Wyniki wyszukiwana dla hasla APC 13 09 05 44 3 3d
APC 13 09 05 14 2 3d ♦ We use shall in questions when we are asking for suggestions or ins
APC 13 09 05 16 4 3d ♦ should/ought + present infinitive = I advise you to/You had better
APC 13 09 05 18 6 3d ♦ We use must to give strong advice. Compare the examples: e.g. You
APC 13 09 05 23 0 3d Expressions Similar to Modal Verbs ♦ Be supposed to + lnfinitive (= should
APC 13 09 05 33 4 3d e.g. The Austrian racing driver is likely to win the race. It is like
APC 13 09 05 41 9 3d c) I have to attend the meeting. (Someone else has&
APC 13 09 05 42 1 3d b) She didn t need to/didn t have to do the shopping as I had already don
APC 13 09 05 46 7 3d Expressing probability He ought to/should be in now. (He is probably in.)
APC 13 09 05 50 9 3d Asking for permission a) Can I ask you a question,
APC 13 09 05 56 4 3d Making requests a) Can/Will you explain this to me?
APC 13 09 05 58 7 3d Making suggestions a) Shall we visit Grandma this w
APC 13 09 05 06 0 3d IN OTHER WORDS The second sentence has a similar meaning to the first 
APC 13 09 05 17 0 3d 9 It wasrTt necessary for her to come early, but she did. have She ne
APC 13 09 05 51 7 3d The Passive - Have Something i Done The Forbidden City is situated in Ithe
APC 13 09 05 25 6 3d b) when the action itself is morę important than the person who carri
APC 13 09 05 27 8 3d c) when we refer to an unpleasant event and we do not want to say who
APC 13 09 05 35 6 3d ♦ We use by + agent to say who or what carries out the action. We use
APC 13 09 05 36 7 3d ♦ The agent is often omitted in the passive sentence when the subject
APC 13 09 05 38 8 3d But: The agent is not omitted when it is a specific or important pers
APC 13 09 05 21 1 3d ♦ We can also use have something done to say that something unpleasan
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