Wyniki wyszukiwana dla hasla verbs 2
File0041 THIS UNIT INCLUDES • •• Vocabulary • shops • verbs: shopping and money • special occasions
File0051 I imn dtscribt electronic deńces. THIS UNIT INCLUDES Vocabutary • electronic devices • phra
functions of modal verbs Functions of Modal Verbs • obligation/duty/necessity a. &
Z < o E UJ 5’ Illillintiliillililfifiilliliil i5 IRREGULAR VERBS port lei pło InłłnltJy®
17 Study lists17A The past tense of certain verbs (with past participle) Notę: These are the verbs u
Grammar 1 Complete the sentences with the correct present form of the verbs in brackets. 1
I jomsoModa! Verbs Czasowniki modaine Dianę Hall • Mark Foley Biblioteka Uniwersytecko w
tEnglish grammar - VERBS to be + ing (PRESENT CONTINUOUS) Spelling guide for forming gerund (present
Irregular verbs be was been być bear borę bom(e) rodzić beat beat beaten bić become
Verbs II Across1. I_up al 6 AM. 2. I am cyoincj io_a 4._up. 7. L
verbs I Ve4s
Verbs using your hands Verbs : Using your hands A} Match the verbs in the box with the pictures. 1.
Ways of Looking Ways of Looking Put each of the following verbs in its correct place in the sentence
CSG022 11 The Present Tense of Regular Verbs, Irregular Verbs, and Verbs with Spelling Changes ser
cw0004 UIMł I I -* UKANOSmmmm □ Tick the ten verbs which are not normally found in continuoiis forms
Czasowniki nieregularne 2 ENGLISH IRREGULAR VERBS beat /bi:t/ beat /bi:t/ beaten / bi:tn/ bić bec
70017 img021 (23) TeaifiworkVocabufary Many nouns can be formed by adding suffixes (e.g. -ation an
verbs 1 | Przypisy Workspace - verbs.gv.-b, strona 1/2 (powiększenie 100%) I— O p vtop to do
verbs 2 | Przypisy Workspace - verbs.gwb, strona 2/2 (powiększenie 100%) ej a Hf (§1 “1P ^yO^rOt “&
My name: dass: > CLessons 1-10 Vocabulary 1 Complete the sentences wtth verbs from the box.
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