DTI Developing the Social Economy

DTI : Developing the Social Economy

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Stephen Timms MP
Developing the Social Economy

Northern Ireland Council for Voluntary Action (NICVA) Annual
Wednesday, January 22, 2003


    (Click picture for

Check Against Delivery
I am delighted to be here and to be joining my good friend Ian Pearson
on this occasion. I am already familiar with the strength and vitality of
the social economy in Northern Ireland from my previous work as
Parliamentary Private Secretary to Mo Mowlam when she was Secretary of
State, and from my experience at the Treasury when I visited the NICVA two
years ago as part of our work of preparing for that year's budget. It is
great to be back - I always love visiting Belfast - and I am looking
forward very much to finding more today about the latest developments in
social enterprise in the province.
Social enterprise is the focus of my visit today, but the UK Government
places a very high value on the contribution of the social economy as a
whole. We recognise of course that some organisations in the voluntary
sector cannot realistically expect to become viable enterprises, but will
continue to rely on grant funding and donations. Our increased support,
for the Active Community Unit in the Home Office underlines our commitment
to securing the full range of contributions from the voluntary sector as a
whole. The sector has made a tremendous contribution - in NICVA's case
over a 60 year period - and the exhibition at this conference highlights
the extent to which that continues to be the case today.
But there is a particular role for social enterprises and our ambition
is for many more social enterprises to be established and for many more
voluntary sector organisations to be able to deepen their independence and
strengthen their enterprise activities. Social enterprises I would define
as businesses with primarily social objectives and whose surpluses are
principally reinvested for that purpose in the business or in the
community, rather than being driven by the need to maximise profit for
shareholders and owners. There are many of them, they have a very
important part to play and we want to see many more.
Their role is an important economic role as well as a social role.
Social enterprises can play an important economic role in helping to drive
up productivity and competitiveness, bringing for example people back into
the workforce who have in the past given up on the hope of ever getting a
job, and contributing to socially inclusive wealth creation. They can
provide vital services in a community, which has not been well served in
the past, and enable individuals and communities to work towards
regenerating their areas. That is why responsibility for social enterprise
lies with me in the Department of Trade and Industry, and here with Ian,
in the Department of Enterprise, Trade and Investment - it is because
social enterprise has a key economic importance. We overlook that at our
peril. There are hard headed economic benefits, which we need to
So it is vital that we realise the potential of social enterprise. That
means helping new organisations to start up, and helping existing
voluntary sector organisations who want to increase the amount of their
income earned through trading.
The great potential of social enterprise lies in harnessing the skills
and the creative energy of our entrepreneurial private sector at its best,
and applying them to address the social challenges, which confront us at
their toughest. Enterprise - entrepreneurship - has a great deal to offer
and we are seeing more and more evidence of that potential being realised
right around the UK.
Last autumn I travelled across England and Wales on a seven-day tour of
social enterprises - 25 different enterprises from Cornwall and the
Rhondda Valley to Newcastle and Hull, turning over between them £75
million and employing over 2000 people. I enjoyed it immensely and it was
an object lesson for me in the potential of this sector. What I saw in
those organisations is that many of the most talented people - the most
entrepreneurial people - are looking for much more from their work than
just a wage at the end of the month. They want to make our communities
better places and they are applying their entrepreneurial skills to do so
- and the results are pretty spectacular.
That applies to large projects as well as small ones. I was deeply
impressed by the stunning Eden Project in Cornwall, where Tim Smit's
vision of Eden has produced 1,700 jobs in the South West and given
Cornwall the third most popular paid attraction in the country, with
tropical gardens under giant glass domes. It is transforming the economy
in a part of the country that has been among the most hard-pressed in the
past. Struggling hotels and boarding houses are being repainted and
expanded. The project is focusing on buying food and other supplies from
local firms - they invited 500 local firms to a supplier's conference and
478 of them turned up. Visitors are buying the local Cornish ice cream in
vast quantities and not the national brands.
The project did make one compromise though. They have refused corporate
sponsorhip because they don't want visitors to feel the place is for sale.
They refused at the beginning to let in the red Coke machines which you
find everywhere in the world. Eventually a message came from Coca-Cola HQ
- if we colour the machines green, will you let us in? And they said
And I asked Tim Smit what was the aim of the Eden Project. He said:
"It is to change the world". This is ambition on a grand scale! And
he summed up very well for me what the new commitment to social enterprise
is about when he told me, and I quote: "People are fed up with Kum Ba
Ya around the camp fire, but there is a huge number of people who want to
put something back." Ands social enterprise gives them the chance to
do so.
But you can see just the same quality in far smaller social enterprises
too. I visited a little enterprise called Vision 21 in Wales, who recently
took over a small bottling and packaging facility from a private garden
chemicals company, and employ people with learning disabilities to provide
a commercial service.
And I visited the Aberfan and Merthyr Vale Youth and Community Project
in Merthyr Tydfil which now has a turnover of a third of a million a year.
Jeff Edwards was a successful accountant in London and came back home to
hear about the problems of unemployed young people. There were no jobs
locally, and the jobs in the M4 corridor were too far away even by moped.
So the project provides old Fiestas to unemployed people, charging them
£15 a week for three months, by which time they can get a bank loan to buy
a car. The project also trains up ex offenders and young people excluded
from school to maintain the cars. And unemployment in Merthyr Tydfil has
fallen from 27% to 7% since that project started.
I am looking forward to extending my tour and seeing more examples by
visiting social enterprises in Belfast today. I want to see for myself
social enterprises meeting their double, and, in some cases triple, bottom
lines of social, economic and environmental goals. And I know that I will
be every bit as impressed as I was during my visits in the autumn.
National Strategy
So because we recognised this potential, Patricia Hewitt, the Secretary
of State for Trade and Industry, and I launched our ambitious strategy for
social enterprise last July. We set out a three-year programme to show
how, working with others, we will promote and sustain social enterprise
The strategy highlighted a number of past barriers to the growth of the
social enterprise sector. Our aim is to tackle these barriers and to
achieve four key outcomes:

