Access 1 Progress Check 7

ProGrESS cHEcK MoDulE 7
a Znajdz nazwy ośmiu zawodów.
F A l r i k b z n O T i G r
O J y T S l A u u n u l T S
S C i E X P l O r E r d q i
A E r T G H l O S i P w z n
X S A T H l E T E C H l i G
P A i n T E r r u v A T H E
O J M M S C i E n T i S T r
E A S T r O n A u T r A i r
S k T H O S A M l w v F q H
b Wybierz właściwą odpowiedz, zaznaczając A, B lub C.
1 This house is too small. i don t want to ......... 6 william Shakespeare ......... dozens of plays.
here. a raised b grew c produced
a try b live c visit
7 Jack ......... the army two years ago.
2 John was ......... in 1985. a suggested b included c joined
a born b die c bury
8 queen Elizabeth i ......... in England from 1558-
3 if you ......... once, try and try again. 1603.
a fall b succeed c fail a became b reigned c sequenced
4 it was difficult, but St George ....... to kill the 9 Myths and legends still ......... people.
dragon. a fascinate b grab c release
a managed b travelled c studied
10 The actor ......... in many plays.
5 After four weeks, the boat ......... new york. a created b filmed c performed
Everyone was happy.
a moved b appeared c reached
c Dopasuj do siebie wyrazy z obu kolumn. Następnie użyj nowo powstałych wyrażeń, aby uzupełnić zdania
1 The ..................................... is making a speech
in Parliament now.
a story
1 Prime
2 Justin Timberlake is on a ...................................
b civilisation
2 world
at the moment.
concert c hall
3 3 The Five Orange Pips is a ....................................
with Sherlock Holmes.
4 d tour
4 There is a big band playing at the ........................
e Minister
this weekend.
5 The ..................................... of Greece goes back
thousands of years.
ProGrESS cHEcK MoDulE 7
D Uzupełnij podpisy pod obrazkami.
1 z _ _ 2 t _ _ _ _ _ _ 3 a _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ p _ _ _
4 a _ _ g _ _ _ _ _ _ 5 a _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 6 c _ _ _ _ _ _ h _ _ _
E Uzupełnij luki właściwymi wyrażeniami z listy.
ń what about you ń who else was with you ń did you like the play ń quite boring, really
1 A: How was your weekend? 3 A: My weekend was great. ........................?
b: ...................................................... . b: it was quite good.
2 A: .......................................................? 4 A: .......................................................?
b: yes. i really enjoyed it. b: My friend, Samantha.
F Uzupełnij zdania właściwymi wyrazami z listy.
ń advisors ń temple ń civilisation ń location ń farmer ń empire ń palace ń fields
1 we haven t got a map and we don t know the 6 The roman ......................... lasted for over
...................... of the ancient temple. 400 years.
2 The incas worked hard in the ...................... 7 He is a(n) ............................... . He grows
and grew corn. vegetables.
3 important people usually have ...................... 8 The ancient ........................ of knossos in
to help them. Crete is magnificent. The kings and queens lived
4 The incas were an ancient .......................... in luxury.
in South America.
5 The ...................... of Apollo at delphi is on a
ProGrESS cHEcK MoDulE 7
a Podkreśl właściwą formę czasownika.
1  Were/Was you at the theatre last night? 4  Was/Wasn t Pablo Picasso a famous athlete?
 yes, i wasn t/was.  no, he were/wasn t. He was/weren t a famous
2 diana weren t/was the Princess of wales. artist.
3 Albert Einstein was/were a famous scientist. 5 Anna Pavlova weren t/wasn t an astronaut. She
was/were a ballerina.
b Znajdz i popraw błędy w poniższych zdaniach.
1 Hercules carryed out twelve labours. ............ 6 Antonio banderas stared in many
2 John traveld to italy two years ago. ............ films. ..........
3 did St George saved the princess? ............ 7 did Susan played golf with Fiona last
4 Henry didn t played tennis last week. ............ week? ............
5  did Mary live in Spain in 1999? 8 luke start playing the piano when
 no, she did. ............ he was 7 years old. ............
c Wstaw czasownik was lub were. Następnie dopasuj pytania do odpowiedzi, wpisując odpowiednie litery
w kratki.
Q u i z
1 where ................ the incas from?
a Spain.
2 what ................ the first animal in
b zeus and Alcmene.
c South America.
3 where ................ Pablo Picasso from?
d A dog.
4 who ................ Hercules parents? e A famous rock band.
f 36.
5 How old ................ Princess diana when
she died?
6 who ................ The Beatles?
D Uzupełnij zdania podanymi czasownikami w czasie past simple.
1 A: when ................................ (you/finish) 4 A: why ................................... (Mark/call)
school? this morning?
b: i .............. (finish) school three years ago. b: He ........................ (want) a lift to work.
2 A: ........................... (you/tidy) your room? 5 A: ................................... (you/watch) Tv
b: yes, i ............... (tidy) it an hour ago but i last night?
......................... (not/wash) my clothes. b: no, i .................. (play) computer games.
3 A: How ....................... (be) your trip to the 6 A: when ............................... (they/move)
museum yesterday? to France?
b: it .............. (be) great. The children really b: They .......................... (move) last year.
........................ (enjoy) it.
ProGrESS cHEcK MoDulE 7
E a) Uzupełnij zdania podanymi czasownikami w czasie past simple.
Elvis Presley 1) ...................... (be) the first real rock and roll star. He 2) ...................... (be
born) in Mississippi, uSA, on 8th January 1935. He and his parents 3) ...................... (move) to
Memphis, Tennessee in 1948. His career as a singer 4) ...................... (start) in 1954 with Sun
records. He 5) ...................... (release) his first album in 1956. He 6) ...................... (receive)
his first gold record for this album. during his career, he 7) ...................... (star) in 33 films.
On 1st May 1967, he 8) ...................... (marry) Priscilla Anne beaulieu in las vegas. Their
daughter, lisa Marie, 9) ...................... (be born) exactly nine months later on 1st February 1968.
Elvis Presley 10) ...................... (die) on 18th August 1977.
b) Ułóż z podanych wyrażeń pytania w czasie past simple i odpowiedz na nie.
1 when / Elvis Presley / be born? 4 films / how many / star in?
........................................................... ...........................................................
........................................................... ...........................................................
2 start / when / career / his? 5 die / Elvis Presley / when?
........................................................... ...........................................................
........................................................... ...........................................................
3 receive / what / for his first album?


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