Formalization of viruses and malware through process algebras

2010 International Conference on Availability, Reliability and Security
Formalization of viruses and malware through process algebras
Grgoire Jacob(1/2), Eric Filiol(1) Herv Debar(2)
1 2
ESIEA, (C+V)o (France) Orange Labs, MAPS/STT (France),
P ::= v asynchronous message
Abstract Abstract virology has seen the apparition of suc-
| def D in P local definition
cessive viral models, all based on Turing-equivalent formalisms.
| P | P parallel composition
Considering recent malware, these are only partially covered
| E; P sequence
because functional formalisms do not support interactive com-
| let x1, ..., xm = Ein P expression computation
putations. This article provides a basis for a unified malware
| return E1, ..., En to x synchronous return
model, founded on the Join-Calculus. In terms of expressive-
E ::= v(E1; ...; En) synchronous call
ness, the process-based model supports the fundamental notion
| def D in E local definition
of self-replication but also interactions, concurrency and non-
D ::= J P reaction rule
termination to cover evolved malware. In terms of protection,
| D '" D conjunction
detection undecidability and prevention by isolation still hold.
J ::= x message pattern
Additional results are established: calculus fragments where
| x(y1; ...; yn) call pattern
detection is decidable, definition of a non-infection property,
| J | J join of patterns
potential solutions to restrict propagation.
Figure 1. Enriched syntax for the Join-Calculus.
Keywords-malware, process algebra, detection, prevention
STR-JOIN P1 | P2 P1; P2

STR-AND D1 '" D2 D1, D2

STR-DEF def D in P Ddv Pdv
Considering malware, interactions with the environment,
(dv substitutes fresh names to channels from dv[D])
concurrency and non-termination are critical [1]. In effect, RED J P Jrv - J P Prv
(rv substitutes messages to parameters from rv[J])
resilient and adaptive by nature, malware intensively use
these to survive and infect systems. In abstract virology,
Figure 2. Join-Calculus operational semantics.
existing models focus on self-replication, defined in func-
C[ . ]S ::= [ . ]S | P | C[ . ]S | def D in C[ . ]S
tional terms [2], [3]. Unfortunately, these rely on Turing-
Figure 3. Syntax rules for building evaluation contexts.
equivalent formalisms hardly supporting interactive compu-
tations [4]. With the apparition of interaction-based malware,
Section II presents the Join-Calculus. Section III re-
new models have been introduced, but loosing the unified
calls functional self-replication. Section IV introduces the
approach in the way. K-ary malware introduce concurrency
process-based model and distributed self-replication. Section
by distribution of the malicious code over several parts. [5]
V extends its parametrization to Rootkits. Within the model,
provides a Boolean model to capture their evolving inter-
Sections VI and VII address detection as well as prevention.
dependence. Rootkits introduce stealth techniques requiring
non-termination and reaction. [6] and [7] provide models
respectively based on steganography and graph theory.
This overview guarantees self-containment but the reader
By evolving towards interaction-dedicated formalisms
is referred to the relative literature [8]. At the basis of the
such as process algebras, a unified malware model can be
Join-Calculus, an infinite set of names x, y, z... is defined,
defined to support innovative techniques [1]. To maintain

