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Communication 11
5 Possible answers
Reading p138
b If I have good news to pass on, I normally
telephone all my friends.
Lead in
c If someone has upset me, I buy myself
1 Possible answers
something nice like a new CD.
d If I need a friend s advice, I talk to the people I
1 surprise 4 enjoyment
trust most.
2 disgust 5 sadness
e If I want to apologise for something I ve done,
3 anger 6 fear
I sometimes buy a bunch of flowers.
Gapped text
6 Possible answers
3 Key
a If you watch too much television, you become
1 B 3 C 5 D lazy. (Type 0)
2 F 4 A 6 G b If you don t go to bed earlier, you ll be too
tired to study. (Type 1)
c I ll do the washing up if you clean the kitchen.
(Type 1)
d If you lend me your car for the evening, I ll
Grammar and practice p140
take you out for a meal tomorrow. (Type 1)
e if you don t work harder, you ll fail your
Conditionals 0, 1 and 2
exams. (Type 1)
1 Key
f I d spend more time at home if I liked my
flatmates. (Type 2)
Type 0: present simple, present simple
Type 1: present simple, will + infinitive
Type 2: past simple, would + infinitive
Conditional 3
7 Key
2 Key
If you had given (past perfect) me your number,
a Type 2 b Type 0 c Type 1
I would have sent (would + has/have + past
participle) you a message.
3 Key
a future possibility
8 Key
b imaginary/impossible
This type of conditional sentence is used to
imagine different possible results for a situation
4 Key
in the past which cannot be changed.
a If the situation arises (and this is likely to
happen) the speaker in the first sentence is
9 Key
more sure of the desire to work abroad than
1 had known it was you
the speaker in the second sentence.
2 if I had known
b If the situation arises (and this is not very
3 because she did not have
likely to happen) the speaker in the first
4 have been late if
sentence is more sure of the desire to work
5 if I had not forgotten
abroad than the speaker in the second
6 we could have come
56 UNIT 11 COMMUNICATION Oxford University Press
10 Possible answer
If I had been Jill Frame, I wouldn t have
crossed the motorway. If I had been her, I Woman I was at my boyfriend s house a couple
of weeks ago, and his mother asked me
would have waved to passing motorists until
if I d like to stay for lunch. I said I was
one of them phoned the police.
expected home, but it was a complete
lie  I d actually told my parents I d be
Mixed conditionals
out all day and not to expect me home
before the evening. The thing is, I d eaten
11 Key
at his house before and the food was
The holiday has already happened in sentence
terrible. But you can t tell the truth in
a. They haven t gone on holiday yet in
situations like that, can you?
sentence b.
Interviewer So why do you think the general public
12 Possible answers
don t trust people like you?
a If I hadn t learnt to read, I wouldn t be at
Man I think there are two main reasons.
Firstly, we re famous for breaking our
b If I d won the lottery at the weekend, I d be
promises, aren t we? When we want
in the Caribbean now!
people to vote for us, we present that
c If I d saved all my money for the last year, I d
we can make everything right. We say
be able to buy a new car.
things like  This time next year you ll all
d If I hadn t had a good education, I d be
have more money in your pocket
. And
earning less money today. sometimes it s impossible to make these
things happen  it s then that people
e If I d been born into a rich family, I wouldn t
accuse is of telling lies. The second
have to work.
reason is to do with the party system 
f If my mother hadn t met my father, I
we all have to say we agree with our
wouldn t be here.
party leader, whether we really do or not.
Unless, as long as, provided that
Woman I m not really keen on lying, but I was in
13 Key
town the other day and I bumped into
one of my neighbours. She said she d
a Unless you work harder, you ll fail your
heard my sister and her husband had
split up, and she wanted to know if it
b You ll pass your driving test as long as you
was true. I kept a straight face and said
practise enough.
I d no idea. It was a lie, of course  I
c You can borrow my car provided that you
mean I d known about it for ages, but I
buy your own petrol.
wasn t going to give our family secrets
d You can t telephone me unless you have
away to someone I hardly knew. The
some important news.
trouble is, she d have wanted to know
all the details, and everyone would
14 Key
have known by the weekend.
b I ll never speak to you again unless you take
back what you just said.
Woman I have to admit, life would have been
c I ll lend you the money you need as long as
dull if I hadn t told the occasional lie.
you pay me back next week.
Not wicked ones  just little lies that
don t hurt anyone. I remember once at a
party, I got stuck with this really boring
boy. All he could talk about was football.
After about twenty minutes, I was really
Listening p142
fed up, so I told him my cousin played
for England  his eyes nearly popped out
of his head. He wanted to know my
cousin s name, and could I introduce
3 Key
him. When I said it was David Beckham, I
1 A 4 A 7 B
thought he was going to faint with
excitement. It s not true  I just wanted
2 C 5 A 8 B
to see his face.
