anonymous ftp sites list nu 1

Anonymous FTP Sites In Domain NU (2003-11-02) Anonymous FTP Sites List / Home ac ai ar at au be bg br by ca cc ch cl cn com cr cx cz de dk edu ee es fi fr ge gov gr hk hr hu id ie il in info int is it jp kg kr kz lt lu lv mil mx my net ni nl no nu nz org pl pt ro ru sa se sg si sk su th tk tr tv tw ua uk us ve ws yu za Version: 2003-11-02 Anonymous FTP Sites In Domain NU Total file number: 143 Total file size: 17.09 MB System: UNIX Type: L8 Directories in /pub/: debian/, linux/, msdos/, people/, phrack/ Welcome message:FTP Server ready. Welcome to the Continuum anonymous FTP archive. download files from this site at your own risk. All transfers here are logged. If you do not like this, please logoff now. If you have any problems with this FTP archive, please send email to Anonymous access granted, restrictions apply. Total file number: 504 Total file size: 94.59 MB System: UNIX Type: L8 Version: BSD-199506 Directories in /pub/: 20.3+c+w+s-not-documented/, 20.3.5+c+w+s-not-documented/, NetBSD/, bitmap-mule/, elisp/, emacs-20/, emacs-20.3+c+w/, emacs-20.3+c+w+s/, emacs-20.3+c+w-original-patches/, emcws/, jitterbug-i18n/, perl/, tcode/ Welcome FTP server (Version wu-2.6.0(3) Thu Dec 30 20:32:13 JST 1999) ready. Guest login ok, access restrictions apply. Total file number: 162 Total file size: 198.95 MB System: UNIX Type: L8 Version: BSD-199506 Directories in /pub/: C-kermit-8.0/, bind/, doc/, pgp/, rsync/, sendmail/, sendmail-mrbl-patch/, ssh/, wintoys/ Welcome FTP server (Version wu-2.6.2(1) Thu Feb 6 08:44:13 CET 2003) ready. Please read the file README it was last modified on Sun Apr 1 21:05:16 2001 - 880 days ago Guest login ok, access restrictions apply. Total file number: 385 Total file size: 38.45 MB System: UNIX Type: L8 Directories in /pub/: dwatch/, libsdb/, mowitz/, neXtaw/, o3read/, pen/, siag/, webresolve/, widgets/ Welcome message:Local time is now 14:36 and the load is 0.16. You will be disconnected after 1800 seconds of inactivity. Anonymous user logged in. Total file number: 8 Total file size: 190.54 MB System: UNIX Type: L8 Welcome FTP server ready. -- FTP.STEFFO.NU -- -- Uppladdning av filer sker i incoming katalogen -- filerna är osynliga tills dom flyttas därifrån. -- Filer som är stötande eller på något -- annat sätt opassande kommer inte att flyttas. -- -- ------------------------------------------------------------- Guest login ok, access restrictions apply. Total file number: 803 Total file size: 153.05 MB Anonymous FTP Sites List / Home ac ai ar at au be bg br by ca cc ch cl cn com cr cx cz de dk edu ee es fi fr ge gov gr hk hr hu id ie il in info int is it jp kg kr kz lt lu lv mil mx my net ni nl no nu nz org pl pt ro ru sa se sg si sk su th tk tr tv tw ua uk us ve ws yu za