To create an enabling environment for social enterprises
To make social enterprises better businesses
To improve availability of Finance and Funding
To establish the value of social enterprise
Some actions in the strategy will be led by us in the UK Government,
working in partnership with others. Others will be taken forward here by
the departments in Northern Ireland. And I am delighted by what Ian had to
say about development of a strategy for Northern Ireland.
I want to stress, as Social Enterprise: a strategy for success
does, that we cannot achieve alone our vision of dynamic and sustainable
social enterprise. We need to work with colleagues across governments and
with individual social enterprises and support organisations, to deliver
the strategy's goals.
Making Sure It Happens
We are taking steps to make sure that the strategy is implemented. We
have an interdepartmental official group, which monitors implementation
across Government, including a representative from the Social Economy Unit
in the Department of Enterprise, Trade and Investment here.
We've also established an Implementation Group of external stakeholders
- key practitioners, intermediaries and others involved - who will be able
to contribute continuously to the monitoring and review of the
We have now a better-resourced Social Enterprise Unit within the
Department of Trade and Industry, which will act as a focal point and
co-ordinator for social enterprise policy. Many of the actions we're
taking forwarded are, at this early stage, primarily focussed in England.
But I'm very much looking forward to being able to say that there is a
complementary body of work going on in Northern Ireland under the new
strategy for the social economy. I want us to work together - exchanging
ideas and best practice and learning from each other's experiences.
Let me now set out what the strategy consists of under the four
headings I referred to.
Create An Enabling Environment
First, creating an enabling environment. We want an environment in
which social enterprises can flourish - to ensure that the development and
growth of social enterprise are not held back by inappropriate regulations
or by exclusion from initiatives from which they could benefit.
We are also interested in providing a more supportive legislative
environment for social enterprises. So we are working with other
Government departments to take forward the recommendations of the Cabinet
Office's report Private Action, Public Benefit. It proposes reforms
to Charity Law, to the legal basis for Industrial and Provident Societies
and also a new legal form, the Community Interest Company.
The Community Interest Company is going I think to be a very
significant development. It will be a legal form for social enterprises
wishing to incorporate as not-for-profit-distribution companies. A team in
the DTI is developing the concept and looking at whether its creation
would lead to a strong new brand for social enterprises.
We also want to focus particular attention on the key issue of public
procurement. Social enterprises can and do win Government contracts to
deliver services and are successfully delivering public service contracts
across the country. They have competed for these contracts, and won them -
often against private sector contractors - because they can deliver
excellent value for money. They can provide the right service, at the
right quality, at the right price.
But I believe there is potential for many more public services to be
delivered by social enterprises. We want more of that potential to be
realised, and we are adopting a two-pronged approach to achieve it:

On the one hand working to promote greater understanding of social
enterprises on the part of public sector procurers
On the other increasing expertise on procurement and disseminating
best practice within social enterprises
Some from Northern Ireland took part in the conference in London last
October on procurement where I highlighted the work we're begun in this
area. The Small Business Service and the Office of Government Commerce
have already published guidance both for procurement officers - with the
publication Small Supplier ... Better Value? - And for social
enterprises - Tendering for Government Contracts.
We are planning to do more, and to develop a procurement toolkit for
social enterprises and their advisors, building on existing expertise and
knowledge, to help social enterprises win public sector business. This
work has just got started, we expect it to be completed by the summer, and
we're discussing with the Department of Enterprise, Trade and Investment
how we may be able to work together to deliver it.
Making Social Enterprises Better Businesses
Turning to the second key outcome in the strategy - making social
enterprises better businesses. We want to make sure that social
enterprises can get access to the business advice and support which can
help them.
Like any business, social enterprises need access to good quality
advice and training. Social enterprises have not always been able to gain
access to the support, which is available for other small businesses. So
we are working with providers to ensure that appropriate services are
available and that their take up among social enterprises is increased.
For example, through the Small Business Service, we will ensure social
enterprises in England can access services provided by their local
Business Links, and encourage them to do so. The strategy that the Small
Business Service has been developing has social enterprise as a clear
priority and this will mean that, in future, each Business Link will have
to say clearly in its Business Plan how it intends to support social
enterprises, how it will deliver, and what steps it will take to increase
take up.
As important as Business Links are, we know that there are specialist
elements that are better offered by those immersed in social enterprise.
So we are working with the sector to encourage the provision of
practitioner-led training events too.
And, of course, social enterprises like any other small business should
be able to benefit from DTI programmes, which support businesses.
Finance And Funding
Thirdly, social enterprises need to be able to access appropriate
finance and funding. We want social enterprises to move away from grant
dependency and towards greater self-financing. But they can hit problems.
Financial institutions do not always understand what a social enterprise
is, or how to assess the risk involved, so some remain unwilling to lend.

