{5/15/98, Updated: LongHand M001.15 Created: Fanuc 6M NMU99.16 For: Gibbs & Associates Versions: Catalyst v4.23.13(mac)/ComPost2 1.1b3 Update necessary to stay consistant with AdvancedMill Update. Added AbsValueC, IncValueC and AbsOrIncC Procedures. Simplifies readability of Prog. Reduces redundancy of output. Allows us to return to earlier versions Improves upon earlier problem with incremental output of ShiftPC command at CloseMP while allowing us to return to .85 OfstOff blocks. AbsValueC called from AbsOrIncC. IncValueC called from AbsOrIncC, DoAbsOrInc and DoDrillAbsOrInc. IncValueC called for OfstOff Blocks at NewToolOp1, two places at SameToolOp1 and DoAbsOrInc. AbsOrIncC called for ShiftPC Block at CloseMP. AbsOrIncC called from DoAbsOrInc, DoDrillAbsOrInc and RestoreAbsOrInc. AbsOrIncC called for Home Block at NewToolOp2. AbsOrIncC called for FirstHome Block at End2. Added CRCOffC at AutoCycCutSub2. Corrects unique situation in ZonlyRepAutoCycle where one Operation is CRCLeft and LastFeat is an ArcFeat followed by another Operation that is CRCRight. CRCOffC did not get output at end of CRCLeft Operation and CRCOnC did not get output at start of CRCRight Operation. Oddly, CRCOnC only outputs if CRCOffC has been output, not if CRCSide changes. 6/18/98 Changed to Lowercase Procedure Names. Added comments to all SetFlag, SetFlagF and IF Flag statements. Changed literal 'G80' to DrillOff at end of IF Drilling. Changed literal 'G80' to DrillOff at firstOp1 and newToolOp3. To allow for change in FORM without having to recompile. Changed SpeedC to Speed at for LAST ProgStop condition at sameToolOp3. 6/30/98 Deleted Gibbs System XYRepeat support. Virtual only support ZShiftOnly Repeats. Deleted CycleWarning procedure. Added cutAutoCycle procedure. Called for all AutoCycle Operations. Supports NoRepeat and ZShiftOnly Repeats. Replaces noRepAutoCycle and zonlyRepAutoCycle procedures Deleted xYZRepAutoCycle procedure. Changed XYZRep to ZOnlyRep. Supports ZShiftOnly Repeats. Moved LongDrillStuff from OpGuts to LongDrillStuff. Rewrote OpGuts Procedure. Deleted Drilling Repeats at IF Drilling. Rewrote PostScript instructions at progStart. 7/22/98 Reverted back to Gibbs System XYRepeat support. IF setup correctly, Virtual will support XShift and/or YShift Repeats for both Contour and Patterns. Rules for correct setup (as best as I understand at the moment). Geometry CSGroup must be oriented to a plane that intersects CS#1 in a perpendicular direction. Example, XZPlane and YZPlane, and any oriented rotation of either Plane around the XYPlane. Any change in the ZPitch of the Origin will cause ZShiftOnly Repeat Operation. Set Desired ZStep so that Operation will result in multiple passes. NOTE: If correctly setup, ZStep would be misleading. Step will be in line with depth axis of CSGroup. Restored with slight modifications the xyRep Procedure. Restored related code to OpGuts Procedure. ZShiftOnly Contour Operations remain Full SepSub. Any customer requesting G92 Style will require copying code from archives. Deleted Deceleration from ToolPath LineFeat and ArcFeat. There are plans to support this in the future through the use of Construction Tools in the Virtual Process. 