by upper-level processes to avoid illicit data flows [18].
5: return system is vulnerable to the replication of P
Similarly, self-replication in malware can be compared to
6: end if
an illicit information flow of the viral code towards the
7: Esucc ! Esucc\{Cd"Esucc|"Ct"Edone.Cd a" Ct}
8: Enext ! Enext *" Esucc, Edone ! Edone *"{C}
system. Let us state the hypothesis that, contrary to malware,
9: Choose a new C " Enext
legitimate programs do not interfere with other processes
10: until Enext = or infinite reaction without new transitions
implicitly through the system. This integrity issue requires
11: return system is not vulnerable to the replication of P
a new property: non-infection introduced in Definition 5.
Definition 5: (NON-INFECTION). For a process P
within a stable system context (i.e. reactions to intrusions
impact on the system use. Forbidding name generation
only), the property of non-infection is satisfied if the system
induces a fixed number of resources without possibility
evolves along the reaction Csys[P ] -" Csys[P ], and for
to dynamically create new ones. But most importantly,
any non-infecting process T , Csys[T ] H" Csys[T ] holds.
synchronous communication is no longer possible because
fresh channels can not be generated for return values.
Non-infection guarantees the system integrity. Proposi-
tion 3 states that there exist systems preventing replication
Proposition 2: Detection of self-replication in the Join-
through resource isolation. This generalizes the partitioning
Calculus is undecidable. Detection becomes decidable if the
principle advocated in [15] to fight propagation.
system context and the process are defined in the fragment
of the Join-Calculus without name generation.
Proposition 3: In a system context made up of services
and resources, non-infection can only be guaranteed by
Proof: Detection will be reduced to coverability in
a strong isolation of resources, forbidding all transitions
petri nets. Let us consider the fragment of the join-calculus
without name generation i.e. no nested definitions. This Csys[.]- Csys[.], x being a resource writing channel.
fragment can be encoded into the asynchronous Ą-calculus
Proof: Let DS and DR be the services and resources of
without external choice [16].
the system. The isolation requirement is proven by showing
[[Q|R]]j =[[Q]]j | [[R]]j
that writing accesses, either direct or indirect, must be
A = x(u).y(v).([[Q]]j | A) forbidden. The stable context only reacts to intrusions:
[[def x | y
A | [[R]]j
I. Intrusion towards resources: J = x1()|...|xn(-
y1 yn) R
The process inside its system context can thus be encoded
def DS '" DR \{J}'"J in R0|x1().R1|...|xm(- . ]
z1 z).Rm|[
- -
in the asynchronous Ą-calculus, resulting in a system of xm+1(--)|...|xn(-
zm+1 zn)
parametric equations. Name generation being excluded,
- -
def DS '" DR in R0|R1|...|Rm|R [/]|[ . ].
y z
scope restriction is absent from the encoding. The
The xi only store the resource content meaning that all Ri =
system is then encoded into equations in the Calculus of
0. After simplification, three cases remain:
Communicating Systems. CCS is parameterless, however,
- -
1) Reading: R a" x1()|...|xm(- |return y1, ..., y to xm+1.
y1 y)
m m
without name generation, channels and transmitted values
Once the return consumed, the system recovers its initial
a can be combined into parameterless channels <, a>.
state; the non-infection property is satisfied.
External choices are reintroduced to handle combinations
2) Writing: R a" x1(- )|...|xm(- to xm+1.
y-- yn)|return
and a set of guarded parallel processes is obtained:
Once the return consumed, the original values yi (1d"id"m)
Ai =Ł<, a>. < , a >.( <, a> | Aj)
are substituted by values yj (m+1d"j d"n). The system state
In this equation system, replication is detected by the po-
is modified and non-infection may not be satisfied.
tential activation of a processes Ai, guarded by a channel
3) Execution: Equivalent to the service case II).
<, p> with " R and p is the abstraction of P . This is
II. Intrusion towards services: J = x1()|...|xn(- S
y1 yn)
a typical control reachability problem in CCS. As proven
def DS \{J}'"J '" DR in R | [ . ]
in [17], it can be reduced to a coverability problem in petri
x1(- zn)
nets, which is computable by decidable algorithms.
- -
def DS '" DR in S[/] | R | [ . ]
y z
- -
S is of the form return f(, ..., zn) to x1 which reduces
to the null process when the return is consumed. The system
The fact that detection is only decidable under cum-
modification thus depends on the function f behavior:
bersome constraints encourages the research of proactive
approaches to prevent malware propagation. 1) f reading resource or no access: Identical to I.1).
2) f writing or creating resources: Identical to I.2). REFERENCES
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