Wyniki wyszukiwana dla hasla S5006668
S5006672 180 Marek Bednarek Fig. 1. Upper Silesia. Map of Celtlc sottloment. a — settlements,&n
S5006673 182 Marek Bednarek Flfl. 2. RoszowickJ Las. site no. 6. Hand-made pottery from the settleme
S5006674 The Celtic settlement microregion in the area near KrakówPaulina Poleska The opinion that t
S5006675 188 Paulina Pobska was believed to datę (Woźniak 1975; 1988:240; Rydzewski 1997. 273; Kublc
S5006677 i. Krato/ PtaKów 17-20. Solocłed La T*n. (Ind. (ram lho utllemenL 1-8 - Iron; 8-18 - branż.
S5006678 flnds from the so-called noard of Iron tools from the seWement. 1-8 -U-« iron, 7-8 pottery)
S5006679 Krato# Krzaka 4i Setecłed (Indsfróm the eettlement The deep change in the naturę of the cul
S5006680 Fig. 8. Kraków Krzestawice 41. Setected fmds from the settiemenL 1. 2. 9-14 — iron; 3-8 — b
S5006681 190 PmStm Pointa deer otanorts of oonanuabon. and n a rtiythm foRowing toe dynamics dl the
S5006682 192 nw>w 192 nw>w •wen a higher degree the areas o# the right bank of the Ve&*a R
S5006684 194 Paulina Poleska ISngs der Bemsteinstrasse (zwischen CaputAdrlae und den Ostseegebieten)
S5006685 A Late La Tóne inhumation grave from Pełczyska:Comments on the cultural situation in the up
S5006686 ** ftferorr Raano* ia : #rjf- rttjfTitocr tarr =tay»:e 2 sr ca a r to toC *Lm*arnnc tf7 fM
S5006687 m youręer n»ftwr poncc • fcas to be notod liowm. M «sr> smtor torms mm ateo tound m gum
S5006688 Fig. 3. Raczyła srte6 Ran of Rg. 4. Pełczyska. site6 Ran of grsve No. 9 g
S5006689 3 arrangmg the bodaa wat nol ubiguitous. it predommatet in both 8iwa ara) Kidawa fUHotna 19
S5006690 a urn im Te* mracr gmm Ton r*g)M WfifOfiW rrctoMfifirftw 291 wftr- ragwefafieorewMor
S5006691 202 Marcin Rudnicki lbconc)ucte.somefurther obsenrationsmaybeadded owwjmng the contaxt of t
S5006692 204 Morda Rudnicki lndexes: Wldth — fength 65.2 Helght-length
S5006693 Celtic grey pottery from Poland: thrown or not thrown? Halina Dobrzańska and Jan
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