Wyniki wyszukiwana dla hasla 33253 S5006693
S5006693 Celtic grey pottery from Poland: thrown or not thrown? Halina Dobrzańska and Jan
S5006694 208 Halina Dobrzańska and Jan Piekarczyk Additionaliy. for comparatiye analytical purposes
S5006697 Fig. 6. Flne grey vessel fragment from Radlowlce Ultrasound wave veloclty wlth standar
S5006698 3000VL50010d [mm]5 10 15 Nr
S5006699 210 Heine Dotnahrtm end Jen nekeruj* employed to the producSon of Roman period poOery. base
S5006653 Copyright © by the Instttut* of Archaaology and Ethnology of tho Pollsh Acodemy of Sciences
S5006684 194 Paulina Poleska ISngs der Bemsteinstrasse (zwischen CaputAdrlae und den Ostseegebieten)
S5006685 A Late La Tóne inhumation grave from Pełczyska:Comments on the cultural situation in the up
S5006692 204 Morda Rudnicki lndexes: Wldth — fength 65.2 Helght-length
41179 S5006679 Krato# Krzaka 4i Setecłed (Indsfróm the eettlement The deep change in the naturę of t
42480 S5006664 164 MachJ Karwowski (Flgs 1. 3a-b). Bracelets of Group 15 aro usuałły fairty massive
21724 S5006680 Fig. 8. Kraków Krzestawice 41. Setected fmds from the settiemenL 1. 2. 9-14 — iron; 3
Nr 1/1952 WIADOMOŚCI URZĘDU PATENTOWEGO49 33253. 27.12 1951. Jan Ghich, robotnik.
S5006651 ■ .... - i
S5006652 ARGINON THEStudies in European Cultural Interaction 7th Century BC - 1 st Century AD D
S5006653 Copyright © by the Instttut* of Archaaology and Ethnology of tho Pollsh Acodemy of Sciences
S5006654 JULU EMILOV, Changlng paradlgms: Modern Intarprotatłona of Caltlc ralds In Thrac*
S5006655 Professor Zenon Woźniak with his wife surrounded by his former students Sitting (from the l
S5006657 10 B&tography af Zenon Woźniak 22. Wynid badań w Mogfte (Nowa Hula),
S5006671 180 Marek Bednarek 180 Marek Bednarek i Fig. 1. Upper Silesia. Map of Ceitic setflement&nbs
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