Wyniki wyszukiwana dla hasla 49978 IMGp49 (3) IMGP4963 Li-Fraumeni syndrome (criteria) Proband affected by sarcoma, brain tumor, breast cancer, oIMGP4969 Stroctaral orgmialioo of pS3 protein 1 8S tM 107 2IMGP4973 WORLCW1DE DISTRIBUTION OF CANCERS ANO pB3 MUTATJOM5 oemomo oountheo deyeloped couktoeb_ «_mIMGP4941 Suppressor gene RB1 (13ql4) p53 (17pl3) APC (5q21) WT-1 (11 p 13) NF-l (17qll> IMGP4969 Stroctaral orgmialioo of pS3 protein 1 8S tM 107 211674 IMGP4968 P 53 rhęJuMtotwf i hłinuirr iif ihe p53 protein wn dclirmlntd by i" t imrnlft «l11942 IMGp49 (4) 3 Ciąg dalszy protokołu przesłuchania świadka Artura Wernera / dnia 25.06.2014 r. p32606 IMGP4964 Li-Fraumeni syndrome * LFS is diagnosed in patients meeting established clinical crit83312 IMGP4959 Wilms’ tumour * The deveiopment of Wilms tumour u comples and is likely to invohc se83326 IMGP4963 Li-Fraumeni syndrome (criteria) Proband affected by sarcoma, brain tumor, breast can49978 IMG 29 (3) * s .20 0, h -4;M . 0 i o/d) iM2^l h - 1 fi AoIMGP4939 I No less than three family members >vith the dugiiosb of cancer, hvo of them nmst be flIMGP4944 Retinohlastoma 1 The incidence of retinohlastoma is rccorded to beabout 11 cases per millioIMGP4949 ss* 0»C«łCXl|IMGP4953 Retlnobl«atontii N»rvl>fl riM Hit pMtaM* fgtjrti rMfoobtAMomft • *nw mm i «tfMrK«d $P9$wIMGP4967 P 53 p53 plays multiple roles in cells. * Expression of high levels of wiIMGP4973 WORLCW1DE DISTRIBUTION OF CANCERS ANO pB3 MUTATJOM5 oemomo oountheo deyeloped couktoeb_ «_mIMGP4974 Li~Fraumeni syndrome * To dale, germlineCHEK2 mutations have been reported in only a few faIMGP49 (2) ocen szkolnych, zaniedbała wychowanie zespołu, zmniejszyła w sposób niepokojący liczbą zaIMGP49 (3) Oblodzenie powierzchni nośnych pta effect ofla build-ups on Ci and Cg tor a typical aarotWybierz strone: [
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