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Visual Basic 6 Black Book:About the Author
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About The Author
Steven Holzner wrote the book on Visual Basic…a number of times. He co-authored with Peter Norton the bestseller Peter Norton’s Visual Basic for Windows and Peter Norton’s Guide to Visual Basic 4 for Windows 95. He also wrote Advanced Visual Basic 4.0 Programming, a 650-pager that came out in three editions, and Internet Programming With Visual Basic 5, as well as several other Visual Basic books. All in all, this former contributing editor for PC Magazine has authored 43 books ranging in subjects from assembly language to Visual C++, but Visual Basic is his favorite topic. Steven’s books have sold over a million copies and have been translated into 15 languages around the world.
Steven was on the faculty of Cornell University for 10 years, where he earned his Ph.D. He’s also been on the faculty at his undergraduate school, Massachusetts Institute of Technology. Steven loves to travel, and has been to over 30 countries, from Afghanistan to India, from Borneo to Iran, from Sweden to Thailand, with more to come. He and Nancy live in a small, picturesque town on the New England coast and spend summers in their house in the Austrian Alps.
The book you are holding is the result of many people’s dedication. I would especially like to thank Stephanie Wall, Acquisitions Editor, for her hard work; Jeff Kellum, the Project Editor who did such a great job of bringing this project together and shepherding it along, as well as Wendy Littley, the Production Coordinator who kept things on track; Joanne Slike, the copyeditor who waded through everything and got it into such good shape; and April Nielsen, who did the interior design. Special thanks to Harry Henderson for the terrific tech edit. Thanks to all: great job!

To my Sweetie, Nancy, the best editor in the world,with more kisses than there are pages in this book(and every one of those kisses is well deserved).

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