10/1/98 Versions: Virtual 4.29.75(Mac)/ComPost2 1.7b10 (Mac) Versions: Virtual 4.29.75(Win)/ComPost2 1.7b10 (Win) Added Post Header Comment at top. Modified Prog for better usage. Added loadPRIMEZCP2 Procedure. Added pRIMEZCP2 Procedure. Added loadPRIMEZCP3 Procedure. Added pRIMEZCP3 Procedure. Added connectC Procedure. Moved absValueC, incValueC and absOrIncC Procedures to before entryMove Procedure. Modified exitMove Procedure. Added finishSub1 Procedure. Deleted exitMove2 Procedure. Modified handling of Pattern AutoCycles. Added autoCycExitMove Procedure. Modified autoCycCutSub1 Procedure. Modified autoCycCutSub2 Procedure. Modified cutAutoCycle Procedure. Combines old NoRepAutoCycle, XYZRepAutoCycle and ZonlyRepAutoCycle Procedures. Modified handling of Milling Operations. Modified milling Procedure. Combines old Milling and XYZRep Procedures. Modified handling of Drilling Operations. Modified drillStuff Procedure. Renamed to drilling. Moved code from opGuts Drilling. Modified longDrillStuff Procedure. Renamed to longDrilling. Modified opGuts Procedure. Added FirstOperation? OR NewTool? condition for RapidF# at opGuts Procedure. Forces FeedEntC/FeedRateC while allowing for conditional during SameTool. Now it just tests for AutoCycle, Milling OR Drilling. Calls cutAutoCycle, milling OR drilling Procedures respectfully. DWB}
1. Changed firstOp1, 2, & 3 per customer spec. 2. Changed newToolOp1, 2, 3, 4, & 5 per customer spec. 3. Changed sameToolOp1 & 2 per customer spec. 4. Changed end1, 2, & 3 per customer spec. 5. Changed ckCRCNum sub to output D17 with all G41/42 blocks. 6. Added G76 and G86 drilling cycles. Also added M135 before rigid tapping. 7. Added FORMAT for Retract#, Pallet#, and SUB#. 8. Added thru spindle collant (M26). 9. Added saveMultiTCZ sub to save 3 TCZ variables. 10. Added doProbeCycle sub to be output at tape start. 11. Added SetPalletIn('1'), Save# Num#('21'), 22, ,23 & 24 at progStart sub. 12. Added Utility Data Comment in progStart sub for the use of probe cycle. 13. Removed EOR from tape start & end. JHE}
1. Under Default Formats, changed F to ####.#;0. and IJK QR XYZ to ####.###;0. 2. Under Arcs, changed IJ Max Arc Radius to 2500.000
Changes to "Prog":
1. Changed Post Header METRIC to T. 2. Changed #4 FORMAT to 3 decimal places. 3. Changed RestoreScale sub to metric. 4. Changed MovesComment from INCHES to MILLIMETERS. JHE}
{Prog Numeric Format Definitions **********************}
restoreScale: IF NOT Metric? {CAM file is in English, tools and tool path} SetScale('25.4') { change to Metric, this is a Metric post} END RETURN