3 B 6 A
Oxford University Press COMMUNICATION UNIT 11 57
Collocations with say, speak and tell
Man On the way back, I was really tired. I
4 Key
should have stopped for a quick nap, but
a speak d say g talking
I didn t. I kept going  cos it was late and I
b tell e told h tell
wanted to get home. It was easy driving
 there was hardly any traffic on the c speak f tell
road. But unfortunately, I nodded off
for a second, went off the road and
Confusing verbs: hope, wait, expect, look
scraped the car against a tree. There
forward to
wasn t much damage to the car  and I
was fine after that. As soon as I got
5 Key
home, I told my Dad that I d hit a tree,
a 3 c 2
but what I didn t say was that I d nodded
b 4 d 1
6 Key
Woman The other day, the phone rang, and my
a waiting for
brother asked me to answer it. He
b expecting
thought it was probably his friend
c looking forward to getting
Barbara and he didn t want to speak to
d hope you like
her. He asked me to say he wasn t in.
e expecting
Actually, it wasn t Barbara  it was
f looking forward to
another friend of his: Annie. Anyway, I
just said he was out. Later, when I told
him who it was, he was absolutely
furious. His exact words were:  If I d
known it was Annie, I d have spoken
Speaking p144
to her. That s one of the problems about
lying for someone else, isn t it?
Long turn
2 Possible answer
Woman Didn t you think it was a bit strange,
someone offering you such a bargain at
Both photos 1 and 2 show classroom situations.
a motorway service area?
In photo 1, the classroom is less formal: the
Man Not really. It looked exactly like the real
students are sat around a table in a small group.
thing. And anyway, I ve needed a new
In photo 2, the classroom is more formal, with
one for ages  mine hasn t kept proper
all of the students facing in the same direction.
time since I dropped it in the bath.
The teacher is more controlling. More learning
Woman So when did you realise you d been
may be taking place in photo 1 where the
students are more actively involved.
Man As soon as I took it out of its case, I
knew it was a fake. When I turned it
3 Possible answers
over it said Made in Toyland on the
Both photos 3 and 4 show students studying
individually. In photo 3, the student is at a desk,
possibly revising or doing homework. In photo 4,
Woman My sister was on holiday last summer.
the student is having one-to-one tuition with a
She was expecting her exam results
teacher. The situation in photo 4 looks more
towards the end of August and she d
enjoyable since the student gets more responses
asked me to open her letters and
to his or her ideas and is less likely to get bored.
telephone her with the results as soon as
they arrived. She d only been away about
a week when the letter came  I was so
excited, I just ripped it open without
thinking. I couldn t believe it. She d
failed. I didn t know what to do. I
couldn t tell her. She rang the next day
and I said that the letter hadn t come. I
mean, if I d told her the result, it
would have ruined her holiday.
58 UNIT 11 COMMUNICATION Oxford University Press
is just that I wish to practise my English
Vocabulary p145
Finally, as far as trips are concerned, I would like
Lead in
to go to London and Cambridge, but not
Brighton. I know the town very well as I studied
1 Key
there last year.
Describing someone as being skinny is not a
I have one question which is, when do I have to
compliment as it suggests that they don t look
pay the course fees? Can I pay in July, or would
very healthy.
you prefer me to pay now?
I am looking forward to meeting you all.
Positive or negative?
Yours sincerely,
2 Key
Focusing expressions
a cheap d fake g pricey
b ruthless e gossiping h sneers
3 Key
c fat f hysterical i old
In answer to your question about my arrival,
Secondly, as regards accommodation
3 Key
Finally, as far as trips are concerned,
a reserved e curious
b self-confident f outgoing
4 Possible answers
c easy-going g shy
As far as my arrival is concerned, &
d serious h intelligent
As regards my arrival, &
As for accommodation, &
Moving on to your next question about
accommodation, &
Writing p146
Regarding trips, &
With regard to trips, &
Formal letter
1 Key
a The main purpose is to answer the questions
Overview p148
asked by the language school.
b It is necessary to include your arrival date, that
1 Key
you don t need to be picked up at the airport,
the type of accommodation required and
1 thank 6 could 11 at
which trips you are interested in going on.
2 Not 7 the 12 been
c The style should be formal.
3 make 8 whether 13 also
4 that 9 are 14 between
2 Possible answer
5 ago 10 to 15 and
Dear Ms Simpson,
2 Key
Thank you for your letter which arrived this
morning. I am looking forward to coming to your
a I take e I ll tell
b we d go f had accepted
In answer to your question about my arrival, I
c hadn t g you tell
will be arriving at Heathrow airport the day
d you bring h I d phone
before the course starts, which is July 1.
However, an English friend is meeting me, so
3 Key
there is no need for you to send a taxi. Thank
a say e hope
you for being so thoughtful.
b speak f looking forward to
Secondly, as regards accommodation, I would
c speaking g expect
prefer to stay with a family and I would like to be
d tells
alone. Please don t think that I am antisocial  it
Oxford University Press COMMUNICATION UNIT 11 59