that can be compound into vectors x = x0, ..., xn. Names
the expressiveness of former models, the chosen algebra
constitute the basic blocks for message emissions of the form
has to support both functional and interactive aspects: the
x: x being the channel and v the message. Given
Join-Calculus was found adequate [8]. The model offers
in Figure 1, the syntax of the Join-Calculus defines three
a greater expressiveness while being closer to the current
elements to handle message passing: processes (P ) being
vision of computer systems. It also increases the visibility
the communicating entities, definitions (D) describing the
over locations and information flows, consequently easing
system evolution resulting of the interprocess communica-
the design of potential detection and prevention methods.
tions, and the join-patterns (J) defining the channels and
The following points constitute the main contributions:
messages involved in communications [8, pp.57-60]. For
" A process-based viral model supporting interactions.
ease of modeling, the support of expressions (E) has been
" A model parametrization to cover evolved malware.
introduced to provide the synchronous channels necessary
" An impact of the model on detection and prevention.
to concurrent functional languages [8, pp.91-92].
978-0-7695-3965-2/10 $26.00 2010 IEEE 597
DOI 10.1109/ARES.2010.59
Based on syntax, names are divided between different In this definition, s denotes the self-reference, s its equiv-
sets: 1) the channels defined through a join definition (dv), alent definition and R specifies the replication mechanism
2) the names received by a join-pattern (rv), 3) the free over c. The definition is generic and covers several types
names (fv), conv. bound names (bv), of a process [8, p.47]. of replicating codes, even mutating codes or codes recon-
In addition to syntax, operational semantics are required to structed from environment pieces. To ease the remaining
complete the computational model. The Reflexive Chemical of the article, we will focus on syntactic duplication, a
Abstract Machine (RCHAM) specifies the required semantic particular case of the definition where replication identically
rules in Figure 2 [8, pp.56-62]. Reductions make the system reproduces the code: P -" R[c(s)].
evolve after resolution of message emissions:
- - - - A. Modeling the environment
def x() P in x() - P {/}.
z y y z
For observation, processes may be imbricated inside eval- Before speaking of distribution, the execution environ-
uation contexts. These contexts, whose syntax is given in ment in which processes evolve must be thoroughly defined.
Figure 3, define a set of captured names S. Execution environments share a global structure that can be
specified by a generic evaluation context. Generally speak-
ing, operating systems, and other environments, provide
Self-replication is at the heart of computer virology since
services (system calls) and resources (memory, files). A
it is the common denominator between viruses and worms.
system context denoted Csys[.]S*"R is thus built on service
Referring to early works from [9], two fundamental concepts
and resource bricks, formalized by channel definitions:
are mandatory: a replication mechanism and the existence
Services: The set of services S has a behavior similar to an
of a self-description also called self-reference.
execution server waiting for queries. Service computations
As corroborated by [2], [3], self-replication is linked to
are represented by a function fsv. When a service is called,
the concept of recursion, present in the different computa-
fsv is computed over the arguments and sent back.
tion paradigms. In the provided definitions, both the self-

arg) arg)
" def Ssv(- return fsv(- in ....
reference and the replication mechanism can be identified.
By application of Kleene s recursion theorem [4], Defini- Resources: The set of resources R provides storing facil-
tion 1 builds viruses as solutions of fixed point equations. In ities. Resources can be modeled by parametric processes
this definition, the replication mechanism is denoted by the storing information inside internal channels. Resources can
propagation function . The self-reference is denoted by the be either static providing reading and writing accesses (data
variable v which is considered both as an executed program files) or executable triggered on command (programs).
and a parameter according to the side of the equation. The " For executables, let us consider f, f0, fn being functions:
program p constitutes the replication target and  implicitly def Rexec(f0) def (write(fn)|content) (content)
contains a research routine for selecting next valid targets. '" (read()|content) (return f to read|content)
- -
'" (exec()|content) (return f() to exec|content)
a a
Definition 1: Programs being indexed by a Gdel num-
in content|return read, write, exec to Rexec in ...
bering, p(x) denotes the computation of the program p
over x. According to [3], a virus v is a program which, for
B. Construction of the viral sets
all values of p and x over the computation domain, satisfies
Replication being formalized by extrusion of the process
v(p, x) =(v,p)(x) where  is the propagation function.
definition on an external channel, a process alone can not
be infectious without access to the necessary services and
resources. To observe these exchanges, the labeled transition
As seen in Section III, the self-reference notion is required
system open-RCHAM will be used to make explicit the
to functionally express self-replication; so it is for pro-
interactions with an abstract environment [8, pp.145-153].
cess modeling. To reference themselves, programs are built
Abstract environments are specified by a set of definitions
as process abstractions (definitions with a single pattern):

and their defined name: here the services and resources.
Dp = def p(- P where P is defined in function of the