wFOStuff: IF NewWFO? IF MultipleParts? AND WorkFixtureOffsets? EOL '*** WARNING *** DO NOT USE NEWWFO() WITH MULTIPLE PARTS AND WORK FIXTURE OFFSETS' EOL ELSE 'G' NewWFO# END ELSE IF Flag?('2') { Need to output wFOStuff twice for MP-ESO-OTAP-ECP, once for all others } IF NOT SameTool? IF MultipleParts? IF WorkFixtureOffsets? SetWFO ELSE 'G' NewWFO# END ELSE 'G' NewWFO# END END END END SetFlagF('2') { Do not output WFO second time wFOStuff is called for MP-WFO-OTAP-ECP } RETURN
resetWFO: IF WorkFixtureOffsets? SeqC WFO1 EOL END RETURN
doPartCycleComment: IF MultipleParts? AND UseComments? AND SubComment? '( PART NO. ' PartNum# ' )' EOL END RETURN
doCycleComment: IF UseComments? AND SubComment? '( CYCLE START )' EOL END RETURN
doOpComments: IF UseComments? SetScale('1') IF OperationIDComment? '( OPERATION ' Operation# ': ' OperationType$ ' )' EOL END IF OperationComment? '( ' OperationComment$ ' )' EOL END IF WorkGroupComment? '( ' WorkGroupComment$ ' )' EOL END IF ToolTypeComment? '( TOOL ' Tool# ': ' ToolDiameter# ' ' ToolType$ ' )' EOL END IF ToolComment? '( ' ToolComment$ ' )' EOL END restoreScale END RETURN
pSStuff: IF FourthCW? FORMAT(FourthDegree#,2) SeqC 'A' FourthDegree# EOL FourthCWF END IF FourthCCW? FORMAT(FourthDegree#,3) SeqC 'A' FourthDegree# EOL FourthCCWF END IF FifthCW? FORMAT(FifthDegree#,2) SeqC 'B' FifthDegree# EOL FifthCWF END IF FifthCCW? FORMAT(FifthDegree#,3) SeqC 'B' FifthDegree# EOL FifthCCWF END RETURN
loadPRIMEZCP2: LoadFeat Num#('0') Num#('0') PRIME ClearancePlane2# RETURN
loadPRIMEZCP3: LoadFeat Num#('0') Num#('0') PRIME ClearancePlane3# RETURN
connectC: IF FeedConnect? FeedC ELSE RapidC END RETURN
absValueC: IF NOT AbsValue? AbsValue END RETURN
incValueC: IF AbsValue? IncValue END RETURN
absOrIncC: IF AbsoluteMoves? absValueC ELSE incValueC END RETURN
entryMove: IF Repeats? AND ZShiftOnly? AND FeedConnect? SeqC FeedC ZInC IF NOT EmptyLine? FeedEntC END EOL ELSE IF FeedEntry? SeqC FeedC ZInC IF NOT EmptyLine? FeedEntC END EOL ELSE SeqC RapidC ZInC EOL END END RETURN
ckCRCNum: IF NOT LastFeat? AND Equal? SPZ# EPZ# {Changed back - JHE} CRCOffsetC END RETURN
toolPath: EACHFeat IF PointFeat? { Drilling Only } SeqC MoveSXYZC EOL ELSE IF RapidFeat? IF XMove? OR YMove? OR ZMove? SeqC ckCRC RapidC MoveXYZC ckCRCNum EOL END ELSE IF LineFeat? IF XMove? OR YMove? OR ZMove? SeqC ckCRC FeedC MoveXYZC FeedRateC ckCRCNum EOL END ELSE IF ArcFeat? EACHQuadrant { Do not use NOT, FIRST, LAST or NEXT modifiers in this loop } SeqC formatArc ArcFeedC EOL NEXTQuadrant END END END END NEXTFeat RETURN
autoCycCutSub1: {part 1} CalcACSRXY {calc tool position, CalcAutoCycleStatusRecordXY} SaveSubStatus {save tool position} SetPass1 {element cut moves} SetSRXYtoSP IF Repeats? AND ZShiftOnly? entryMove END SeqC incValueC EOL RETURN
autoCycCutSub2: {part 2} SeqC absOrIncC CRCOffC IF FIFO? FeedC ZCP2C FeedEntC ELSE RapidC ZCP2C END EOL SetSRSubXY {restore SR to 1st position value} ReSetPass2 {restore for positioning moves} RETURN
