Wyniki wyszukiwana dla hasla aftai2 aftai2 OPAL KOBOI CASE FILE: 210764 CASE OFFICER: Wing Commander Vinyśya CASE TYPE: Missing Person aftai6 I bring the {huttle into Aock. We re fifty meter{ I yee the lock in the MuA Boy s eye$ when aftai7 Same friends of minę are coming to visit you and I want you to take their picture. It saftai9 "Bucler, be careful. 8ee how his irises are jagged. He s been mesmerized. He s followinaftai1 CHAPTER 7: I shouldrit sai] anythint). Thesooner this side ofthe baryain is completed, the&naftai2 "Ex-KG8, now working For Che Mafiya. The ofFicial Cerm An enforcer. "His bossaftai6 "But: boss, Fowl won c be here For a couple of days ac che earliesc. Po we have Coaftai8 / t)o over the plan. The firststaqe is sirnplicit] itself. We setup a surveil/ance postnear aftai2 "Thae is. The Wayak Chemical train. Transport; oraniem and plotonium Waste. One draftai4 The actual combatis bestleftto Butler and people Hke him. But Butler isn t here to take aftai6 GENERAL SCALĘNEr DOCUMENTS RECOVERED FROM THE UPSTAIRS OF THE SECOND SKIN NIGHTCLUB, Aaftai7 "Sir, LEP forensics has sent over the results of the laser brushing of the goblin shuttaftai9 / exj>ect yaryantuan doses ofstiffness and fam, but instead / fee! fme. Itmustbe fairy maaftai0 r THERE S 5TILU ^ TIME. WE CAN S/WE THE FINDER. WHAT ABOJT V THE RITLWL? ^ HOW Caftai1 ^ NO PLASMA PEFENSES. NO YOIĆE-v AOWATFP LASER. * you ~ REALLY ARE SLIPPINO, k FOALY. &aftai2 We have to cjetthe acom into the earth. And <*]£ have to do itnohj. STAW BACK. ^ I CAN T aftai3 m For once, / lose my composure. r HOllY, SPBAK TO tAB. ARB YOU V OKAY? >aftai5 Captain "Trouble" Kelp-LEP Patrol Report 23.56.22 Location: Downtown Haven Luckilyaftai0 "Goblins emerging from every dark shadow, armed and Chirsty for blood. "Soffcnose aftai2 SYNOPSIS: LIST ■ę-tr-r*- olC!- A&ro * Ac-n>£ssWybierz strone: [
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