110823105931 bbc tews 33 browni Nieznany

BBC Learning English

The English We Speak

23 August 2011

Brownie points


Hello and welcome to The English we Speak, I'm William.


And I'm Feifei. William, what are you doing with that suitcase and flowers

and boxes of chocolates?


Oh, well I'm spending the weekend with my wife's parents so I thought

I'd better get something for my mother-in-law.


Oh I see! A weekend with the in-laws.


And I'm going to do a bit of decorating and gardening for them too.


Wow, you really are trying to earn some brownie points, aren't you?

William is trying to get praise and approval by doing something for them.


Yes, I'm trying to earn some brownie points.


To earn some brownie points. 'Brownie points' are badges young girls who

are members of a youth organisation called 'The Brownies' earn for doing

good things for others. Now we use that term generally to mean 'trying to

get praise for our actions'.


Yes, you see I'm not sure if my mother-in-law reallyâ€Åš likes me that

much. So that's why I'm trying to earn some brownie points. Maybe she'll

change her attitude towards me.


Oh dear. Yes, maybe you'll get some approval from her.


Man: Look at Gary. He keeps offering to do extra work – even at weekends Woman: Well he's hoping to earn a few brownie points with the bosses. There's a new position opening up and I reckon he'll apply for it.


He's been offering to do extra work to impress his bosses. It's because

there's an opportunity for a promotion coming up.


But to earn brownie points is more than just doing someone a favour.


Yes, the expression means you're trying to get approval from someone.

It's also quite a light-hearted and informal expression.


When was the last time you earned brownie points from someone, Feifei?

The English We Speak

© British Broadcasting Corporation 2011

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Oh I don't try to get other people's approval.


Hmm, really? So you don't really care what people think about you?


No, not at all. But William, you've got so much stuff with you. Are you

taking the train to your in-laws' house? Can I give you a lift to the



Oh thanks! That's really kind of you, Feifei. I was beginning to think you

were a bit selfish but now I can see you're quite generous. Ah, I



Yes, I'm trying to earn some brownie points!


Well, you succeeded! Goodbye!



The English We Speak

© British Broadcasting Corporation 2011

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