cutAutoCycle: IF Repeats? AND NOT ZShiftOnly? EachRep IF NOT FirstCycle? IF FIFO? Rapid END SeqC RapidC StrtPos EOL IF NOT FeedConnect? SeqC ZCP2C EOL END END END EACHFeat doCycleComment IF SPXMove? OR SPYMove? IF FIFO? Rapid END SeqC RapidC MoveSXYC EOL END autoCycCutSub1 IF Repeats? AND ZShiftOnly? EachRep IF NOT FirstCycle? doCycleComment IF SPXMove? OR SPYMove? SeqC connectC incValueC MoveSXYC EOL END absOrIncC IF FeedConnect? entryMove ELSE IF FeedEntry? SeqC RapidC ZCP2C EOL END entryMove END SeqC incValueC EOL END toolPath IF NOT FeedConnect? autoCycExitMove END NextRep ELSE entryMove toolPath END autoCycCutSub2 NEXTFeat IF Repeats? AND NOT ZShiftOnly? finishSub1 NextRep END SetPass1 RETURN
milling: IF Repeats? EachRep doCycleComment IF SPXMove? OR SPYMove? SeqC connectC MoveSXYC EOL END IF FeedConnect? entryMove ELSE IF FeedEntry? SeqC RapidC ZCP2C EOL END entryMove END toolPath finishSub1 NextRep ELSE entryMove toolPath END RETURN
setDrillEndOpZ: IF RetractToCP1? TrackZNO# ClearancePlane1# ELSE TrackZNO# ClearancePlane2# END RETURN
drilling: SeqC DrillCP EOL GetCycle IF FIStopOffWallRO? SeqC 'G76' ELSE IF FIStopRO? SeqC 'G86' ELSE SeqC Cycle END END FromCP StrtPos ZDepth RLevel Dwell Peck IF FIStopOffWallRO? 'Q' Retract# FeedEnt EOL ELSE FeedEnt EOL END TrackZNO# FIRST SPZ# toolPath setDrillEndOpZ SeqC DrillOff Rapid ZCP3 EOL RETURN
checkPass: {use the correct StrtPos} IF AutoCycle? SetPass2 ELSE SetPass1 END RETURN
opGuts: ResetCRCNum IF FirstOperation? OR NewTool? RapidF# { Forces FeedEntC/FeedRateC } END IF Milling? SeqC ZCP2C EOL IF AutoCycle? cutAutoCycle ELSE milling END exitMove ELSE IF Drilling? drilling END END RETURN
progStart: InitProg ReverseXZArcs InitWFONum SetFlood SetMaxRPM('10000') IF Metric? SetMaxFeed('12700') ELSE SetMaxFeed('500') END Save# Num#('1') Num#('0') { MultipleParts Current Tool FirstOp# } Save# Num#('2') Num#('0') { MultipleParts ToolOp# Counter } SetFlagF('2') { Need to output wFOStuff twice for MP-ESO-OTAP-ECP, once for all others } IF PSComment? AND UseComments? 'Utility Data:' EOL ' At Op Start: All literals and commands will appear at the beginning of the operation.' EOL ' At Op End: All literals and commands will appear at the end of the operation.' EOL ' Literals: put between single or double quotes.' EOL ' Separate commands and literals with at least one space.' EOL ' A CR ( RETURN key ) will start a new line.' EOL ' Commands: may be capital and/or lower case letters. Separate commands with a space.' EOL ' NewWFO(56), NWFO(56) -' EOL ' The Work Fixture Offset # you specify will be used for all following operations.' EOL ' Do not use with the ncPost multiple part option.' EOL ' 4thAxisCW(12.5), 4ACW(12.5) -' EOL ' generates a + A move of the value you specify' EOL ' 4thAxisCCW(22.5), 4ACCW(22.5) -' EOL ' generates a - A move of the value you specify' EOL ' 5thAxisCW(30), 5ACW(30) -' EOL ' generates a + B move of the value you specify' EOL ' 5thAxisCCW(22.5), 5ACCW(22.5) -' EOL ' generates a - B move of the value you specify' EOL END RETURN