In this transition system, viruses can be defined according
arguments arg. The program execution then corresponds to

to the principle of viable replication. Viable replication
an instantiating process: Ep = def Dp in p(val). This
guarantees that replicated instances are still capable of self-
hypothesis will be kept all along the article. Based on it,
replication. The programs satisfying viable self-replication
Definition 2 describes self-replication as the emission of this
constitute the viral sets [10]. Definition 3 redefines viral sets
definition, or an equivalent, on an external channel.
relatively to a system context conditioning the consumption
Definition 2: (SELF-REPLICATION) A program is self-
of replicated definitions and the activation of intermediate
replicating over a channel c if it can be expressed as a defi-
infected forms. The sets are built by iteration starting with
nition capable to access/reconstruct itself before propagating
the original infection of a resource by the virus, followed
(i.e. extruding itself beyond its scope): def s(c, x P
by successive infections from resource to resource.
where P -" Q[def s () P in R[c(s )]] and P H" P .
Table I
Definition 3: (VIRAL SET) Let us consider a system
defining services S and resources R. Its set of defined names
Channels Linux APIs Windows APIs
N is divided between services Sv, resource accesses in
exec fork( ), exec( ) CreateProcess( )
reading mode Rd, writing mode Wr, and execution mode
sysref getpid( ), readlink( ) GetModuleFileName( )...
Xc such as N = Sv *" Rd *" Wr *" Xc. The current state
sysrep sendfile( ) CopyFile( )
- -
sr, sw, se fread( ), fwrite( )... ReadFile( ), WriteFile( )...
of resources is represented by R. The viral set Ev can be
recursively constructed as follows:
- "Xc" Table II
Ev(Csys[.]N ) ={V |""Wr", x and n > 1 such as

S'"R N V | R -
---------- S'" R N*"{v} V |R0| R
Name Self-reference Replication mechanism
and for all 1 d" i < n, S'"R N
SpaceHero(JS) local: variable expr local: reformats code and

Ri| R - S'"R
--------------- N*"{v} V |Ri+1| R}
(webpage) in mycode DIV tag sends an XmlHttpRequest
LoveLetter(VBS) system: Wscript. system: FileSystemObject
C. Distributed virus replication
(standalone) ScriptFullName CopyFile method
As stated by [11], self-replicating systems do not nec-
essarily contain their self-reference access, their replica- after a finite number of transformations. Illustrating exam-
tion mechanism or a replication target which is by nature ples are given in Table II. The target research routine denoted
external. They may rely on external services for these t, just like the function r, is willingly left parameterizable.
fundamental elements. Therefore, the advantages of process
Definition 4: Let V be a viral process. Let R and S be
algebras become undeniable: exchanges between processes
definitions responsible for the self-reference access and the
and their environment, distribution of the computations.
replication mechanism. Additional definitions T and P are
1) Environment refinement: The generically defined sys-
responsible for the target research and the payload:
tem must thus be refined to support these specific services
" R = locrep(in, out) return r(in, out) to locrep
and resources, concretely illustrated in Table I:
" S = locref () return v to locref
Self-reference access: Operating systems handle a list of
" T = loctrg() return t() to loctrg
executing processes for scheduling, with a pointer on the
Viruses can be classified in four categories:
active process. To maintain the list, program executions are
" (Class I) V is totally autonomous:
launched through a dedicated primitive exec. Scheduling
VI = def v(- (def S '" R '" T in
being a service, a reading access is made public through
locrep(locref (), loctrg()).P ) in exec(v, a
sysref for the pointed process denoting the self-reference.
- -
" (Class II) V uses an external replication mechanism:
" Dexe = exec(p, args) sysupd(p).return p(- to exec
VII = def v() (def S '" T in
" Dref = sysupd(rn)|active active
sysrep(locref (), loctrg()).P ) in exec(v, a
'" sysref ()|active active|return r to sysref
" (Class III) V uses external access to the self-reference:
Replication mechanism: The mechanism is represented by
VIII = def v() (def R '" T in
a function r copying data from an input channel towards and
locrep(sysref (), loctrg()).P ) in exec(v, a
output channel. The function has been left parametric; how-
" (Class IV) V uses only external services:
ever, it is strongly constrained to forward its input towards
VIV = def v() (def T in
the output channel after a finite number of transformations.
def sysrep(sysref (), loctrg()).P ) in exec(v, a
" Drep = sysrep(in, out) return r(in, out) to sysrep
Through the parametrization, several types of replication
Replication targets: A pool of executable resources consti-
mechanisms can be represented by refinement:
tute the targets. Their definition Dtrg is identical to the one
(1) overwriting infections: def r(v, sw) sw(v),
in Section IV-A, allowing preexistence or dynamic creation.
(2) append infections (resp. prepend): def r(v, sw, sr)
A system context with n resources can now be defined to

