Wyniki wyszukiwana dla hasla Crochet Borders)6 Crochet Borders9 times, insert hook irrto same stitch or space and puli up a loop, (yarn over, puliCrochet Borders0 #2 Base md, each side: Multiple of 4 + 3 + comer sts. Begin 2 sts to left of comerCrochet Borders2 #3STrrCHES & NOTES Partial dc: Yam over, insert hook into stiteh or space indiCrochet Borders4 #4 Base md, each side: Multiple of 6 + 5 + corner sts. Begin 6 sts to leftof comerCrochet Borders6 #5STrrCHES & NOTES Partial dc: Yam over, insert hook into stiteh or space indiCrochet Borders8 #6STrrCHES & NOTES BPsc: Insert hook from backto front to back around post of Crochet Borders0 #7STITCHES & NOTES Make Corkscrew: Ch 18, tum, 3 dc in 4th ch from hook and inCrochet Borders3 #8 Base md, each side: Multiple of 3 + 2 + comer sts. Begin 3 sts to left of comerCrochet Borders5 #9STrrCHES & NOTES Crossed tr Skip 1 st tr in next st worki ng behind pneviousCrochet Borders6 1, skip 1 st, [sc in next ch-1 space**, ch 1, skip 1 st] to comer c(vspace, (sc, cCrochet Borders8 #10STrrCHES & NOTES Popcorn: Make 5 dc in 1 stitch or space, drop loop from hoCrochet Borders0 #11STrrCHES & NOTES Dc4tog: Yarn over, insert hook into stitoh or space indicaCrochet Borders1 Rnd 4: Ch 1, sc in first cluster, *Spike sc in md below next 3 słs**, [sc in next Crochet Borders2 #12 Base md, each side: Multiple of 8 + 7 + comer sts. Begin 8 sts to left of comeCrochet Borders3 Rnd 2: Ch 1, sc in same st, (4 dc, ch 1,4 dc) in next ch-space, *[sc in nexttr, (4Crochet Borders6 #13STrrCHES & NOTES Picot-3: Ch3, slip stin3rd chainfrom hook. Baae md, each sCrochet Borders8 #14 Base md, each side: Multiple of 6 + 5 + corner sts. Begi n 2 sts to left of coCrochet Borders9 OOBBBRP-ŁSrnTrninTnir7!/ MQltipleof6-ł-‘ TTI n v i nr TTI Hll +++!+ + + +Crochet Borders0 #15STITCHES & NOTES Make Scallop: Skip 2 słs, dc in next st to form scallop baCrochet Borders2 #16STITCHES & NOTES Dch: Ch 1, insert hook into bump on back of Chain just madWybierz strone: [
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