initOp: {EOR EOL} {Removed - JHE} ASCII('13') ASCII('10') {Added - JHE 2/10} ProgID1 IF UseComments? AND ProgramNameComment? '( ' ProgramName$ ' )' END EOL EachOp IF FirstOperation? IF ToolChangeAtHome? SetHome END END NextOp IF UseComments? IF ProgramComment? '( ' ProgramComment$ ' )' EOL END IF FormatNameComment? '( FORMAT: ' FormatName$ ' )' EOL END IF TimeComment? '( ' Date$ ' AT ' Time$ ' )' EOL END IF MovesComment? '( OUTPUT IN ' MoveType$ ' MILLIMETERS )' EOL END IF PartsComment? '( PARTS PROGRAMMED: ' Parts# ' )' EOL END IF StartToolComment? '( FIRST TOOL NOT IN SPINDLE )' EOL END END restoreScale RETURN
newToolOp2: doEndOpPS SeqC absOrIncC 'G49' SpinOff EOL IF ToolChangeAtHome? SeqC RapidC PRIME Home EOL END IF LAST ProgStop? SeqC 'M0' EOL ELSE SeqC ProgStop EOL END RETURN
sameToolOp1: doEndOpPS IF LAST ProgStop? SeqC RapidC ZCP1C CoolOff EOL SeqC incValueC OfstOff EOL SeqC absOrIncC 'G49' SpinOff EOL SeqC 'M0' EOL ELSE IF CoolOff? AND LAST NOT CoolOff? SeqC CoolOff EOL END IF NewToolOffset? SeqC incValueC OfstOff EOL SeqC absOrIncC 'G49' EOL END END RETURN
sameToolOp2: {Start new Operation} doPartCycleComment doOpComments doPostScript checkPass RETURN
sameToolOp3: {Start new Operation} SeqC wFOStuff EOL IF LAST ProgStop? SeqC Speed SpinOn EOL SeqC Rapid PlaneC AbsOrInc StrtPos EOL IF ThruSpin? SeqC 'M53' EOL {Changed from M26 - JHE} END SeqC OfstOn EOL SeqC CoolOn EOL ELSE SeqC Rapid PlaneC AbsOrInc StrtPos SpeedC EOL IF NewToolOffset? SeqC OfstOn EOL END IF NOT CoolOff? AND LAST CoolOff? IF ThruSpin? SeqC 'M53' EOL {Changed from M26 - JHE} END SeqC CoolOn EOL END END RETURN
end2: doEndOpPS SeqC absOrIncC 'G49' SpinOff EOL IF FIRST ToolChangeAtHome? SeqC RapidC PRIME Home EOL END IF ProgStop? SeqC 'M0' EOL ELSE IF MultipleParts? AND AllToolsOnePart? AND NOT LastPart? SeqC ProgStop EOL END END RETURN
end3: SeqC EOP EOL EOR EOL {Put back - JHE 1/14} Close IF UseComments? SetScale('1') {restore scale for comments} Reopen IF FileBytesComment? '( FILE LENGTH: ' FileBytes# ' CHARACTERS )' EOL END IF FileFeetComment? '( FILE LENGTH: ' FileFeet# ' FEET )' EOL END IF FileMetersComment? '( FILE LENGTH: ' FileMeters# ' METERS )' EOL END Close END RETURN
mPallTools1P: {Multiple Parts, All Tools 1 Part} IF FirstOperation? OR EquallySpacedOffsets? SetFlag('2') { Need to output wFOStuff twice for MP-ESO-OTAP-ECP, once for all others } END IF FirstOperation? firstOp1 firstOp2 firstOp3 ELSE IF NewTool? newToolOp1 newToolOp2 newToolOp3 newToolOp4 newToolOp5 ELSE {implied SameTool?} sameToolOp1 sameToolOp2 sameToolOp3 END END opGuts RETURN
mP1ToollAllPfu: {Multiple Parts, 1 Tool all Parts, full up} SetFlag('2') { Need to output wFOStuff twice for MP-ESO-OTAP-ECP, once for all others } IF FirstOperation? firstOp1 firstOp2 firstOp3 ELSE IF NewTool? newToolOp1 resetWFO newToolOp2 newToolOp3 newToolOp4 newToolOp5 ELSE {implied SameTool?} sameToolOp1 sameToolOp2 sameToolOp3 END END opGuts RETURN
