Wyniki wyszukiwana dla hasla 70303 mbs 017 mbs 092 MY BREATHINTt SYSTEM EXERCISE No. 4. Fuli breathing during arm-raising to thc front and lowembs 094 MY HREATHINT, SYSTEM EXERCISE No. 5. Fuli breathing during backward and forward leaning of tmbs 096 MY BRF.ATHIYG SYSTEM EXERCISE No. 6. Alternate one-sided deep exhalation during side-bendingmbs 098 MY BREATHINT. SYSTEM EXERCISE No. 7. Fuli breathing during twisting and leaning to alternatembs 100 MY BRKATHING SYSTEM EXERCISE No. 8. Fuli breathing during arm-raising sideways and subsecjuembs 102 MY BREATHING SYSTEM EXERCISE No. 9. Special abdominal breathing, combined with movement of tmbs 104 !ji. II 1 oKUI I r l*«»!loK AlłlHiMIN.M. I IIAI MION | |(.mbs 105 PART III.CHAPTER I HINTS FOR ATHLETES So many Knglish atliletes freąuently incur trouble witmbs 106 MY BREATHING SYSTEM almost unknown and where tlie influence of fashion is so powerful. Of combs 107 MY HRKATHLYC. SYSTKM If you can run the last bit without breathing at all, so much thc bet tmbs 108 MY UKKATIIING SYSTEM cther etfective exercises, are, thereforc, still morę appropriate here.mbs 109 MY BREATHING SYSTEM ice, in nice, fresh air frce from dust. Secondly, the rhythm of the movembs 110 MY BREATHING SYSTEM and decply while ducking, bending, crouching, side-stepping, and during mbs 111 MY BREATHING SYSTEM practised until it can be periormcd unconsciously. I havc never seen thimbs 112 MY BREATIIING SYSTEM muscles while in-figliting, and lie also admitted that they had bcen qumbs 113 MY BREATHING SYSTEM diaphragmatic breathing during voluntary contraction. It should be done mbs 114 MY BRKATHIN<» SYST1CM morę nccessary ihat wlicn notin the water swimnieis should actjuircmbs 116 MY BRF.ATHING SYSTEM featliering) will, in most cases, last j ust as long as two strides (onmbs 117 MY BREATHING SYSTEM six strokes, with the result that bcfore lialt a minutę had passed, tkeymbs 118 MY BKEATHING SYSTEM to set u rathcr quick strokc, putting a little morę than lmlf power intoWybierz strone: [
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