Wyniki wyszukiwana dla hasla 201011211845
20101121 1 SYMPTOMS AND SIGNS Borland s Mcdical Dlctionary defincs ‘symptom’ as ‘any subjectivc evid
20101121 3 CASE-TAKING Taktog a, patKQt s history. which is tbc initial part of the dtMacal
20101121 7 gp Match the patients’ descriptions of thelr probloms włth tuHflbU technical terms from t
201011210 toComplete the foliowing sentences choosing suitable verbs frocn the box- Remem ber to us
201011211 ffYOCABULARYCOMMENT ON U8A0E Aches and Palni An ache U a continuom* uiuolly nor vlolent,
201011217 TRANSLATIONGive English terms for the following investigations. 1. Bada
201011219 COMMENT ON USAGE A drug ii a compound uscd to trcar diseasc, iitjury or pain. To trem mca
20101121 1 SYMPTOMS AND SIGNS Borland s Mcdical Dlctionary defincs ‘symptom’ as ‘any subjectivc evid
20101121 2 Explain briefly the meaning of each symptom, sign or abnormal condition, match thcm wlth
20101121 3 CASE-TAKING Taktog a, patKQt s history. which is tbc initial part of the dtMacal
20101121 7 gp Match the patients’ descriptions of thelr probloms włth tuHflbU technical terms from t
201011210 toComplete the foliowing sentences choosing suitable verbs frocn the box- Remem ber to us
201011211 ffYOCABULARYCOMMENT ON U8A0E Aches and Palni An ache U a continuom* uiuolly nor vlolent,
201011214 ||N^ Complete the sentences by filllng the gaps with the correct words or expressions fro
201011215 the corrosponcHng EnjHsh tcrms for łho followlng PollshWpmitent. 1. obRmaqi chorego
201011219 COMMENT ON USAGE A drug ii a compound uscd to trcar diseasc, iitjury or pain. To trem mca
201011212 the sentences to reconstruct the case report A, I U- had hepatilis A when he was l~ ycars
20101129 2525252528004 2525252529 D zakaz prowadzsnb pojazdów msctunicznych (od nowsta de wsMbaę D/
201011028 Hefco/vj V0^vhfQ<fOCJ Z c £q(q / rfa/jfectyth
201011029 /©^L/Zcl/o Voc3 o o/^ioJaAlU ClCp^t^W) * R eo(vj laJoY p i/opo vc
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