Wyniki wyszukiwana dla hasla REIDER PART 120 REIDER PART 1 24 12 Chapier 1__Terms and Technigues_ the appropriate joint against the force of gravREIDER PART 1 25 Chapter 1_Terms and Technigues 13 nerve compression or injury in the segment of theREIDER PART 1 26 14__Chaptkr 1 i Terms and Technigues Chapter 8, Cervical and Thoracic Spine, and ChREIDER PART 1 27 Chapter 1_Terms and Technigues 15 TABLE 1-1TAKE HOME POINTSPHYSICAL FINDINGS IN GENREIDER PART 1 28 18 .Chapter 2_Shoulder and Upper Arm Figurę 2-1. A-C, Anterior shoulder and upper aREIDER PART 1 29 Chapter 2_Shoulder and Upper Arm 19 Figurę 2-2. Fractured left clavicle. Figure 2-4REIDER PART 1 30 20_Chaptfr 2___Shoulder and Upper Arm whereas in others, it is hidden by adipose tiREIDER PART 1 31 Chapter 2_Shoulder and Upper Arm 21 Figurę 2-8. Type V acromiocłavicular joint injuREIDER PART 1 32 22_Chapter 2_Shoulder and Upper Arm This point of insertion, the deltoid tubercle, REIDER PART 1 34 24_Chapter 2_Shoulder and Upper Arm A Figurę 2-14. A, R, and C, Posterior aspect ofREIDER PART 1 35 Chapter 2_Shoulder and Upper Arm 25 on the supralateral corner of the scapula opposREIDER PART 1 36 26_Chapter 2_Shoulder and Upper Arm Figurę 2-16. A and B, Winged right scapula. subREIDER PART 1 37 Chaptek 2_Shouldcr and Upper Arm 27 Figurę 2-18. Prominent serratus anterior (arrowREIDER PART 1 38 28 Chapter 2_Shouldcr and Upper Arm Figurę 2-20. A and B, Medial aspect of the uppeREIDER PART 1 39 Chaptek 2_Shoulder and Upper Arm 292-1 • When the Patient Complains of Inability toREIDER PART 1 40 30 Chaptf.r 2_Shouldcr and Upper Arm humerał and scapulothoracic motion to shouldcrREIDER PART 1 41 Figurę 2-27. A and B, Active shoulder flexion. forward flexion, although very largeREIDER PART 1 42 32_Chapter 2 Shoulder and Upper Arm Figurę 2-28. Etfemal rotation at thc sidc. A, NREIDER PART 1 43 Chapter 2_Shoulder and Upper Arm 33 Apley scratch test. This is a complex motion, aREIDER PART 1 44 34 Chapter 2 Shoulder and Upper Arm D Figurę 2-31. Internal rotation with arm at siWybierz strone: [
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