Wyniki wyszukiwana dla hasla 70783 Pick 20of 20The 20Litter 2006
Pick 20of 20The 20Litter 2017 Row 16: WHh MC— dec ftrst st. sc In next st. Joln CC
Pick 20of 20The 20Litter 2018 M-HOUND PUPPY-^€—M—M—M- ( MATERIALS: 4 ply worsłed wołght yom: b-3.5 o
Pick 20of 20The 20Litter 2021 Row 4: Row 14: front płeć© will be start ed ot thts point— sc in first
Pick 20of 20The 20Litter 2023 Rew11: sc ocross front piec© (7 $c). ch 3. sc ocross
Pick 20of 20The 20Litter 2024 Rew 33: scinflrst8sts.decrvextst.scinlast8sts (17 sc
Pick 20of 20The 20Litter 2026 Row 11: dec first st. sc In next 8 sts. dcc kist st
53154 Pick 20of 20The 20Litter 2012 Rows 4-5: Rows3-5: sdneostocross (10sc)Ch1. Tg
Pick 20of 20The 20Litter 2002 MBULLDOG PUPPYM—M—M—M MATtttAU: (Roqu*od for bulidog puppy onty) 4 pty
Pick 20of 20The 20Litter 2003 Row 17: Row18: scmfirsf2 sts. <3ecnortst.se miast
Pick 20of 20The 20Litter 2004 Rows 2-3 Row4: sc In ©o st oaoss (7 sc) Ch 1 Tum. docftat st.scinnoj(t
Pick 20of 20The 20Litter 2005 M-TERRIER PUPPY^€—M—M—M 4 pfy worsfod we-ght yom. V> - 3-5 Gray (MC
Pick 20of 20The 20Litter 2007 K LAB PUPPY M—M—M—M—M- Raw 4: 4 pV v«xjlod wotght yom. VW/4 oz Jke*n b
Pick 20of 20The 20Litter 2008 M-SPANIEL PUPPY M—M—K—Mr Rew 17 MATERIALS 4 pfy wcnfod weioht yom ^35
Pick 20of 20The 20Litter 2009 Row 4: dec first st.scinnext 18 sts. doc tost st. (2
Pick 20of 20The 20Litter 2010 Rows 36-47: sc Inoo $t ocross. (7 sc)Ch 1. Tum At end of row 47 breok
Pick 20of 20The 20Litter 2011 Bock orvd Front of Body: with light btuo ch 20. Follow pottem for girT
Pick 20of 20The 20Litter 2012 Rows 4-5: Rows3-5: sdneostocross (10sc)Ch1. TgmAt en
Pick 20of 20The 20Litter 2013 Rows 6-9; Join white yora sc in some st as jołnlngandin eastocross (l8
Pick 20of 20The 20Litter 2014 Rcws 9-1 Ot sc In ea st ocross (4 sc) Ch 1. Tum. 8reokortondfostenaten
Pick 20of 20The 20Litter 2015 Row 2 sc In first st. eh 1. sk 1 st. sc In next 2 sts. chl.skl st.scin
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