Wyniki wyszukiwana dla hasla let's cut paper16
let s cut paper09 □Let’s Go Hiking! To parents Plis cxorcise is morę complścaicd than the prcvio«is
let s cut paper23 Gone Fishing To paronts Kocouragc yotir chiW lo cut curv« sJowly jm<l mcji tlił
let s cut paper25 m He Ate What? To parents Hełp your chikł opcn aiul clow tlw adsaors wilh short st
let s cut paper28 Hiss! To paroot# In this ewtdw. your child nwK to hołd thc popcr aitd tum it whilr
let s cut paper29 Peel the Apple To parents In Ihis excrriso. your child needs to hołd thc papcr and
let s cut paper30 What Am I? To paronts II your cliilil Hccnts to bo havinK <lilBcuUy. [ilt-jso t
let s cut paper32 Turn Your Frown Upside Down To poronts S l«-n your chikl has succossfully stoi^-d
let s cut paper33 Bounce, Bounce! To paronts SUrting with thi* page. your chlld will CUt oui familia
let s cut paper35 Beep Beep To parenłs 11 your child i» cutting o(f ihc lino and (wra to bo culting
let s cut paper38 Rabbit To parenla Włicn your child has successfuHy cut om the rabbit. you <an m
let s cut paper02 Meow! To parents Kncouragc your child to practico opening and dosing thc sciwors.
let s cut paper00 How to use this book ’Keła mul rnjov.f Kumon’s First Steps Workbooks are designed
let s cut paper01 Woof! To parents Your child will practkc cutting short lim-s with one Słrokc. Firs
let s cut paper03 Growl! To parents It is okay il your cłuld cuts off tho lino or cuts mx-vnily. The
let s cut paper04 D Vroom! To paronts Krom ihń pogc on. your chiłd will |x:h (k i- openfatK and cłos
let s cut paper08 Tug-of-War! To parenta Ask if your child wanta to cut the p«Rr out of Ihr book by
let s cut paper23 Gone Fishing To paronts Kocouragc yotir chiW lo cut curv« sJowly jm<l mcji tlił
let s cut paper24 Neigh! To parents In ihis excrcise. thc cunins Hnc i« RrttinR moce difficult. Whco
let s cut paper28 Hiss! To paroot# In this ewtdw. your child nwK to hołd thc popcr aitd tum it whilr
let s cut paper29 Peel the Apple To parents In Ihis excrriso. your child needs to hołd thc papcr and
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