep or rhythmic breathing, you will
likely find yourself in the next stage.
Catalepsy Or Sleep Paralysis.
Your physical body will "go to sleep." It
will be heavy and you will not be able to move it,
except with great effort. Attempting to move at this
point will likely terminate the experience and result
in discomfort. Some people panic the first few times
they experience this paralysis. Relax, soon you will
learn to enjoy it. And it is an excellent sign of
your progress.
Mind Awake. You might get the
distinct feeling that while your body is completely
asleep (paralyzed), your mind is fully awake -- in
fact, it feels incredibly clear. The initial novelty
of this experience should help you to focus on what's
going on and minimize any stray thoughts. Gradually
let your thoughts settle. Do not initiate new lines
of thought. Simply relax mentally until you are pure
The Buzzing Sound. Energy takes
many forms. You will likely hear a sound that may be
as gentle as leaves rustling, could be more like the
buzzing of insects, or might even be as loud as a
roaring train or howling hurricane. You might even
hear music. But you will probably hear something --
and it might be quite pronounced. Relax, it's normal.
If the sound is annoying, try to raise the pitch an
octave or two.
The Light. Although described
less often, the energy could result in flashing
lights, waves of pulsating colors, etc. I find that
at a certain pitch and intensity of sound, the light
kicks in. I tend to think that light is a higher form
of energy. Your eyes might flicker (rapid eye
movements). Rather than trying to look around (with
your eyes shut because you can't move) focus your
attention on your third eye (the spot between your
The "Itchy Skin" Feeling.
Depending on the form(s) your energy has taken, you
might feel electric, itchy, like insects are crawling
all over your skin, hot, etc. Again, relax. If it is
uncomfortable, try to raise your pitch (energy
frequency). The physical sensations follow the pitch.
With practice the process becomes pleasant. I
sometimes get the feeling of being sunburned on the
A Hard Tongue. This does not
happen very often but if the light and sound become
very strong and your gaze is set on your third eye,
you might find your tongue pressing against the roof
of your mouth and becoming rigid. Your breathing will
probably have become very rapid as well. This is
described in the Kundalini literature. At such a
time, remain calm and watch -- this is a pretty rare
and fantastic show! You can leave your body later.
Sudden Stillness. The sound is
roaring, the light is flashing, your skin is
electric... then suddenly it all stops. The silence
is deafening. For a split second you can't even
think. You are still inside your body but you feel
like you a tiny point of awareness in a huge expanse.
It's almost like being in a dark cavern. Just wait.
Don't let your mind run off in a million directions.
Something wonderful is about to happen.
A Switch-Over To Non-Verbal
Awareness. You won't be able to think in the way
to which you are accustomed. One of my teachers
described this by saying: "You can't think 1, 2
3." To some extent, you become a witness to what
is happening to you. But your awareness is not
passive. You are still in control, it is just that
there is no internal verbalization or dialogue. There
is no separation between thought and action. Later,
after you return to your body, you will have to
translate the experience into words. This will feel
somewhat like remembering a dream. In fact, the
Watcher of the dream and the Watcher of OOBEs is the
same.This phase is of
critical importance. Practicing "non-verbal
awareness" during normal consciousness is an
important part of OOBE training. Reading without
verbalizing (the words just stream in without being
spoken or translated... like an ultra-highspeed modem
connection), typing without verbalizing, performing
dance or martial arts without thought... these are
all helpful. You will find that "wordless
awareness" is not the same as "not
thinking." Without formulating the question you
will find that the answer is right there -- there is
no gap.

The Watcher. I am not using
this term with reference to a particular belief
system. Some religions or groups might also use the
term. I am using it in an experiential sense. When I
project, I feel the presence of my own
"Watcher" which is a part of "me"
but not part of my ordinary thinking mind. It is
there when I project, dream, sleep, think, daydream,
work... always. This may have been my own
"Higher Self"... I don't know. After this
article was first posted, someone suggested that the
term "Monitor" was more appropriate. I
think that in truth that no term is sufficient. You
could call it "the part of you that can't be
named but you know its there at all times and is
incredibly wise and powerful and ageless...."
Your Self-Concept Is Limiting --
Pack Light For Your Trip! Who you think you are
will limit the perceptions which will be acceptable
to you. Inconsistent perceptions will either seem
dreamlike or will be ignored or deleted. Imagine
yourself purified to the bare essence -- to the part
of you that truly makes you, you. Imagine a large
mass of coal which over the ages becomes a tiny
diamond. Much of what you consider to be
"you" (height, weight, skin color, gender,
age, race, religion, economic status, education
level, etc.) does not pass from life to life. They
are just variables. It is the core you, the essence,
which is the real you and which is active during
OOBEs. Leave the unnecessary "trapping" of
your personality behind. Get ready... there's a
bigger YOU waiting.You are
going on a divine trip. Pack lightly.

