Wyniki wyszukiwana dla hasla REIDER PART 215 REIDER PART 2 37 Chapter 5_Pelvis, Hip, and Thigh 197 Figurę 5-63. Lateral pclvic compression test. REIDER PART 2 38 198_Chapter 5_Pelvis, Hip, and Thigh Figurę 5-66. Fulcrum test. Trendelenburg#s TesREIDER PART 2 39 C D Figurę 5-67, cont d. C, Abnormal, with drooping pelvis. D, AbREIDER PART 2 40 200_Chapter 5_Pelvis, Hip, and ThighTAKE HOME POINTS 1. What the REIDER PART 2 41 Bruce ReiderKnee The largest joint in the body, thc knee has been the sub-ject of iREIDER PART 2 43 Figurę 6-2. Knees of an obese individuai. Knee 203 Chaptf.r 6 Figurę 6-4. Patella mREIDER PART 2 44 204 Chapter 6 Knee Figurę 6-6. Appearance of the anterior aspect of the knee with tREIDER PART 2 45 Chapter 6 Knee 205 Chapter 6 Knee 205 Figurę 6-9. A, B, and C, Medial aspect of theREIDER PART 2 46 206_Chapter 6_Knee Lateral and slightly proximal to the tibial tubercle is anothcr REIDER PART 2 47 Chapter 6 _Knec 207 Figurę 6-11. A, B, and C, Lateral aspect of tREIDER PART 2 48 208 Chapter 6_Knce 208 Chapter 6_Knce Figurę 6-12. Latcral collateral ligament scenREIDER PART 2 49 Chapter 6 Knee 209 Figurę 6-15. Posterior aspect of the knee. the foot off the tablREIDER PART 2 51 Charter 6 Knee 211 Standing Limb Alignment Standing knee alignment is probably moręREIDER PART 2 52 212_Charter 6_Knee_ morę severe varus, the angle formed by thc femur and tibia in tREIDER PART 2 53 anatomie variants that producc either in-facing patellae or lateral displacement ofREIDER PART 2 54 214 Chapteró Knee 214 Chapteró Knee6-2 • W hen the Patie nt Complains of Giving WayREIDER PART 2 56 216 Chapter 6__Kncc_ involved limb, when the knee is thrust into both varus and hypREIDER PART 2 57 Chaptek 6 Knee 217 passive extension. Normally, the knees should extcnd at least toREIDER PART 2 58 218_Chapter 6_Knce Figurę 6-29. Active knee flexion. A, Fuli. B, Restricted {arrowiREIDER PART 2 59 6-3 • When the Patient Complains of Swelling—Cont d ACL TEAR Patellar tendinitis Wybierz strone: [
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