(let p=sr() in def p1(- v().p(- in sw(p1)),
arg) arg)
be used along the different definitions and proofs:
Compared to Definition 2, viruses no longer take the target
Csys[ . ]S*"R = def Dexe '" Dref '" Drep '" Dtrg in
as parameter but uses a parametrized research routine:
let sr1, sw1, se1, ..., srn, swn, sen =
(1) hard-coded targets: def t() return n to t,
Rtrg(f1), ..., Rtrg(fn) in (active | [ . ])
(2) dynamically created targets:
- -
with S ={exec, sysref , sysrep} and R ={Rtrg, sr, sw, se}.
def t() let sr, sw, se = Rtrg(empty) in return sw to t,
2) Classes of self-replicating viruses: Using this refined
Independently of the parametrization, the four virus classes
system, four classes of self-replicating viruses are defined in
achieve viable replication as stated by Proposition 1.
Definition 4. Through these classes, the fundamental compo-
nents for self-replication are locally defined or exported [11]: Proposition 1: If the system context provides the right
the access to the self-reference, the replication mechanism services and valid targets, the virus classes I, II, III, IV
denoted r, this function being constrained to reemit its input achieve viable replication i.e. they appertain to its viral set.
Table III
of the payload process which has not been detailed yet. Let
us consider the common case of Rootkits offering hooking
SuckIt (Linux kernel Rootkit, [12], 2001)
functionalities. The definition in [14] of viruses resident
Process Implementation
Rkit core, embedded kernel module containing the fake calls Rfsc.
relatively to a system call is the closest to our approach.
Dtsc Linux system call table.
But, the used recursive functions are not really adapted to
Dalloc memory device /dev/kmem.
Channel Implementation
model the required reactiveness and persistency.
alloc kmalloc.
System call hooking: Hooking mechanisms allow the in-
hook write function called with the address returned by kmalloc.
publish sysenter switching between user and kernel space.
terception of system calls. They rely on channel usurpation

fsc memory addresses of the fake system calls: fork, open, kill...
by alteration of the structures storing the access information
Agony (Windows kernel Rootkit by Intox7, [13], 2006)
to system calls. A new resource of the system must thus be
Process Implementation
Rkit agony.sys, embedded kernel module with the fake calls Rfsc.
defined: the system call table. This entity publishes the list
Dtsc SSDT (System Service Descriptor T able).
of available system calls on-demand. This list is modeled
Dalloc memory allocation services.

Channel Implementation
by a vector of channel sc which can only be modified by
alloc MmCreateMdl now replaced by IoAllocateMdl.
the kernel through a privileged writing access. This access
hook writing operation to the space newly allocated.
publish sysenter instruction switching between user and kernel space. provided by the priv channel remains private to programs:

fsc addresses of the fake system calls: ZwQueryDirectoryF ile...
only the publish channel is made public:
- - - -
Dtsc = Tsc(t0 ) def (priv(tn) | table< t >) table
Proof: Without modifying the proof core, let us con-
- - -

'" (publish() | table< t >) return t to publish | table< t >
sider a refined system and a simple case of parameterization:
The services of memory allocation can be diverted to gain
def r(x, w) w(x) and def t() return swi to t at the ith iteration
access to this privileged channel. In fact, they can be used to
Let us consider the virus class III knowing that an identical
modify the page protection of a memory space. In practice,
approach can provide proofs for the remaining classes:
def they take as input a base address b and a size s and return
DVIII = v() def R '" T in locrep(sysref (), loctarg()); P
def an access to the allocated space. The hook is only leaked if
DRk = swk(fn)|contentk contentk
the base address is equal to the address of the system call
'" srk()|contentk (contentk|return f to srk
table scbase. Otherwise, a simple access is returned:
- )
'" sek()|contentk contentk|return exec(f, a to sek
Dalloc = alloc(b, s)
Proof of initial infection: Csys[VIII]S*"R
if [b=scbase] then return hook else return access