Movement. You are moving.
Direction is irrelevant... up, sideways, down. There
is no "good" or "bad" direction.
Go with the flow. Rise, float, spin, sink, climb,
soar.... Go with it -- don't fight it. You might feel
air rushing over your body, your hair flowing back,
all this indicates movement. You might hear the
rushing of wind. Good.If you
do not experience a sense of movement, you may be
able to initiate it by visualization. Don't limit
yourself to images of rising up. Also try using the
image and feeling of being pulled out. Be creative.

Expanding Boundaries -- Physical
Triggers. You might feel like your body is
growing in all directions -- like the boundaries are
expanding. You may feel it localized around your
head, feet or even near your stomach. Relax and go
with it. Extend the feeling. Bring it back and extend
it again, this time farther. This might be a good
time to imagine floating like a cloud.
Dual Awareness. You might feel
like you are simultaneously inside your body and
outside of it. Sometimes your awareness will bounce
back and forth! This is usually a transition stage
which will pass fairly quickly. Remain aware at such
times. Leaving the body is really about learning to
shift your attention from one place (the physical
body) to another (the astral body). The astral body
does not merely sleep within the body during your
waking hours -- it is very active. Right now it might
be outside of your physical body and you don't even
know it! Can you shift your attention to it?
The Tunnel. Some people
(especially in near-death-experiences) find
themselves moving down a dark tunnel with a point of
light at the end. Some do not. It doesn't matter.
You're not out of your body yet... but you're almost
Click! That's it. You might
hear a click, a switching sound, a crack. It's not
your skull breaking... it's just a sound. Maybe it's
the sound of an astral form of static electricity as
you pass through the physical barrier.
Congratulations... you're out!
Black Out. Maybe you've lost
consciousness. Remember, you've already lost your
normal thinking mind and switched to the nonverbal.
But for a few minutes you might be completely
"blacked out." That's alright. Just be
diligent about seizing your awareness at the earliest
Awakening In A Dream. You might
have to regain awareness by awakening in a dream. A
lucid dream can be an entry point to OOBEs. Identify
any anomalies in the dream. Seize control by doing
something tactile -- touch something. Skilled astral
projectors are usually also skilled dreamers.
Sheer Terror. Some people,
after weeks, months or even years of training,
finally achieve an OOBE only to find themselves
frightened to the bone, gripped by absolute terror,
scared almost to death, etc. Panic sets in and the
immediate result is a quick and sometimes unpleasant
return to the body. Why the fright? Imagine standing
near the edge of a cliff. Intellectually you might
feel perfectly safe but your "gut" makes
you feel scared. Your body reacts to situations that
it perceives as dangerous. During your first OOBE,
you will still be very close to your physical body --
barely separated from it -- and it will still exert a
strong influence on you. Trust me, with experience
the fear disappears.Oh,
another reason for the fear is that you think you are
dead... really dead. If you are reading this, that
obviously was not true.
If the fear persists, go back and
reassess your belief system. Also, respectfully ask
your Unconscious Mind what's troubling it.

You're Home. You feel that you
have returned to a familiar place, somewhere you've
been many times before. You have! You're home, safe.
Cherish the feeling. You'll probably not want to
Your Normal State. Are you a
physical being which can project into the astral, or
an astral being which descends into the flesh? Think
about it for a moment. Right now you are physical (I
assume) and later today you might have an OOBE. When
that happens, are you going "out" or waking
up? It is a journey or a return? You can see that it
all depends on your perspective.For some people (probably a very small
group), OOBEs are the natural state. Can you imagine
how slow and limiting the physical world must be for
an astral being? They might naturally feel
disinterested in it and even in some of the people
who inhabit it.

