CYCLE81 Drilling Centering

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\viewkind4\uc1\pard\qc\cf1\b\f0\fs20 CYCLE81_Drilling_Centering
\par \pard
\par \cf0\b0\f1 The tool drills at the programmed spindle speed and feedrate to the entered final drilling depth.
\par \b\f2\fs22 Sequence
\par \fs20 Position reached prior to cycle start:
\par \b0\f1 The drilling position is the position in the two axes of the selected plane.
\par \b\f2 The cycle creates the following sequence of motions:
\par \b0\f1 Approach of the reference plane brought forward by the safety clearance by using G0
\par Traversing to the final drilling depth at the feedrate programmed in the calling program (G1)
\par Retraction to the retraction plane with G0
\par \b\f2\fs22 Explanation of the parameters
\par \fs20 (reference plane and retraction plane)
\par \b0\f1 Normally, reference plane and return plane have different values. In the cycle, it is assumed that the retraction plane is ahead of the reference plane. This means that the distance from the retraction plane to the final drilling depth is larger than the distance from the reference plane to the final drilling depth.
\par \b\f2 (safety clearance)
\par \b0\f1 The safety clearance acts with reference to the reference plane. This is brought forward by the safety clearance.
\par The direction in which the safety clearance acts is determined by the cycle automatically.
\par \b\f2 (final drilling depth)
\par \b0\f1 The final drilling depth can be specified either absolute or relative to the reference plane.
\par With relative specification, the cycle will calculate the resulting depth automatically using the positions of reference and retraction planes.\f0\fs16
\par }


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