The interest of hooking for the rootkit is to define a set of
Dexe, Dref , Drep, Dtrg let sr1, sw1, se1, ..., srn, swn, sen =
false system calls Rfsc1, ..., Rfscm, in order to hide files or
Rtarg(f1), ..., Rtrg(fn) in (active | VIII )
- (react+str-def+str-and+str-def) processes, for example by filtering the original system calls.
These malicious calls are registered in a new table being a
Dexe, Dref , Drep, Dtrg, DR1 , ..., DVIII content1 |

n contenti | active | exec(v, a
vector of m entries fsc = fsc1...fscm:
- (react+react)
Dfsc = fsc1(- Rfsc1 '" ... '" fscm(- Rf scm
arg) arg)

Dexe, Dref , Drep, Dtrg, DR1 , ..., DVIII content1 |
Rkit = def Dfsc in let hk =alloc(scbase, scsize) in hk(fsc)
n contenti | active | v()
The system evolves along the following reduction where the
- (react+str-def+str-and)
privileged hook is leaked from the allocation mechanism:
Dexe, Dref , Drep, Dtrg, DR1 , ..., DVIII , R, T content1|
def Dtsc '" Dalloc in let pub = Tsc() in Rkit - "
n contenti | active | locrep(sysref (), loctrg()).P

i=2 -
def Dtsc '" Dalloc '" Dfsc in table
- (react+react)
For validation, Table III draws a parallel between processes,
Dexe, Dref , Drep, Dtrg, DR1 , ..., DVIII , R, T content1|
n contenti | active | locrep(v, sw1).P definitions and implementation in representative malware.
- (react+react)
Dexe, Dref , Drep, Dtrg, DR1 , ..., DVIII , R, T content1|
Since [15], it is well established that virus detection
n contenti | active | P
is undecidable. This statement must be reassessed within
Proof of successive infections: Once initial replication is
the new model. Let us consider an algorithm taking as
achieved, following replications are activated by execution
input a system context and a process, and returning true
requests sei(). From there, reduction is identical to the
if the process is able to self-replicate inside the context.
previous one except for loctrg which returns swi+1.
Algorithm 1 gives an exhaustive procedure that can be used
either for detecting replications or assessing the context
resilience. It is not designed for deployment; it uses a brute-
Stealth is not malicious on its own; however, deployed force state exploration to study the detection decidability.
in Rookits, it becomes a powerful tool for attackers. Few Without surprise, detection remains undecidable accord-
formal works exist on Rootkit modeling [6], [7], [14]; it ing to Proposition 2. However, detection becomes decidable
thus constitutes an interesting concrete case for refinement by restricting name generation. This restriction is not without
Algorithm 1 Replication detection.
A. Non-infection property and isolation
Require: P which is abstracted by p
A different approach to fight back malware is to reason
Require: Csys[.]S*"R exporting services S and resources R
in terms of information flow. Addressing confidentiality, the
1: Edone ! , Enext ! , C ! Csys[P ]S*"R
2: repeat
formalization of the non-interference property specifies that

3: Esucc !{C |C - C }
the behavior of low-level processes must not be influenced
4: if "C reached by resource writing w

by upper-level processes to avoid illicit data flows [18].
5: return system is vulnerable to the replication of P
Similarly, self-replication in malware can be compared to
6: end if
an illicit information flow of the viral code towards the
7: Esucc ! Esucc\{Cd"Esucc|"Ct"Edone.Cd a" Ct}
8: Enext ! Enext *" Esucc, Edone ! Edone *"{C}
system. Let us state the hypothesis that, contrary to malware,
9: Choose a new C " Enext
legitimate programs do not interfere with other processes
10: until Enext = or infinite reaction without new transitions
implicitly through the system. This integrity issue requires
11: return system is not vulnerable to the replication of P
a new property: non-infection introduced in Definition 5.
Definition 5: (NON-INFECTION). For a process P
within a stable system context (i.e. reactions to intrusions
impact on the system use. Forbidding name generation
only), the property of non-infection is satisfied if the system
induces a fixed number of resources without possibility