mP1ToollAllPXcp: {Multiple Parts, 1 Tool all Parts, exit Clearance plane} SetFlag('2') { Need to output wFOStuff twice for MP-ESO-OTAP-ECP, once for all others } IF FirstOperation? firstOp1 firstOp2 firstOp3 ELSE IF NewTool? newToolOp1 resetWFO newToolOp2 newToolOp3 newToolOp4 newToolOp5 ELSE {implied SameTool?} sameToolOp1 sameToolOp2 sameToolOp3 END END opGuts RETURN
noMPs: {no multiple parts} SetFlag('2') { Need to output wFOStuff twice for MP-ESO-OTAP-ECP, once for all others } IF FirstOperation? firstOp1 firstOp2 firstOp3 ELSE IF NewTool? newToolOp1 newToolOp2 newToolOp3 newToolOp4 newToolOp5 ELSE {implied SameTool?} sameToolOp1 sameToolOp2 sameToolOp3 END END opGuts RETURN
masterSub: IF MultipleParts? IF AllToolsOnePart? mPallTools1P ELSE {implied OneToolAllParts?} IF FullUp? mP1ToollAllPfu ELSE {implied ExitClearancePlane?} mP1ToollAllPXcp END END ELSE noMPs END RETURN
endPartSub: {End of program ************************************************************}
{finish last operation} end1 IF MultipleParts? AND OneToolAllParts? resetWFO END end2 RETURN
newPart1: {Finish off last Part} IF FullUp? SeqC CoolOff EOL SeqC incValueC OfstOff EOL END RETURN
newPart2: {Start new Part} sameToolOp2 RETURN
newPart3: {Start new Part} SetFlag('2') { Need to output wFOStuff twice for MP-ESO-OTAP-ECP, once for all others } SeqC wFOStuff EOL SeqC PlaneC AbsOrInc Rapid StrtPos Speed EOL IF FullUp? IF ThruSpin? {Added - JHE} SeqC 'M53' EOL END SeqC OfstOn EOL SeqC CoolOn EOL END RETURN
mPLoop: Save# Num#('2') Recall# Num#('1') IF WorkFixtureOffsets? NewWFO EachWFO ELSE EachPart END IF AllToolsOnePart? EachOp masterSub NextOp endPartSub ELSE { OneToolAllParts } EachOp IF Equal? Operation# Recall# Num#('2') { Valid Tool Op } IF FirstOperation? OR NewTool? IF FirstPart? masterSub ELSE newPart1 newPart2 newPart3 opGuts END ELSE masterSub END IF LastOp? IF LastPart? Save# Num#('1') Num#('0') END Save# Num#('2') Recall# Num#('1') ELSE IF NEXT SameTool? Save# Num#('2') NEXT Operation# ELSE IF LastPart? Save# Num#('1') NEXT Operation# Save# Num#('2') Num#('0') ELSE Save# Num#('2') Recall# Num#('1') END END END END NextOp END IF WorkFixtureOffsets? IncWFO NextWFO ELSE NextPart END RETURN
{Start of executable Prog, Top Level ****}
progStart {setup and initializations} initOp
IF MultipleParts? IF WorkFixtureOffsets? {'NOTE: This Post Processor does not support Work Fixture Offsets for Multiple Parts.' EOL 'It is recommended that you change your selection to Equally Spaced Offsets.' EOL} END IF AllToolsOnePart? mPLoop resetWFO ELSE EachOp IF FirstOperation? Save# Num#('1') Operation# END NextOp mPLoop mPLoop mPLoop mPLoop mPLoop mPLoop mPLoop mPLoop mPLoop mPLoop mPLoop mPLoop mPLoop mPLoop mPLoop mPLoop mPLoop mPLoop mPLoop mPLoop mPLoop mPLoop mPLoop mPLoop mPLoop endPartSub END ELSE EachOp masterSub NextOp endPartSub END end3