Hydepark in English
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biedroneczka22 Sierpie� 2009, 00:01
Hi, everyone! A lot of people learn English, why can't we improve it also here? ^^
Let's talk about holidays: how is your summer going? What have you been doing this year? Have you met any interesting people? Tell us!
Szeida25 Wrzesie� 2009, 13:00
I think that this topic is out of date, because holidays ended and it's necessary to talk about school now.
biedroneczka25 Wrzesie� 2009, 16:21
Now it's out of date, in August wasn't, but nobody wanted to talk.
Yes, we can talk about school now, so go on! I can start: whohoooo, Friday afternoon, no school for two days!
Fruktoza25 Wrzesie� 2009, 16:54
Friday afternoon, no school for two days!
I have a lot of tests next week... Buu... School is bad
biedroneczka25 Wrzesie� 2009, 19:07
I have a lot of tests next week...
Me too... Huge biology test, maths test and on Friday history test (oooh, I can't even think about it! -.-)... But let's enjoy two beautiful free days. ^^
Fruktoza25 Wrzesie� 2009, 20:00
Huge biology test, maths test and on Friday history test
Haha, I have tests with biology, polish, history, physics, german... and we will go on the bike trip with priest ;D
biedroneczka25 Wrzesie� 2009, 23:24
Free? I need to learn!
Oh, of course I also have to learn, I'm not smart enough to write those tests without studying. ;> But I need some relax and I try today to imagine that this weekend will be free. I will worry about this tomorrow.
Fruktoza3 Pa�dziernik 2009, 13:27
My priest has broken his finger while playing footbal.
Haha xD
Weekend again! (;
So what we are talking about? ;p
biedroneczka3 Pa�dziernik 2009, 19:41
Weekend again! (;
Yeah, finally! I don't have as much studying as last week, so I can relax! ^^ Well, I should be doing exercises for chemistry competition for this year (my teacher wanted me to do it -.-), but it's like a kind of black magic for me. I don't understand anything.
Fruktoza9 Pa�dziernik 2009, 16:10
Well, I should be doing exercises for chemistry competition for this year (my teacher wanted me to do it -.-), but it's like a kind of black magic for me. I don't understand anything.
Chemistry is great ;D I love this subject.
Hmm... About a weather maybe?
And on Monday will be snow (;
Szeida9 Pa�dziernik 2009, 19:24
And on Monday will be snow (;
Really? Do you believe in it?
Oh, that's great! Jupi!
biedroneczka9 Pa�dziernik 2009, 22:06
Chemistry is great ;D I love this subject.
Of course! I didn't say it isn't, but those exercises are from higher level than mine (yet xD).
Snow? Really? I don't need to have snow next week, but I hope we'll be having snow for Christmas this year, because last year we didn't.
michasw10 Pa�dziernik 2009, 20:14
I feel the chemistry, between you and me.. ;D
I hate Chemistry I'm happy I haven't chemistry in my profile ;p and Biology too ;p
But in Maths I'm quite good
The weather today is awful, it's raining and cold -.- Weekend is ending tommorow so let's start the party ;D
Fruktoza10 Pa�dziernik 2009, 20:58
Really? Do you believe in it?
No, I don't believe in it ;p
biedroneczka, How many hours a week you have chemistry?
biedroneczka13 Pa�dziernik 2009, 15:34
biedroneczka, How many hours a week you have chemistry?
Three hours. ^^ I'd rather have more chemistry and less e.g. history (two lessons a week is too much! Definitely! xD) or no German, but it's not my decision... What a pity.
Fruktoza13 Pa�dziernik 2009, 15:58
Three hours. ^^ I'd rather have more chemistry and less e.g. history (two lessons a week is too much! Definitely! xD)
Me too
You don't write about German! This is a stupid language. We have a new teacher and a big conflict with her ;p
biedroneczka13 Pa�dziernik 2009, 20:40
You don't write about German! This is a stupid language.
Yes, it is... I can say only a little in German, although I've studied it for eleven years. -.-'
How nice - free day tomorrow! Great to have Day of National Education.
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