Wyniki wyszukiwana dla hasla 92 93 (16) 12ANALYSIS, TESTING JPRS-UMS-92-003 16 March 1992 UDC (548.5+537.311 ):621.315.5 [Abstract] InSb foiJPRS-UMS-92-003 16 March 1992ANALYSIS, TESTING 13 The Effect of a Free Surface on the Distribution o14ANALYSIS, TESTING JPRS-UMS-92-003 16 March 1992 composite materiał with consideration for the arbiJPRS-UMS-92-003 16 March 1992ANALYSIS, TESTING 15 of sequential loading, the amount of damage incurr16ANALYSIS, TESTING JPRS-UMS-92-003 16 March 1992 rcgarding determining K,a for ferrite steels may aJPRS-UMS-92-003 16 March 1992ANALYSIS, TESTING 17 on the curvcs plotted for the temperaturę dependen18ANALYSIS, TESTING JPRS-UMS-92-003 16 March 1992 composites tested herein. Specifically,JPRS-UMS-92-003 16 March 1992ANALYSIS, TESTING 19 structure of an aluminum target has on the distrib20COATINGS JPRS-UMS-92-003 16 March 1992 The High-Temperature Oxidation of a Composite Materiał ConsJPRS-UMS-92-003 16 March 1992COATINGS 21 a titanium surface that occur when it is subjected to laser22COATINGS JPRS-UMS-92-003 16 March 1992 the studies. Indcnter loads of 50 and 100 g were used. The JPRS-UMS-92-003 16 March 1992COATINGS 23 printed board. The researchers succeeded in producing Cu-Ni24COATINGS JPRS-UMS-92-003 16 March 1992 separated from the substrate. The crystalline lattice param26COMPOSITE MATERIALS JPRS-UMS-92-003 16 March 1992 Calculation of the Adhesion Characteristics of a28FERROUS METALS JPRS-UMS-92-003 16 March 1992 The Effect of Argon łon Channeling on the Sputtering JPRS-UMS-92-003 16 March 1992PREPARATIONS 33 Efficiency of the Absorption of Radiation Point Defects34PREPARATIONS JPRS-UMS-92-003 16 March 1992 V.G. Andreychenko, Odessa State University imeni I. MecJPRS-UMS-92-003 16 March 1992PREPARATIONS 35 Growing of Single Crystals of Cul and Its Certain36PREPARATIONS JPRS-UMS-92-003 16 March 1992 UDC 621.746.27.047 [AbstractJ A method to correct the t38TREATMENTS JPRS-UMS-92-003 16 March 1992 The Effect of Cycling on the Crack Formation of AusteniteWybierz strone: [
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