Wyniki wyszukiwana dla hasla Lesson4 p152 SAVE0306 Attention!Lesson 16Describing something that is happening now I Spójrz na poniższe znaki. CSAVE0310 Attention!Lesson 18 ^ ow.i ring, phone WOR.D POWER. or;v,ca" ■ -telefoniczny. Sce GramSAVE0317 LESSON 1 Asking about past events (1) Pytanie o wydarzenia z przeszłości (1) LESSON 2 AskiSAVE0340 Stage 6 Lesson 10Check your progress Niniejsza lekcja pozwala przećwiczyć i utrwalić poznanSAVE0358 iReporting what people say (2)Tell me about it Lesson 17 Czy pamiętasz, jak w języku angielSAVE0364 Stage 6 Lesson 20Check your progress Niniejsza lekcja pozwala przećwiczyć i utrwalić poznanpage5 LESSON 3 UNIT 5 7 Let’s sirig! thirły-five35t-y1 ? 0 My /ather’s a policeman, His name is P.C.pagea LESSON 3 UNIT 9 watching TV? watch TV read a book eat a burger wash the dishes page? LESSON 1 UNIT 135 Look at the pictures. Ask and answer, then write. Not many! A lot! How many SAVE0198 Shopping lessonl5Checking out I Czy zawsze uważnie sprawdzasz swoje rachunki? I>pairz naSAVE0252 People watching Lesson17Multi-word verbs I Posłuchaj nagrania i dopasuj sytuacje do usłyszaSAVE0306 Attention!Lesson 16Describing something that is happening now I Spójrz na poniższe znaki. CSAVE0310 Attention!Lesson 18 ^ ow.i ring, phone WOR.D POWER. or;v,ca" ■ -telefoniczny. Sce GramSAVE0358 iReporting what people say (2)Tell me about it Lesson 17 Czy pamiętasz, jak w języku angielskanowanie0043 (8) could re-teach the lesson, how well the teacher feels s/he performed as an EFL teK Gembska storytelling2 Word list: Tom, Robert, Mikę, cat, bad, sad, mad, spots, said, to, you, dirtskanowanie0042 (10) the preparation of lesson plans can be very helpful. Especially, if this knowledskanowanie0043 (8) could re-teach the lesson, how well the teacher feels s/he performed as an EFL teskanowanie0069 (3) 11.3.6. Criteria forselection Teacher usually has to decide what words will be tajow06 04 ElUlntte Torcleos nunbora 1 and 2 of Pirat Loason, and nuobero 10 and 11 of your Ihlrd leWybierz strone: [
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