Community Development Finance Institutions - CDFIs - have an
increasingly important role to play in providing finance to social
enterprise across the UK. The Community Investment Tax Relief was
developed in the Treasury when I was there before the last election and
introduced into legislation in last year's Finance Bill following an
announcement in the Budget. I think it is going to be very important in
just tilting the playing field in favour of commercial viability for a
range of valuable initiatives in disadvantaged areas, which would not
quite be viable without it.
It will operate across the UK and provide tax relief of 5% per annum
over 5 years to investors who invest in an accredited CDFI. So an investor
investing £100,000 will be able to reduce their tax bill from other
activities by £5000 per year for five years. The CDFI then in turn lends
to or invests in a qualifying profit-distributing enterprise or community
project. This is a pioneering initiative, encouraging investors to invest
in some of the UK's most deprived communities and providing social
enterprises with an expanded source of finance through accredited CDFIs. I
want to see enterprises in Northern Ireland taking advantage of it. It is
very unusual for the Treasury to introduce a tax relief of this kind, and
the fact that the Chancellor has decided to do so bears witness to the
Government's commitment to growing the social enterprise sector across the
We are participating in a review being carried out by the Bank of
England of the debt and equity finance available to social enterprises. We
intend to take forward in England recommendations to address any gaps or
barriers identified by the Bank. The results of the review are likely to
be of interest in other parts of the UK too. And because the Bank of
England is carrying out the work, we are confident that the conclusions
will be taken seriously by key City institutions too.
Finance is not simply about supply - we need to look at the demand side
too. There is a lack of financial awareness among many social enterprises
- they do not know what finance possibilities are open to them and how
these can be accessed. In England, we are working with the Small Business
Service, banks and with partners in the regions to develop a series of
financial awareness training seminars and support materials to help social
enterprises better manage the move towards greater self-financing.
Establish The Value Of Social Enterprise
Fourthly and lastly, we want to establish a much better understanding
of the value of social enterprise. My tour confirmed to me that social
enterprises are achieving great things. They make a significant and
distinctive contribution to our economy and are improving the lives of
people across the UK in a range of different ways. They are showing what
entrepreneurial thinking, combined with concern for the environment and
social change, can achieve, each of them adopting unique and innovative
ways to achieve their aims.
But at the moment, social enterprise is insufficiently understood as a
concept, and, although there has been valuable work at regional and local
levels, its current and potential contribution to the national economy is
not as yet supported by an adequate evidence base. So improved data is
needed on the scale and impact of the social enterprise sector across the
UK. We need better data to persuade officials within Government,
financiers and anyone considering setting up a social enterprise of the
value of the sector. Better data is also needed so we can assess the
impact of the new social enterprise strategy.
We are working at the moment on guidance on mapping social enterprise.
Once we have that, we will commission research to establish baseline data
about the social enterprise sector at a national level - its size, its
contribution to the UK economy and the number of people it employs. I
think that is going to be very helpful in getting our message about social
enterprise across.
We are also working hard in other ways to raise awareness of the sector
and to celebrate its successes across the UK. We sponsored alongside
NatWest and the Royal Bank of Scotland last year's Enterprising
Solutions National Social Enterprise Award. I was delighted to be able
to present the top prize to Brighton and Hove Wood Recycling Project, a
comprehensive timber collection service. As well as providing a boost to
the winners and finalists, this type of event is helping to raise the
profile of social enterprise more widely and increase recognition of it in
the wider business community.
You may have heard of the Inner City 100, which celebrates the fastest
growing businesses in inner city areas. One of the firms in my social
enterprise tour was Sheffield Rebuild, which both trains young people
entering the construction industry and provides building services to
social housing providers in Sheffield. Sheffield Rebuild won the special
social enterprise award, which we sponsored for the first time this year
in the Inner City 100 awards.
In the past there have been parts of the country where it was taken for
granted that you would never get a job. We are determined that that will
change and that, building on the new stability in the economy which we
have achieved in the past few years, we will see in every community the
real prospect of full employment and that there will be a new spirit of
enterprise in every part of the country. Social enterprises are a key
piece of the jigsaw for making that happen - providing vital new services
for communities as well as jobs.
Developing the new social economy strategy for Northern Ireland will
bring opportunities for us to work together and learn from each other, for
the benefit of all parts of the UK. I and my colleagues in Scotland and
Wales and in the regions of England will be watching with great interest
the developments outlined by Ian earlier on. I'm absolutely confident that
we will together identify measures to realise much more of the potential
which all of us at this meeting know social enterprise holds out for us.

Thank you for what all of you are doing. Let's work together now to
bring about a stronger social economy, to deliver the kind of changes in
our communities that all of us want to see.
Thank you.


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