unit test 6 b

B Tests
Name: _________________________________________________
Unit 6
Score: ____________________ /50 points
3 My grandmother couldn t use her mobile when
she bought it. She still ____________ use it now!
1 Dopasuj programy telewizyjne do ich opisów.
4 My grandfather can drive now but he
1 soap opera ____ ____________ drive when he was fifty.
2 reality show ____ 5 I couldn t swim when I was five but I
____________ swim now.
3 chat show ____
6 It s strange. I can t sing now but I ____________
4 documentary ____
sing well when I was young.
5 drama ____
6 quiz show ____
3 Przekształć zdania, używając wyrazów
A Can you answer all the questions?
w nawiasach.
B Ten people live on an island for six weeks.
1 It s 10.05. I ve been here since ten o clock.
C The daily story of three families lives.
(be / for) I ve been here for five minutes.
D This week s guests are both footballers.
(arrive / ago) I arrived five minutes ago.
E A look at the mountains of South America.
2 We ve been at this school since 2005. It s 2009.
F Inspector Boyce investigates another mystery.
(be / for)
(start / ago)
2 Uzupełnij brakujące litery w wyrazach. 3 I ve known Ana since 2006. It s 2009.
(meet / ago)
I am the e d i t o r of a newspaper but I want
(know / for)
to work on TV. I d like to be an art c _ _ _ _ c or
4 I ve had this mobile phone for two months.
a quiz show h _ s _. But on TV there is always
It s May.
more than one c _ m _ r _ m _ _ filming you. It s
difficult to know where to look! I d also like to be a (have / since)
n _ w _ r _ a _ e _ but it might be more interesting
(buy / ago)
to be a 6r _ p _ _ t _ _ and go to different countries.
5 You ve had tennis lessons for two years. It s
(have lessons / since)
(start / ago)
1 Wpisz w luki for lub since.
1 We ve been here for three months.
2 My sister has liked Eminem _________ five years.
1 Ułóż zdania dialogu we właściwej kolejności,
3 We haven t seen her _________ two days.
numerujÄ…c je od 1 do 6.
4 I ve wanted to meet you _________ I read your
article in the school newspaper.
Phil Not really. I d rather watch the news. ____
5 I ve had this shirt _________ last year.
Phil Because I can t find the remote
/4 control! ____
Tessa What are you watching? ____
2 Wpisz w luki can, can t, could lub couldn t.
Tessa The news is on Channel 3.
1 I can speak French now but I couldn t speak it
Why don t you change channels? ____
last year.
Phil A game show. ____
2 My dad couldn t cook when he met my mum but
Tessa Is it any good? ____
now he ____________ cook well.
50 Pearson Central Europe Sp. z o.o. 2010
Look! 3
