Wyniki wyszukiwana dla hasla S5003142
S5003152 wooden tubę bettew wsłvtsSmetting and meltingfacititiot ot tłroncc Ago Kit don (hrecti
S5003153 165 ■ tter« was a fcaap of roasted ore, domestic hearths, and a maże of M ralatlig to tncil
S5003154 166 1. la che first place there ara smali, so-called random slag pjt# . are scattered among
S5003155 charged at the top with beech and plna charcoal ln the ratlo of 1:2 and with roasted and sl
S5003156 170 Fig. i Stara Słupia sneltlng site. The remains consist of slag pits arranged in paralle
S5003157 Fig. 1 Stara Słupia smelting site. The remains consist f " arranged in parallel rows w
S5003158 04* * CO Al JPONOĆ Fig. p The experlmental smelting scheme for a furnace wlth an Induccc! d
S5003160 176 Platę 2 The microstructure of iron sponge. Nodules of ferritic iron surrounded by oxide
73001 S5003155 charged at the top with beech and plna charcoal ln the ratlo of 1:2 and with roasted
43749 S5003148 36 time of the alpine orogeny. Aa we 11 aa cha silver chla dapoalc contalna •ora chan
S5003143 26 possible machaniem for the format can ba «nvlsag®d us ih® formatlon ot surface apele® wh
S5003155 charged at the top with beech and plna charcoal ln the ratlo of 1:2 and with roasted and sl
56754 S5003131 8 Experlments with the larger shaft furnace were still unaucceaaful even after using
15605 S5003130 6 f rom the fire to pour th* mol eon copper into a mould. The product, a cast har ing
70682 S5003157 Fig. 1 Stara Słupia smelting site. The remains consist f " arranged in parallel
74162 S5003133 12 Table: Results of cupellatlon experiments Charge Product (melted
82965 S5003142 enrlched In iron oxide by the oxldation of the orlgiual copper-iron aulphlde with the
51148 S5003129 4 1B a boat la a furnace by a fIow of gas of controlled composltlon. Experimental sme
S5003124 BRITISH MUSHUM Occasional Paper 48Furnaces and Smelting Technology in Antiąuity edited
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