Wyniki wyszukiwana dla hasla TME&7
14187 TME$5 Red SkullThe itiosl dangerous of all Nazi ageuls Johann Shniidt was bom in a German vill
15380 TME6 Arcade tmc* md ft*cx**V KjtlrwppcO th* Thmg aritl fi roornkj ot party
16080 TME 9 Agent X FIRST APPEARANCE Ager* X »1 (Sftmtm :Xi HI AL NAM f MfO |aka Ami HeydWJ OCC
18552 TME7 O BANNER, BeTTY see oppositeBalder the Braye Prophecy łins it chat thc dcath ot" No
20691 TME6 LifeguardLilithLipscombe, Dr. Angela FIRST APPEARANCE X Trem® X-Men *6 (D®c®mber 2001) R
21299 TME#9 l 1 j 30 Br.ii- ■ 1_śwSiww INCREDI BLE H ULK #388 (1991) The Hulk leams that ooe of
64988 TME 4 Goddoas BASE Aagard. otherworfdty home o( the Norsogods EnchantressEnchantress One of th
65213 TME7 Drakę, Frank w Dragon Man I W f Dragon of the Moon FIRST APPEARANCE *nb of Dncula V
66743 TME3 Forge The Native American who bccamc known as Forge was not only trained in mystic
66783 TME3 M ACHINESMITH FIRST APPEARANCE Marvet Two-ln-One H47 (January 1979) REAL NAME Samuel &qu
69081 TME9 cn K UJo:UJI H< O factfile MAIN MEMBERS AND PO WE RSGatherers AGenesis PROCTOR Tetepo
69464 TME8 Hawkeye Ili FACTFILE REAL NAME Cl nton "Cimt Barton Super Hero; Avengers member Man
69561 TME&4 She-T hing The daughter of a carccr oiliccr in the US Anny, Sharon Vcntura worked m yari
69964 TME7 GAMORAGaea FIRST APPEA RANCE Ooctor Siranp •« (Ttonmy 1975) REALNAME G*o.> OCCUPATION
72675 TME)7 Tanaka, Kenjiro FIRST APPEARANCE Ouasar *5 (December 1989) REAL NAME Kenjiro Tanaka OCCU
76332 TME 6 Eternity FIRST APPEARANCE Strange T.:-% *138 ;Nov*mb*r 1966i REAL NAME Ineppfccal*? .1 •
77610 TME0 Genoshans FIRST APPEARANCE i ncanny X-M«c *235 (Octooe* 1968} BASE Th* otond ot Gonosha.
78115 TME2 FIRST APPtAMANCI N*w M*«} (Marcu t«M) MALNAME Oougt** R*r*#y OCCUPATION Sludml BAK
78165 TME8 FIRST APPEARANCE Fantastic Four #20 (November 1963) Montesi, Victoria REAL NAME Owen Roe
79176 TME5 Domino FIRST APPEARANCE X-Fo-„. lv i; REAL NAMC Naena Thurman (many nc
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