You Can't See. It takes a while
for your astral senses to switch on. You're probably
not used to using them except when completely
unaware. What I mean by this is your nonverbal
Watcher has to get the knack of using the astral
sight, hearing and sense of touch. Sorry Bud but
you're working at a preschool level right now and
your Watcher has a Ph.D. It doesn't really like
diddling around in the near physical level and it has
to relearn the ropes!Many
novices report seeing a black or gray mist. Just give
your astral eyes some time. Don't "blindly"
interpret the vision (or lack thereof) to mean that
you're in a dark, evil realm. If you are
uncomfortable where you are, raise your

Seeing Your Physical Body.
There's no rule that says you have to examine your
physical body. But if you do you'll probably find
that it seems very foreign and practically
lifeless... inanimate. You might even feel
indifferent to it -- as if it is merely a convenient
vehicle, like a car. Can you see the energy you set
up around your body for protection? If not, do it
Everything Shines! More
correctly, everything is illuminated by its own
light. There is no sense of dark once your astral
eyes being to function. There is ambient light even
in an absolute vacuum.
Are Your Feet Touching The Ground?
Probably not! Do you even have feet? Hmmmm. The
physical body is a vehicle --like a car. Whether you
call it a temple of enlightenment or a prison, it is
a vehicle. You are not limited by your physical
characteristics. At the highest level you are pure
The Silver Cord. You might see
it. You might not. Your attachment to your physical
body is normally invisible (sort of like gravity) --
no need to clutter up the astralscape. Don't be too
iteral about it. Even if you don't see a cord, you
will probably have occasion to feel it. The cord
(visible or invisible) may be attached to your astral
body in various places. Don't worry about it.
Eight Corners -- Spherical View.
You can see in all directions at the same time. Some
describe this as seeing the 8 corners of the room.
Try it. It is difficult to see 6 while physical. Some
also describe this as having an eye in the back of
the head. Your astral vision is not limited by
direction. It takes a while to get used to this.
Directional Confusion. Right,
left, up, down? It gets confusing. We are accustomed
to moving in only two directions. Now you are moving
in three... actually more. Some people begin to get
confused between left and right even while physical!
OOBE vision is often reversed, inverted or inside-out
-- but not always.
No Time Or An Altered Sense Of It.
Sometimes an OOBE seems very brief, and yet it last
many minutes or even hours. The opposite is also true
-- what seems like an extremely long OOBE may only
take seconds. You are in a different time/space.
Time Travel. Some OOBErs report
that they can travel backward and forward in time. I
can't offer any personal guidance on this. For some
reason, when I project I have no interest in the
Limitations Are Mental. The
walls cannot hold you, the ceilings cannot keep you
in, gravity cannot weigh you down...unless you let
them. The more you act like you are physical, the
more limited you will be.
Astral Motion. Novices tend to
act like they are swimming or flying. You create your
own limitations. Some people go from Point A to Point
B by traveling through space. Others just jump
straight to Point B. Tunnels, vortexes, mists...
there are many modes of travel.
Light Is Intelligent. Oh my,
the light is alive. Yes it is. The higher you go, the
more alive -- and intelligent -- it gets. This may
sound mystic. Quite the opposite is true. Imagine a
giant hologram containing scans of every page of
every book of the Library of Congress. If that
hologram were shattered, every little piece would
continue to contain the entire contents (only smaller
and perhaps at a different angle). I think that light
is very like that -- small pieces of the Whole. At
the higher astral levels, light can be read, so to
speak. But by that time, you are normally acting
beyond the capability of words. Sounds mystic again,
I know.
Joy, Joy, Joy! Unbridled
ecstacy, joy, bliss, rapture, clarity, happiness
beyond words, indescribable freedom.... Hey, being
out-of-the-body is not so bad!
Enhanced Understanding. You
will just "know" certain things. This is
not the first time you have been "out,"
perhaps just the first time your were consciously
"out." Your Watcher knows infinitely more
than your ordinary consciousness. As you gain more
experience, insights will begin to stream in. The
answer is in there! Be respectful enough to pay
attention to the whispers.
Telepathic Communication. You
can "hear" what someone is thinking.
Actually, since neither of you are thinking (you are
functioning non-verbally) you know each other's
thoughts directly. In any event, you will probably
not be speaking in the usual sense.
Astral Etiquette. You are not a
visitor here (this is where you belong in a sense),
but for the time being you are a novice. Act with
courtesy and respect toward the beings (that sounds
better than people to me) you meet. This is not like
the internet where "flaming" has relatively
no consequence. Negative emotions or outbursts here
can have serious repercussions. Initially, treat
everyone you meet as a potential teacher.
Like Attracts Like. You attract
and are attracted to like energy. If you don't like
your surroundings ask yourself why you have been
drawn to them. Rise out of areas that make you fill
ill at ease. By rising out I am referring to
frequency rather than direction.
Secondary Black Out. You might
have "blacked out" (lost consciousness)
when you first left your body. It might happen again
when you're out but for a different reason. You will
black out whenever you exceed your ability to
perceive or remember. You (the Watcher) can perceive
a great deal. You (consciousness) can only remember a
little. The more you become accustomed to non-verbal
awareness, the more you will be able to remember.
Also, you will not be able to remember correctly if
you become confused or overwhelmed by too many
sensations.Let's pretend
that you are a television set with 36 channels. Your
Watcher is an expert at all of them. In fact, it has
a remote control with its favorite channels
preprogrammed. It likes to jump around. Your
conscious mind is only good at Channels 1 and 2
(maybe). Everything else comes in as static or
scrambled images. So your OOBE might be going along
fine while you are on Channels 1 and 2 but black out
-- or become dreamlike -- when your Watcher hits the
remote and jumps to its favorite channel. This is
overly simplistic but you get the idea.
Hey Bud... you're not just that
little conscious mind! Your conscious mind will have
to learn to cooperate (non-verbally) with the
Watcher. Remember, the conscious mind translates your
OOBE -- after the fact usually -- into words,
sentences and "normal" daily thoughts. It
will only be able to do so if it remains focused
non-verbally during the OOBE.
Let's return to the television
example. Imagine that each channel is twice as strong
as the one below it. Channel 2 is twice as strong as
Channel 1, Channel 36 is twice as strong as Channel
35.... The "strength" of the channel
strikes against "verbal thinking." The
force will be minimal at the first couple of levels
but pretty soon, even the slightest verbal thought
will result in a blackout (sensory overload). But if
the mind is kept perfectly nonverbal, there will be
no resistance no matter how strong the force (even
1,000,00 times 0 = 0).
There was on old Star Trek episode
(I only like the old ones). Captain Kirk, Spock and
Bones were trapped in a force field. Finally, Spock
realized that the way to get out was to clear the
mind of thoughts. The force field was powered by
thoughts and resistance! How profound!
Back to the television... there are
really an infinite number of channels. And the
Watcher can actually function on many at the same
time. Just wanted to make that clear.

