
Documentation Stealth Server News CGI Scripts Become A Member Contact Us Support Download Area   Documentation STEALTH SERVER:  V3.0 Copyright 2001 Psybercore, Inc. - All Rights Reserved. Selling redistributing or modifying any or all of the code for this program without prior written consent is expressly forbidden. You must obtain written permission before redistributing this software over the Internet or in any other medium. In all cases copyright and header information must remain intact. System Requirements Perl 5 with sockets library installed Apache Web Server Preliminaries Determine the path to PERL 5 on your web server host.  Note that some web hosting companies run both PERL 4 and PERL 5.  Make ABSOLUTELY sure you are not setting this up under PERL 4.  Ask your administrator if you are not sure. If you need to review or learn the basics of CGI and Perl check out the superscripts tutorial archives. Download the tarfile for this program and save it to your desktop. Unpack the tar archive on your desktop using a program that unpacks UNIX TAR ARCHIVES. If you don't have such a program then download WINZIP FREE from SHAREWARE.COM.  After you have unpacked the TAR archive you will have a collection of folders and files on your desktop.  Now you have to do some basic editing of each of these files (or at least some of them).  Use a text editor such as wordpad, notepad, BBEdit, simpletext, or teachtext to edit the files.  These are NOT WORD PROCESSOR DOCUMENTS they are just simple TEXT files so don't save them as word processor documents or save them with extentions such as .txt or they will NOT WORK.   Note that there may be a some files inside of folders which are "blank".   This is normal. Preparing the CGI scripts Define Path To PERL 5 The first step is to open up each and every file that has a .cgi extention and edit line number one of each script.  Each of the cgi scripts is written in perl 5. For your scripts to run they must know where perl 5 is installed on your web server. The path to perl 5 is defined to a cgi script in the first line of the file. In each of the cgi scripts the first line of code looks something like this: #!/usr/bin/perl If the path to perl 5 on your web server is different from /usr/bin/perl you must edit the first line of each cgi script to reflect the correct path. If the path to perl 5 is the same no changes are necessary. If you do not know the path to perl 5 ask the webmaster or system administrator at your server site.   Configure the stealth .shtml files index.shtml, webpage.shtml You will have to setup one cgi script and .shtml page per mirrored webpage.  This script isn't really meant to mirror an entire site.  It was more or less developerd tomrror specific content pages.  Edit the SSI tag inside each .shtml page to point to the appropriate .cgi script <!--#EXEC CGI="stealth.cgi" --> Install the script AS IS first BEFORE you try mirroring any other webpage.  Watch the slashes and make sure you do this EXACTLY right or it won't work.  Let's explain the example of mirroring the CPAN Perl Modules List. The url for the actual page is Within the stealth.cgi script you will need to set 3 variables based on this URLl  They are best explained as follows $remote=""; $root = ""; $url="modules/00modlist.long.html"; $remote is simply the domain name of the host (note that does NOT include http://) $root is just http://$remote/ (note the use of the trailing slash $url is the remaining part of the FULL url after the domain name /(slash) File Locations Upload your whatever.shtml pages wherever you want.  Just make sure the SSI call <!--#EXEC CGI="stealth.cgi" --> or <!--#EXEC CGI="/cgi-bin/stealth/stealth.cgi" --> or whatever matches up correctly. File Access Permissions Set stealth.cgi to 755    