evolves along the reaction Csys[P ] -" Csys[P ], and for
to dynamically create new ones. But most importantly,

any non-infecting process T , Csys[T ] H" Csys[T ] holds.
synchronous communication is no longer possible because
fresh channels can not be generated for return values.
Non-infection guarantees the system integrity. Proposi-
tion 3 states that there exist systems preventing replication
Proposition 2: Detection of self-replication in the Join-
through resource isolation. This generalizes the partitioning
Calculus is undecidable. Detection becomes decidable if the
principle advocated in [15] to fight propagation.
system context and the process are defined in the fragment
of the Join-Calculus without name generation.
Proposition 3: In a system context made up of services
and resources, non-infection can only be guaranteed by
Proof: Detection will be reduced to coverability in
a strong isolation of resources, forbidding all transitions
petri nets. Let us consider the fragment of the join-calculus

without name generation i.e. no nested definitions. This Csys[.]- Csys[.], x being a resource writing channel.
fragment can be encoded into the asynchronous Ą-calculus
Proof: Let DS and DR be the services and resources of
without external choice [16].
the system. The isolation requirement is proven by showing
[[Q|R]]j =[[Q]]j | [[R]]j
that writing accesses, either direct or indirect, must be
[[x]]j =Ż

A = x(u).y(v).([[Q]]j | A) forbidden. The stable context only reacts to intrusions:
[[def x | y Q in R]]j =
A | [[R]]j
I. Intrusion towards resources: J = x1()|...|xn(-
y1 yn) R
The process inside its system context can thus be encoded
def DS '" DR \{J}'"J in R0|x1().R1|...|xm(- . ]
z1 z).Rm|[
- -
in the asynchronous Ą-calculus, resulting in a system of xm+1(--)|...|xn(-
zm+1 zn)
parametric equations. Name generation being excluded,
- -
def DS '" DR in R0|R1|...|Rm|R [/]|[ . ].
y z
scope restriction  is absent from the encoding. The
The xi only store the resource content meaning that all Ri =
system is then encoded into equations in the Calculus of
0. After simplification, three cases remain:
Communicating Systems. CCS is parameterless, however,
- -
1) Reading: R a" x1()|...|xm(- |return y1, ..., y to xm+1.
y1 y)
m m
without name generation, channels  and transmitted values
Once the return consumed, the system recovers its initial
a can be combined into parameterless channels <, a>.
state; the non-infection property is satisfied.
External choices are reintroduced to handle combinations

2) Writing: R a" x1(- )|...|xm(- to xm+1.
y-- yn)|return
and a set of guarded parallel processes is obtained:
Once the return consumed, the original values yi (1d"id"m)
Ai =Ł<, a>. < , a >.(  <, a> |  Aj)
are substituted by values yj (m+1d"j d"n). The system state
In this equation system, replication is detected by the po-
is modified and non-infection may not be satisfied.
tential activation of a processes Ai, guarded by a channel
3) Execution: Equivalent to the service case II).
<, p> with  " R and p is the abstraction of P . This is
II. Intrusion towards services: J = x1()|...|xn(- S
y1 yn)
a typical control reachability problem in CCS. As proven
def DS \{J}'"J '" DR in R | [ . ]
in [17], it can be reduced to a coverability problem in petri

x1(- zn)
nets, which is computable by decidable algorithms.
- -
def DS '" DR in S[/] | R | [ . ]
y z
- -
S is of the form return f(, ..., zn) to x1 which reduces
to the null process when the return is consumed. The system
The fact that detection is only decidable under cum-
modification thus depends on the function f behavior:
bersome constraints encourages the research of proactive
approaches to prevent malware propagation. 1) f reading resource or no access: Identical to I.1).
2) f writing or creating resources: Identical to I.2). REFERENCES
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form Security: Architecture, API Design, and Implementation.
Y. Marion for their help and working leads during the
Prentice Hall, 2003.
exploration of the process algebras.


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