Snap Back. If the body is
disturbed, you become afraid, if any number of things
happen, you might feel yourself snapping back to your
body. You might sense movement at great speed or you
might just feel a jerk as you enter your body. This
is typical in early experiences and rare with more
experience (unless someone touches your body -- which
you should have planned for/against). With a snap
back, you might suddenly find your heart and
respiration racing. Calm down and don't move. In
fact, don't move for a few minutes. Let your astral
body properly realign itself to the physical.
Catalepsy Or Waking-Up Paralysis.
Well, it often happens again! This is the reverse of
what happens when you leave your body. When you
return, there is a transition time when you cannot
move. Don't try to move for few minutes. Just rest
comfortably. Your recollection is greatest right now!
This is the time to translate what happened during
your OOBE into words and thoughts. This may sound
hard but with practice it is sort of like clicking on
a file and unzipping it! Really.
Going "Out" Again -- And
Again. The attachment between your physical and
astral bodies is very weak when you first return. It
is often easier to leave the body again during the
return paralysis. Sometimes you might be able to go
back and forth several times. It feels a little like
bouncing or being in two places at the same time.
This is a good time to practice your exit and entry
techniques. The more times you do it the more you
will be able to do it! I hear from many people who
have left their bodies more than 100 times --
sometimes many times in a single session.
The Intruders. Hey, who are
those three guys (or women) behind me, watching me,
inching closer. I want to stand up and run away!
Don't get excited. This is normal. Maybe they are
your guides, maybe they are your Watcher. Maybe it's
just that you feel very vulnerable because you can't
move yet. If you have taken the proper precautions
before you left your body (secured the room, among
other things), you should feel perfectly safe. If the
entities persist, non-verbally thank them for their
help and ask them to identify themselves.
Record Your Experiences. After
you regain complete physical control, promptly write
down or tape record the highlights of your OOBE. At
least in the beginning, this will help you with the
remembering and translation process. It is a process.
People project without knowing it! Leaving the body
is really not about separation mechanics as much as
it is about training yourself to function
non-verbally and remember what happens.
The Failure Of Words. Try to
write down the highlights of your experience. But
don't be surprised if words fail you. Who says that
words can express EVERYTHING? Sometimes when I try to
describe my experiences I reach a point where I get
tongue tied -- so overwhelmed by the enormity of it
all that I become nonsensical. Sometimes, to define
is to defile. Also, one of my teachers often advised
that I not dilute the experience by talking about it.
He was a very wise man.
Physical Disorientation. You
might feel physically disoriented after your first
few experiences. You might feel dizzy or just not
"right." Once in a while I had difficulty
walking correctly -- and I probably could not walk
and chew gum at the same time! The best remedy for me
was a quick nap. Your astral body naturally realigns
itself after a nap.The best
way to avoid disorientation all together is to take
the time to properly align yourself when you return
to your body. Don't just jump up!

