Wyniki wyszukiwana dla hasla 33253 S5006693
S5006672 180 Marek Bednarek Fig. 1. Upper Silesia. Map of Celtlc sottloment. a — settlements,&n
S5006677 i. Krato/ PtaKów 17-20. Solocłed La T*n. (Ind. (ram lho utllemenL 1-8 - Iron; 8-18 - branż.
S5006679 Krato# Krzaka 4i Setecłed (Indsfróm the eettlement The deep change in the naturę of the cul
S5006680 Fig. 8. Kraków Krzestawice 41. Setected fmds from the settiemenL 1. 2. 9-14 — iron; 3-8 — b
S5006688 Fig. 3. Raczyła srte6 Ran of Rg. 4. Pełczyska. site6 Ran of grsve No. 9 g
S5006689 3 arrangmg the bodaa wat nol ubiguitous. it predommatet in both 8iwa ara) Kidawa fUHotna 19
S5006694 208 Halina Dobrzańska and Jan Piekarczyk Additionaliy. for comparatiye analytical purposes
45073 S5006658 Blbllography of Zenon Wożniak 11 Blbllography of Zenon Wożniak 11 58. &nb
S5006656 Bibliography of Zenon Woźniak Abbreviat>ons AAC Ada Arcbaeołagsca Carps&wca Arc
S5006667 166 Mactoj Karwowski The remaining face-beads come from territories out-side that of La Tón
S5006669 170 Madej Karwowski ĆIMBULEVA Z. 1964; Novoołkrtta elinlstlCaska grobnltsa 61 Ne$eb r. Arkh
S5006670 La Tene settlement in Upper Silesia:An outline Marek Bednarek At the beginning of the Earty
S5006673 182 Marek Bednarek Flfl. 2. RoszowickJ Las. site no. 6. Hand-made pottery from the settleme
S5006687 m youręer n»ftwr poncc • fcas to be notod liowm. M «sr> smtor torms mm ateo tound m gum
S5006691 202 Marcin Rudnicki lbconc)ucte.somefurther obsenrationsmaybeadded owwjmng the contaxt of t
25406 S5006660 Blbllography of Zenon Wożniak 13 Produktivkr8fte und Gesellschaftformationen in vor-k
72206 S5006678 flnds from the so-called noard of Iron tools from the seWement. 1-8 -U-« iron, 7-8 po
76229 S5006672 180 Marek Bednarek Fig. 1. Upper Silesia. Map of Celtlc sottloment. a — settleme
25406 S5006660 Blbllography of Zenon Wożniak 13 Produktivkr8fte und Gesellschaftformationen in vor-k
86521 S5006698 3000VL50010d [mm]5 10 15 Nr
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