Wyniki wyszukiwana dla hasla Ko, Yen Purposed diagnostic criteria of Internet Addiction for adolescents Ko, Yen Purposed diagnostic criteria of Internet Addiction for adolescentsChak, Leung Shyness and Locus of Control as Predictors of Internet Addiction and Internet UseDemetrovics, Szeredi, Rozsa (2008) The tree factor model of internet addiction The development od tHeron, Shapira (2003) Time to log of New diagnostic criteria for problematic Internet useByun, Ruffini Internet Addiction Metasynthesis of 1996–2006 Quantitative ResearchUSE OF INTERNET FOR TERRORIST PURPOSESYoung Internet Addiction the emergence of a new clinical disorderBeard Internet addiction A review of current assessment techniques and potential assessment questioYoung Internet Addiction diagnosis and treatment considerationsGreat Architects of International Finance Endres 2005Impact of opiate addiction on n Nieznany Akin, Iskender (2011) Internet addiction and depression, anxiety and stressInternational Convention for the Safety of Life at SeaThe Language of Internet 8 The linguistic future of the InternetInternational Convention for the Safety of Life at SeaThe Language of Internet 6 The language of virtual worldsThe Language of Internet 5 The language of chatgroupsDiagnoza lekarska, MEDYCYNA O, INTERNA, interna(2)DIAGNOSTYKA HIPERKALCEMII, Medycyna, Interna, Endokrynologia (w tym diabetologia)The Language of Internet 2 The medium of NetspeakWybierz strone: {
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