Close The Chakras. If you've
opened them, close them now. I don't think about this
much but people are always warning me to do it so
I've included it here.
Automation -- Autoexec File.
After a while most of the steps described here become
automated, so to speak. Instead of going through each
step consciously, you might just set the mood and go.
A similar thing happens when you switch on your
computer. Your autoexec file saves you time and
trouble by loading the required files, running
diagnostics and getting to the correct initial
directory. But remember -- if you cannot consciously
OOBE (or remember it afterwards), one of the main
problems may be that you've already unconsciously
automated the process and your consciousness was left
"out of the loop." Learning to have OOBEs
is more a matter of learning to consciously tag along
and to do this you might have to edit your autoexec
Heightened Awareness in
"Ordinary" Consciousness. You have
opened the door. Don't be surprised when you just
"know" things. Your view of Channel 0 (the
physical plane) may begin to be accented by scenes
from the higher channels. Don't be surprised, either,
if the Watcher starts to be more active... after all,
you've begun to enter his/her realm. Take care that
your OOBE activities do not make you lose your common
sense or neglect your family, work and other
Intuition Of Impending OOBEs.
Once you get the knack of it, you will generally know
when you're primed and ready to go astral. Sometimes
you will just know that it will not happen or should
not happen. Go with your intuition. At other times,
you will feel the need to go "out" without
knowing why. The reason will usually present itself
at the right time.
Hey, I Sense That You Can Do It
Too! When you get that feeling you might stop and
say, "Hmmmm." People who do this tend to
recognize each other pretty quickly. They seem like
old friends (sometimes lovers). This is hard to
explain but perhaps you know what I mean. But you
certainly should be discreet about it. Don't run up
to people and say, "Hey, can you leave your
body?" They will probably think you are nuts.
And maybe they are not consciously aware of their own
abilities. Perhaps you met before on Channel 36. Can
they remember that? Can you?
A Reluctance To Talk About It.
You might consider your gift to be a secret to be
carefully guarded. Depending on your social and
personal environment, you might be right. I think 99%
of the people who do this are reluctant to speak
about it -- unless they get involved with an
understanding circle of friends who share the gift.
Those of us who write about the experience tend to
have a weird split personality -- mega-nonverbal and
mega-verbal at the same time (or able to switch back
and forth easily).
A Changed Attitude About Death.
You've been out of your physical body. It wasn't so
bad, was it? In fact, it felt like returning home.
Your views about death might need to be revised. It's
not that you are looking forward to death -- but you
are not running away from it either.
What Is Your Astral Body Doing
Right Now? Now this question can be asked. If I
asked it earlier it might not have made as much
sense. Your astral body does not simply lie dormant
in your physical body waiting for you to activate it.
No way! It is always active. Sometimes you can shift
your focus to it and we call that an OOBE. But at
other times it is fully active while you are awake.
Back to the Watcher. It can "watch" or
network the various aspects of your "self"
quite nicely.You can use
your astral while you are physical. Try giving it a
task and then be sensitive to the signals it will
give you when the mission is completed. Listen for
the "tiny" voice. If you ignore it, it
won't be as cooperative the next time you ask.

Highest And Best Use -- Your
"Calling." Why do you think you can do
this? For amusement? Certainly not! Find the
reason... seek it during OOBEs if you like. Find what
it is you are to do and try your best to do it. I
think we all have the duty to try to raise the
consciousness of the planet (maybe more than that)
just a little. And remember, you are physical for a
reason. That reason is not to always leave your body!
You wanted to be here. Astral projection is just a
small part of the plate you have set for yourself.
I Can't Do It Again No Matter How
Hard I Try -- That Free Pass. I've added this
category because so many people complain to me about
it. If your first OOBE was spontaneous -- I think of
such OOBEs as a "free pass" -- you might
have difficulty repeating it unless you engage in a
disciplined, long-term course of OOBE training. What
I mean by this is a free pass gets you
"out" despite your hectic work schedule,
poor health, unfocused mind, lack of effort, etc. But
to do it again you're going to have to work at it.
You don't get many free passes in life! The above
also applies if you began to experience OOBEs during
your childhood or teenage years and then lost the
What Did I Miss? Please let me

I will likely almost certainly add some new
items and revise old ones as time permits. You might want to
check back from time to time.
By the way, a side effect of reading this
is enhanced astral ability!
Charles C. Goodin (

Copyright © Charles C. Goodin. All rights reserved.
